Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【アルファフライ】厚底シューズの凄さとは / What's So Great About Alphafly Thick Soled Shoes?

※English follows.




  • 参加者総数を例年より制限し、フルマラソンへの参加基準引き上げ
  • 公道の利用を取りやめ、長居公園周回コースに(1周約3kmのコースを14周)
  • 海外招待選手見送りに伴う特例措置として男性選手がペースメーカーに


大阪国際女子マラソン - Wikipedia


マラソン一山、東京五輪へ収穫「速いペースを経験できたのはいい刺激」…大阪国際女子マラソン優勝から一夜明け (1/2ページ) - スポーツ - SANSPO.COM(サンスポ)




  • 【アルファフライ】厚底シューズの凄さとは
  • Monthly Report_2021/1
  • タイムトライル_辛いのが分かってるから逃げがちなあなたへ



これで私も名実ともに厚底ランナーだ(なんか色々言ってることおかしい?)。上述のTwitterでも一部述べているのだが、結論自分にはややToo muchなシューズかもしれない。以下レビュー。

  1. もうね、ソールの分厚さがものすごい。39.5ミリは世界陸連の新規則40ミリをギリギリクリアしているという。というかこのルール策定にNIKE関わってるよね、絶対に。
  2. そして反発力がものすごい。一度スピードに乗るとぐいぐい進む。心肺の体感的には15秒/kmくらい普通のシューズ比で違う
  3. 最後に、足裏への衝撃がものすごい。足裏前部のエアポッズのせいなのかな。これ履いてフルマラソンの距離は自分の脚力ではもたないかもしれない。この負担にみんな耐えられるのかね。










Monthly Report_2021/1


  • 2021年初月は264kmでフィニッシュ。年始は5000mを19分カット。30K走もしっかりこなすことができた。そう、なかなか幸先の良い始まりであった。
  • 一方で、月の後半は今一つ良い練習ができなかった。練習頻度と運動強度を上げれば身体のどこかを痛め、練習負荷を緩めると心肺機能が低下するという・・・試行錯誤しているうちに1か月が終わってしまった。
  • 3月月初にフルマラソンにエントリーした。なので、2月はそのレースに向けてメリハリをつけて練習をこなしていく所存。また月中で5000mのタイムトライアル(M×Kディスタンス)とハーフマラソン(北千住ヤースマラソン2021冬)にエントリーしているので、しっかり身体を作り上げていきたい。


  • この方も私より年上なのにサブスリーランナー。本当にすごいなあ。サブスリーしてるランナーはやっぱりスピード練習をしっかりしている。私もそうだが、スピード練習から逃げがちな人にはぜひ観てもらえると。モチベーションが上がると思う。
  • タイムトライアルは、自身の走力を確認することが目的であるわけだが、①大きい動きを意識、②フォームを意識、③マネジメント の3点を意識するとより効果が上がります というお話。
  • あとは走る前のストレッチとウォーミングアップを念入りにやっているのは参考になりました(なんと200mダッシュ×5本も走ってるw)。






Hello everyone!


Yesterday, the 40th Osaka International Women's Marathon was held. As is well known, this is a historic event designated as a selection race for the Olympics and World Athletics for women elite runners. However, as usual, due to the impact of the Corona disaster

  • The total number of participants was restricted from previous years, and the participation criteria for the full marathon was raised.
  • The use of public roads was cancelled and the course was changed to a circuit of Nagai Park (14 laps of a 3km course).
  • As a special measure to avoid inviting overseas runners, male runners will serve as pacemakers.

As a special measure, a male runner became the pacemaker. For more details, please refer to the following Wikipedia page.

大阪国際女子マラソン - Wikipedia

In the end, Mao Ichiyama, a member of the Tokyo Olympic team, won the race. She was pulled along by her pacemakers Yuki Kawauchi and Yuji Iwata, and tried to break the Japanese record, but came up short. Although he set a new record, it was a frustrating race for him.

マラソン一山、東京五輪へ収穫「速いペースを経験できたのはいい刺激」…大阪国際女子マラソン優勝から一夜明け (1/2ページ) - スポーツ - SANSPO.COM(サンスポ)

As you can see, despite the success of the Olympic representative, a big record was actually set.

 At the age of 62, she set a world record of 2 hours, 52 minutes and 13 seconds. This is a world record for women's marathoners in their 60s or older. She's a high school teacher who has been running 1km x 15 intervals every week for the past six months... I sometimes feel like saying, "I'm getting old, too," when my race time stops improving. It doesn't matter what gender or age you are. Now, let's practice!

Today's Contents

  • What's So Great About Alphafly Thick Soled Shoes?
  • Monthly Report_2021/1
  • Time Trial _ For those of you who tend to run away because you know it's hard

What's So Great About Alphafly Thick Soled Shoes?

I finally bought a pair of Alphaflys. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

Now I'm a runner with thick soles, both in name and reality. (What am I saying? As I mentioned on Twitter above, these shoes may be a little too much for me. Here is my review.

  • The 39.5 mm sole just barely meets the new World Athletic Federation rule of 40 mm. The 39.5 millimeters just barely meets the new World Athletic Federation rule of 40 millimeters, and I'm pretty sure NIKE is involved in making this rule.
  • And the resilience is incredible. Once you get up to speed, you can go fast. In terms of cardiopulmonary sensation, the difference is about 15 seconds/km compared to normal shoes.
  • Lastly, the impact on the sole of the foot is incredible. I wonder if it's because of the air pods in the front of the foot. I don't know if my legs are strong enough to run a full marathon in these shoes. I wonder if everyone can bear this burden.

The third thing I wrote about, the "shock to the sole," was really intense. Instead of feeling the rebound from the ground, I felt as if the shoe was exploding every time the sole hit the ground. It's as if the sole of your foot is going numb as you run...and the sound of your footsteps accompanies the impact. With regular shoes, the sound of your footsteps is like "clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter. It's like you're not kicking a sandbag.

But still. I've only run 30 kilometers, and a pair costs 33,000 yen. There's no doubt that they are the fastest shoes in the world at this point, and the fact that I can't wear them is a sign that I'm not good enough. On the other hand, I would like to calmly assess whether or not these shoes are suitable for my running style without getting too carried away. In the Hakone Ekiden, the ratio of Alpha Fly to Vapor Fly is about half and half, and former Japanese record holder Yuta Shitara is also a Vapor Fly runner.

I've heard this story from Masakazu Fujiwara, the relay race coach at Chuo University, who has a uniform contract with Nike.

I think the Alpha Fly is a shoe that doesn't have as wide a sweet spot as the Vapor Fly, so I get the impression that not many players can master it. But if you can master it, you will gain a lot. On the other hand, I think that Viperfly is universally accepted, or rather, it is easy for many players to use.

From these comments, you can see that Alpha Fly is a shoe that chooses its wearer. Also, NIKE's thick-soled shoes, whether Vaporfly or Alphafly, are much more expensive than regular running shoes, making it difficult to wear them in practice. As a result, you may end up going into a race without fully understanding your running style and compatibility. And

 If Soka University's anchor Onodera had worn Vapor Fly instead of Alpha Fly, Komadai's "big upset of the century" might not have happened.

Monthly Report_2021/1



  • In the first month of 2021, I finished with 264km. At the beginning of the year, I was able to cut 19 minutes off my 5,000m time, and I was able to run a solid 30K. So, it was a pretty good start to the year.
  • On the other hand, in the second half of the month, I was not able to practice well. If I increased the frequency and intensity of my workouts, I would injure some part of my body, and if I relaxed my workouts, my cardiopulmonary function would deteriorate... The month ended in a trial-and-error process.
  • I entered a full marathon at the beginning of March. So, I'm going to train hard for that race in February. I've also entered a 5000m time trial (M×K Distance) and a half marathon (Kitasenju Yars Marathon 2021 Winter) during the month, so I want to make sure my body is ready for them.

Time Trial _ For those of you who tend to run away because you know it's hard

  • This guy is also a sub-three runner even though he is older than me. It's really amazing. Sub-three runners do a lot of speed training. If you are one of those people who tend to run away from speed training, you should watch this video. I think it will motivate you.
  • The purpose of the time trial is to check your running ability, but it will be more effective if you are aware of the following three points: 1) awareness of large movements, 2) awareness of form, and 3) management.
  • I also found it helpful that he stretched and warmed up carefully before running (he even ran 5 x 200m dashes).


See you soon.


Follow me on Twitter (I'd love it if you did)

【寒い】冬のランニングで注意したいこと / What to watch out for when running in winter

※English follows.







  • 【寒い】冬のランニングで注意したいこと
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24
  • YouTube_やっぱり体幹レーニングって大事だねと思ったら





  • 暖かい室内から寒い室外に出たときに、血管が収縮し、心臓に負荷がかかる(実は毎冬市民ランナーの中で心肺停止に至るケースまである)。
  • 寒さのために身体の柔軟性がなくなり、筋肉も緊張して硬くなった状態になりがち
  • その状態でいきなり走り出すと、ちょっとバランスを崩したときの衝撃や連続する着地の衝撃をうまく吸収できず、筋肉や関節のダメージにつながりやすくなる



  • 風を通さない薄手のウィンドブレーカー。真冬は、走っていてもどんどん体温が奪われる。結果フォーミングアップをしても筋肉が固くなり。。。となりがち。特に風が強い日はウィンドブレーカーは必須アイテムだろう。
  • 吸汗・速乾のインナーウエア。冬でも汗をかかないわけではない。これが中々乾かないとどうなるか。そう、風邪の元凶になる。発熱インナーは温かいのだが、通気性が悪く汗で濡れたままになるため、逆に体を冷やすことになってしまいかねないので気をつけよう。
  • 手袋・帽子・ネックウォーマーなど手袋は強く推奨したい。手は身体の末端にあるうえ、腕を振った時にダイレクトに風を受けるため、中々温まりにくい。他の小物系は好みもあるだろうが、(寒冷地に住んでいるランナーは特に)天候に応じで身に付けると良い。



  • 早朝や夜間の時間帯の方が寒い(当たり前だが)。結果、心臓や筋肉への負担がより重い。
  • そしてエリアによっては路面が凍結しており危ない。夜間は視界も良くないので転倒の危険度が高まる




上述したような対策をしっかり取れさえすれば、真夏のような息苦しさもないうえに、秋以降のマラソンシーズンに合わせてしっかりトレーニングに励んだランナーであれば、身体も仕上がってくるのがその理由だと思う。今年は思うように大会にエントリーできない市民ランナーが多いと思うが、力を蓄え、来るべき時に備えよう。Good luck!

Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24


  • 走行会でラン仲間に引っ張ってもらって、坂道コースで閾値走。辛かったけど、直近でVO2MAXが58まで向上。スピード練習は週1でも効果があるのかもしれないな。しばらく続けていきたい。
  • そして今週は久しぶりに60km超え。金土日と結構高負荷なトレーニングができたし、日曜日のロング走が効いたなと。ただ左足首に痛みが。3日しっかり走るのが続くと過負荷かな。今日は完全休息に、明日・明後日は軽めのジョグにしておこうと思う。
  • そして3月第1土曜日にフルマラソンにエントリーをした(渡良瀬Trial Marathon)。苦手な周回コースだが、今シーズン最初で最後のフルマラソンになる可能性もあるので、しっかりと準備をしたい。








Hello, everyone!


It's been three weeks since the state of emergency was declared. I wonder how everyone is spending their time. I have a lot of single friends around me, and some of them are saying that they are refugees from dinner. In a normal working life, it's not uncommon to not be able to eat before 8 p.m., but eating at a convenience store every time is not very appealing.

There is a strategy underway to push the wrinkles of Corona to the restaurant industry, but I wonder if they have thought of allowing solo eating out. Single people will end up eating at convenience stores for every meal.

And. The restaurant industry is finally dying out.

The industry as a whole is down 15% from the previous year, but if you limit it to businesses that serve alcohol, such as izakaya, it's half of what it was the previous year. This is the total for the entire year, and sales during the emergency declaration period will be more than half the previous year's level, so it is likely that many businesses will not be able to hold on and will close down in 2021. But the government.... I don't think the ban on solo eating out will be lifted. With delivery, take-out, and EC, the restaurant industry is really being forced to deal with major changes. We don't know when the Corona disaster will end, but the dining experience will change dramatically.

Today's Contents

  • What to watch out for when running in winter
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24
  • YouTube_I thought core training was important after all

What to watch out for when running in winter

Last week, January 20th was the first cold day of the year, and the end of January is the coldest time of the year. The days are short, it's still dark when I run in the morning, and it's very difficult to get up early and get out of the warm covers. However, if you start running after waking up from sleep, your body is still awake and your muscles are still contracting from the cold, so you may not be able to run as fast as you want to, and you may end up getting injured. This is why we need to be careful in a different way from summer. As a result, we need to be careful when running in the winter. There are three main things to do.

Warming up

In winter, you should warm up more carefully than in other seasons. The reasons are as follows.

  • When you step out of the warm room into the cold room, your blood vessels constrict, putting more stress on your heart (in fact, there are even cases of cardiopulmonary arrest among citizen runners every winter).
  • Due to the cold, the body tends to lose flexibility and the muscles tend to become tense and stiff.
  • If you suddenly start running in this state, your body will not be able to absorb the impact of a slight loss of balance or a series of landings, which can easily lead to muscle and joint damage.

To reduce the risk of injury, try to stretch in a warm room before exercising. Careful stretching of the whole body to make the muscles flexible and relaxed will help prevent injuries during running.


  • A thin windbreaker to keep the wind out. In the middle of winter, you lose more and more body heat while running. As a result, your muscles tend to stiffen even after forming up. This is especially true on windy days. Especially on windy days, a windbreaker is an essential item.
  • Sweat absorbing and quick drying inner wear. Even in the winter, it is not that you don't sweat. What happens if it doesn't dry out? That's right, it becomes the main cause of colds. Heat-generating inner wear is warm, but it is not breathable and stays wet with perspiration, which can cool you down, so be careful.
  • Gloves, hats, and neck warmers. Gloves are strongly recommended. The hands are at the end of the body and receive direct wind when you swing your arms, making it difficult to warm up. Other small items may be more to your liking, but (especially for runners living in cold climates) it is best to wear them according to the weather.

Time of day to run

Basically, it is recommended to run when it is light. The reason.

  • It is colder (obviously) in the early morning and nighttime hours. As a result, the burden on the heart and muscles is heavier.
  • Also, in some areas, the road surface is icy and dangerous. The visibility at night is also not good, so the risk of falling is higher.

However, there are many people who can only ride early in the morning or at night except on holidays due to work commitments (I am one of them!). In that case, it is best to run as flat as possible. In that case, choose flat and familiar roads as much as possible. If you are riding at night, it is also effective to equip yourself with reflectors and lights if necessary.

While the above is a list of things to keep in mind, winter is also a time when marathon times tend to improve. Personally, the last two full marathons I participated in during this season were the best of the season.

(That was exactly one year ago!)

As long as you take the measures mentioned above, you won't feel suffocated like you do in the middle of summer, and if you are a runner who has trained hard for the marathon season after autumn, your body will be ready. I'm sure there are many citizen runners who are not able to enter marathons this year, but let's save our strength and prepare for the coming time.

Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24


  • At a running event, my running buddies pulled me along for a threshold run on a hilly course. It was hard, but my VO2 max improved to 58 recently. I think speed practice might be effective even once a week. I'd like to continue it for a while.
  • And this week, I ran over 60km for the first time in a while. I was able to do some high-impact training on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I think the long run on Sunday helped. However, my left ankle is still sore, which is probably due to the overload after three days of solid running. I think I'll take a full rest today and do a light jog tomorrow and the day after.
  • Then I entered the full marathon on the first Saturday of March (Watarase Trial Marathon). It's a circuitous course that I'm not very good at, but it could be my first and last full marathon of the season, so I want to make sure I'm prepared.

YouTube_I thought core training was important after all

This guy's videos are very easy to understand. His videos are very easy to understand, and before I knew it, he had over 30,000 subscribers to his channel. It's wonderful. And I started to think seriously about getting a trainer's license. Plank is a body weight training that anyone can do anytime, anywhere, but it's really effective. I've been slacking off on my strength training lately, so when I did sit-ups for the first time in a while, I couldn't get rid of the muscle pain for three or four days. I tried to do them again the next day, but I gave up within three seconds because I couldn't do them today.

In the cold winter season, especially for those who live in snowy areas, it might be a good idea to do muscle training like this. Come on, guys! Burn those transverse abdominals!


See you soon. 

【VDOTとは何か】どれくらいのタイムで走れるのか自分の走力を可視化する / What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run

※English follows.








  • 【VDOTとは何か】どれくらいのタイムで走れるのか自分の走力を可視化する
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18
  • Youtube_腕を振ってもイマイチスピードが上がらないと思ったら





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  • Eペースでのロング走→苦しくないペースで長い距離(20km以上)を一度に走る
  • Tペースでの閾値走→心肺を追い込むペースで20~40分を一度に走る



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今回は初心者~中級者向けにblogを書いているため、他のトレーニングペースの練習の中身については省略する。興味がある方は、紹介した書籍や上述のYouTubeを観てもらっても良いだろう。ただ個人的には「Eペースのロング走」と「Tペースの閾値走」だけで、サブ3.5くらいまでは到達できると確信している。Good luck!

VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料


Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18


  • 久しぶりに週間走行距離で50km割れ。距離が全てではないにせよ、短いなあ。土日は寝坊してロング走をし損なう始末だし。このblog書き終えたら走りに行こうかどうか迷うところ。
  • 一方、木曜・土曜・日曜と距離はさほどではないにせよ、ビルドアップ走を中心にしたメニューでそれなりに身体に刺激は入れたつもり。という側面では良い練習のできた1週間だったのかもしれない(早速前言撤回しつつあるなw)。
  • それにしても寒い。夜はなおさら寒い。真冬の夜はウォーミングアップに時間をかけないと筋肉が全然動かない。ということで、土日くらいはやっぱり日が高いうちに走ろうと思った1週間であった。



  • 走る際に身体を前に進めるにあたって重要な下半身の箇所は後ろ腿(ハムストリングス
  • ハムストリングスをスムーズに動かすためには、連動して動く肩甲骨をスムーズに動かすと良い
  • 肩甲骨をスムーズに動かすためには、上腕三頭筋に刺激を入れることが有効で、そのためには肘を後ろに高く持ち上げる意識で振ると良い






Hello, everyone!


Finally, on January 20th, the President of the United States will be replaced. President Trump has been a historic president in many ways, but after four years, we will have a President Biden who is like the American president we once had.

However, it does not look like it will be smooth sailing in the US, which has been divided into upper, lower, left and right. Unlike President Trump, who has almost completely ignored Corona, President Biden will focus on fighting Corona.

With thousands of coronary deaths still occurring daily in the U.S., can the spread of this infection be stopped? The first step is always the most important, and whether or not the Biden administration can produce results here will have a major impact on the stability of the Biden administration and the world. It will also be interesting to see what President Trump does when he leaves office.

The world is watching the US with bated breath. What will happen?

Today's Contents

  • What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18
  • Youtube_When I thought I couldn't get any speed up by swinging my arms

What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run

Have you ever wondered how fast and how far you should run in order to gain strength in your daily practice? If you don't exercise enough, you won't get faster, while if you exercise too much, you increase the risk of injury. And it's hard when you can't run because of an injury.

VDOT is a numerical measure of a runner's running ability, which is determined by how long it takes to complete a certain distance. Specifically, it is calculated according to the following table.



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For example, a person who can run 5000m in 20 minutes (4:00/Km) has a VDOT of about 50. And on the left and right sides of the same line are times for different distances, which means that a person with a VDOT of 50 can run a half marathon in 1:31:35, and a full marathon in a number closer to 3:10:49. It is not usual to run a distance as long as a full marathon in training. In such a situation, it is a very useful concept that allows you to set an appropriate goal for yourself based on the times of other distances.

Furthermore, VDOT can be used to

As mentioned above, it is very useful for setting goals for races, but there is another way to use it that is even more useful. This concept of VDOT is an indicator in the running theory of a famous runnig coach named Jack Daniels.

Daniels has succeeded in listing the various practice menus and exercise intensities according to the runner's running ability = VDOT. This makes it easy to set up the best practice menu that "matches your ability," "prevents injury," and "improves your running ability. For more details, see the following video.

You can set 5 different training paces according to your ability. You can plan your training menu with a clear objective in mind, which elements of your overall running ability you want to improve. What I consider to be particularly important is

  • Long run at E pace→ Run a long distance (more than 20km) at a time at a comfortable pace.
  • Threshold run at T pace→ run 20 to 40 minutes at a time at a pace that pushes your heart and lungs.

These are the two types of exercises. If you are able to do these exercises once a week, your running ability will improve in no time. If you can do these exercises once a week, your running ability will improve rapidly. When practicing, do not do these two exercises two days in a row. Even if each practice has the right amount of load, if you practice them too often, you will end up with an overload of practice in total. This will lead to injury, even if you have found a training menu that is appropriate for your running ability. Resting the body is part of training. When your body recovers from injury, your running ability will improve. This is called super recovery. And below is a table of E-Pace and T-Pace by VDOT.


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Since I'm writing this blog for beginners to intermediate runners, I won't go into the content of the other training pace exercises. If you are interested, you may want to check out the books I mentioned or the YouTube videos mentioned above. Good luck!

VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料


The following is a list of apps that allow you to easily check your VDOT.

Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18


  • It's been a while since my weekly mileage was below 50km. Distance is not everything, but it's still short. I overslept on Saturday and Sunday and missed my long run. I'm not sure if I should go for a run after I finish writing this blog or not.
  • On the other hand, even though the distances on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday were not so long, I thought I stimulated my body to a certain extent with a menu that mainly consisted of build-up runs. In that sense, it may have been a good week of practice (I think I'm going back on my earlier statement).
  • But still, it was cold. It's even colder at night. At night in the middle of winter, you have to spend a lot of time warming up or your muscles won't move at all. So, I decided to run on Saturday and Sunday while the sun was still high in the sky.

Youtube_When I thought I couldn't get any speed up by swinging my arms

This is a Youtuber I recently discovered, a runner who is an osteopath. He explains in simple terms how to use the upper body to move the lower body, especially the hamstrings, which are important when running.

  • The hamstrings are the most important part of the lower body for moving the body forward when running.
  • In order to move the hamstrings smoothly, it is good to move the shoulder blades smoothly, which move in conjunction with the hamstrings.
  • In order to move the shoulder blades smoothly, it is effective to stimulate the triceps, and to do so, swing with the intention of lifting your elbows high behind you.

There are times when you feel like you're swinging your arms as hard as you can, but you just can't seem to generate any thrust. In such cases, you may be swinging your arms forward and backward. This is often seen in girls who have not had much experience in exercise (I may be biased). Try to pull your elbows back. If you pull your elbows back, your back will move. And when your back moves, your legs move too!


See you soon.

【走れない】怪我をしても走りたいあなたへ / [You can't run] To those who want to run even though they are injured

※English follows.




一都三県、関西に続いて中部でも。全世界で未体験ゾーンが加速している感じである。私自身は「経済回せ派」なのだが、日本は高齢者が多いので「命を大事に派」が多く、この流れは不可避であった。つまり、日本国内ではコロナによって生活基盤を奪われる人たち(場合によってそのことによって命を落とす人たち)よりも年金受給者のように、コロナ下においても収入に変化のない人たちの方が遥かに多いのだ。こんな状況下ではGo toキャンペーン停止はおろか、「緊急事態宣言を発出しろ」の圧力に逆らえるはずもない。こうした中で、各種給付金や休業補償等による国庫負担は東日本大震災の時の比ではなくなっている。



  • 【走れない】怪我をしても走りたいあなたへ
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/5-2021/1/11
  • YouTube_厚底シューズって良いの?と思ったときに聞く話


冒頭で暗い話をしてしまったが、今回はランナーがネガティブな状態にあるとき、すなわち怪我によって思うように練習できないときにどんな風に過ごすと良いか ということについて書きたいと思う。私自身、8年余りのランニング経験の中で目立った怪我をすることはなく、長期間にわたって全くランニングができない という状況になったことはほとんどない。これは、分相応というか、自分の走力を大幅に越えるような練習を、良くも悪くもやってこなかったことが理由だと思う。ランナーが怪我をするときは、決まって自分の耐久力以上の負荷、すなわち限界を超えたスピードでのトレーニングを、限界を超えた頻度・距離で行ったときである。ランナーには、練習可能な範囲というかキャパシティがあると思っていて、これは「運動強度(スピード)」「運動時間」「頻度」を掛け合わせたものである。要するにオーバーワークが原因だ。







  • この怪我を理由にランニングをやめるという選択肢はない。


  1. 怪我はいつか治るので、その時にすぐに元の走力に戻せるように準備をしておこう。
  2. 今できることに集中する。怪我を早く治すためにできる限りのことをやろう。





皆はどうだろうか。怪我をしたときに、何となく走ったり走らなかったりしていないだろうか。時間は有限、限りあるランニング人生を実りあるものにしよう。Good luck!

Weekly Report_2021/1/5-2021/1/11


  • 今週は久しぶりに週4回しか走らなかった。年末年始休暇の最終日に高強度で30K走やったからなのか疲労が抜けていなかったと思う。なので休息を多めにとった。
  • 一方で、週末はそこそこの負荷でペース走・ロング走と2日続けたら今度は足首に痛みが。なかなかうまくいかないもんだ。後輩たちには2日連続で強度の高い練習をするなと言っているのに・・・挙句怪我しそうになってやがる。
  • 今週末はまた30K走をやりたいので、それまでは負荷を上げずに基本はジョグに励む予定。痛みが緩和するようであれば流しを入れるようにしよう。



  • タイムを短縮したいと考えている人は履くべき。
  • 向き不向きや初心者かどうかなどは問題ではなく、タイムを縮めたいと本気で思うなら履くべき。
  • このシューズに慣れることが、あなたのタイムを縮めるための最良の方法だ。






Hello, everyone.


A state of emergency has been declared. It's been issued at last.

It's been declared in three prefectures in Tokyo, Kansai, and Chubu. It seems like the whole world is accelerating into a zone of inexperience. I myself am a "turn the economy around" kind of person, but since there are many elderly people in Japan, there are many "value life" people, so this trend was inevitable. In other words, there are far more people in Japan whose income will remain unchanged even under the corona, such as pensioners, than those whose livelihoods will be deprived by the corona (and in some cases, those who will die because of it). Under such circumstances, there is no way to stop the Go to campaign, let alone defy the pressure to declare a state of emergency. In such a situation, the burden on the national treasury in the form of various benefits and compensations for absence from work is nowhere near what it was after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The reconstruction tax is collected from income tax, inhabitant tax, and corporate tax. This reconstruction tax is collected from income tax, inhabitant tax, and corporate tax. On the other hand, the burden on the national treasury due to the effects of the Corona disaster will be more than ten times this amount. It is clearly unrealistic to expect companies and the working-age population to bear this burden alone. What will become of the future of this country? Let's all go to the polls!

Today's Contents

  • To those who want to run even though they are injured
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/5-2021/1/11
  • YouTube_Are thick-soled shoes good? What to do when you are injured

To those who want to run even though they are injured

In this article, I would like to talk about how runners should spend their time when they are in a negative state, i.e., when they are injured and cannot practice as much as they want to. In my eight or so years of running, I have never had a significant injury, and I have rarely been unable to run at all for a long period of time. I think this is due to the fact that I have never practiced beyond my running ability, good or bad. When a runner gets injured, it is usually when he or she is training at a speed that is beyond his or her endurance, or at a frequency and distance that is beyond the limit. I believe that runners have a range, or capacity, in which they can train, which is a combination of "exercise intensity (speed)," "exercise duration," and "frequency. In short, it's all about overworking.

Once you stop, it's very difficult to resume.

If you are new to running, as soon as you start practicing, you will notice changes in your body (not in your weight. (It takes a little time to lose weight).

You go from being out of breath after just a kilometer or two to being able to run 5km or even 10km without a hitch. I can run 5km or 10km without hesitation, even though I'm running faster than when I first started. I started to enjoy running more and more, and I ended up running every day. What happens then? Well, some part of your body starts to hurt. If you still try to run, the pain will make it impossible for you to run properly, and you will eventually stop running. If you are a runner, you know that it is very difficult to start running again once you have lost your mind for whatever reason (I think this is similar to the situation when you can't keep up with a gym or a diet). For this reason, I try to tell people who are new to running that they don't have to run every day, and that they can practice as often as twice a week.

Aside from the risk of injury, I've seen many people who have entered the world of running with the best of intentions fall short. In the beginning, the goal should be to keep running, and it's just fine if you feel like you're not running enough in one practice session.

If you still get injured

But still, runners get injured. To varying degrees. I would like to write about what you should do when that happens. First, let's talk about mindset. I mentioned above that I have not had any serious injuries in the past, but I actually broke my left shoulder collarbone in May last year, and I was unable to run for almost two months. Immediately after the injury, I was unable to run or even live my daily life, and here is what I thought.

  • There was no way I was going to stop running because of this injury.

And here's what I did.

  1. The injury will heal someday, and I'll be ready to get back to my normal running ability when it does.
  2. Focus on what I can do now. Do everything you can to heal the injury as quickly as possible.

Personally, I think the first idea is the most important, or rather, the premise that must not be blurred. In short, you have to have the mindset that you are going to keep running for the rest of your life. If you don't have this mindset, your running life will come to an end, even if you don't get injured. In order to prevent this from happening, I want you to discover the joy of running and the meaning of running in your life.

If you are the type of person who enjoys and feels good about running, you will go out for a run even though you are in pain. As a result, they can't run as much as they want to and end up hurting the affected area even more. This is where a change in mindset is necessary. It means choosing to take actions that will allow you to run better when your injury is healed. This leads us to (2) below, but here we will talk about training. I want you to ask yourself something. Which part of your body do you use for running? That's it. Now that I've said that, you know what you need to do. Use this injury as an opportunity to train in areas that do not put stress on the affected area. In my case, the impact of running caused severe pain in my shoulder, but fortunately I was able to do reinforcement training such as squats and sit-ups, so I took the opportunity of this injury to train hard.
Lastly, there was (2). You may be wondering what the difference is between this and (1), but in a nutshell, it means "working hard to treat the injury. A regular lifestyle, diet, and daily visits to the hospital will change the way you heal. In fact, what could be a higher priority than that? I went to the hospital every day for rehabilitation, and during the treatment period, I reduced my alcohol intake as much as possible and concentrated on healing my injury.

As a result, I gained weight in less than two months (due to lack of aerobic exercise), but now that I have recovered from my injury, I am faster and stronger than I was a year ago.

What about everyone else? When you get injured, do you just run or not run? Time is limited, so let's make the most of our limited running time.

Weekly Report_2021/1/5-2021/1/11


  • This week, for the first time in a long time, I only ran four times a week. I think it was because I ran 30K at a high intensity on the last day of the New Year's vacation, and I was still tired. So, I took a lot of rest.
  • On the other hand, I had a pain in my ankle after two days of running at a moderate pace and a long run on the weekend. It's not going well. I've been telling my juniors not to train too hard for two days in a row... and now I'm about to get injured.
  • I'm hoping to run 30K again this weekend, so until then, I'm going to basically jog without increasing the load. If the pain eases up, I'll try to add a sink.

YouTube _ Are thick-soled shoes any good? What to ask if you think they are good

I've been meaning to talk about thick-soled shoes for a while. I found a good video about it. The price is a bit expensive, but they will definitely help you shorten your time. If you're not sure if you want to buy a pair, this is a good place to start.

  • If you want to shorten your time, you should wear them.
  • It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or not, if you're serious about reducing your time, you should wear these shoes.
  • Getting used to these shoes is the best way to improve your time.

I wear NIKE Vaporflys, and they are a cheat. The first time I wore them, I was truly amazed. It's a world changer!


See you soon.

【2021年】箱根駅伝と今年の抱負と目標と / [the year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year

※English follows.




©️吾峠呼世晴 / 集英社



  • 【2021年】箱根駅伝と今年の抱負と目標と
  • Monthly Report_2020/12
  • Youtube_スピード練習はインターバル走より閾値走の方が良いかもしれない





  • みんな超人的に脚が速い(当たり前だがw)。そしてあそこまで追い込めるって、どんなギリギリの練習してきてんのよ。
  • 東京国際大学のヴィンセント君は反則w
  • NIKEの厚底の占有率がやべえ。ただ意外なことに最新のアルファフライと一つ前のヴェイパーフライは半々。
  • ブレーキになってしまった選手の心の内を想像すると心が痛い。
  • それにしても何でこんなに感動するんだろうか。4年間と時間が限られているから?テレビのナレーションなくても心が熱くなるよね。


箱根駅伝、東京国際大・ビンセントがMVP 一昨年の3区区間新に続き怪物ぶり発揮(デイリースポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース


【箱根駅伝】全210選手の95・7%がナイキ厚底を使用。前回を上回る(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース


創価大10区・小野寺「ごめんなさい」に激励の言葉が殺到 和田正人もねぎらう(デイリースポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース







  • 1年前の自分よりも速く、強くなっている。
  • きちんとピーキングを行えば、フルマラソン3時間10分を切ることは難しくない。
  • 直近1/24の多摩川ハーフマラソンでは、最低限1時間28分を切れるはず。



これを今年の目標にする。まずは4月のかすみがうらマラソンをチャレンジの大会にしよう。というわけで、皆も1年の目標を立てよう。練習に張りが出ることは間違いない。Good luck!

Monthly Report_2020/12


  • 宮古島旅行では2回ほど一度に5km程度ずつしか走ることができなかったが、年末年始休暇を利用して東京に戻ってから距離を取り戻すことができた。
  • 20km以上のロング走を6回。やっぱり距離を踏むとスタミナが付く。30km走もそこまで苦痛ではなくなってきた。閾値走も相まって、一段階実力が上がったような気がする。まあ、毎年この時期が一番走れるんだけどね。
  • 1月は週一で30kmをやりつつ、閾値走も定期的に取り入れる。一方ポイント練習はこの2つだけにして、残りはジョグ+流しのみに留めて様子を見てみる。


  • 上述しているのだけど、最近閾値走の効果をかなり実感している。インターバルトレーニングって一人でやるとなっても最後までしっかり追い込めなかったりするしね。
  • そしてそもそも目的が違うじゃないかと思い始めている。最大スピードを上げるためにインターバルトレーニングをするって、フルマラソンのタイム改善するのにそんなに有効かなと。
  • インターバルトレーニングの目的が、あくまでも速く走るための動きを身体に覚えさせる のようなものであるとするならば、それって流しで事足りるんじゃないかと。ということで最近ではジョグの最後に流しを数本入れることを取り入れているのだが、これがなかなか良さげ。もうしばらく続けてみようと思う。





Hello, everyone!

  The year 2020 has ended and a new year has begun. A state of emergency is about to be declared by Corona, but time moves on and the sun will rise again. No matter how hard it is, we have to live as best we can in the environment we have now.


©️Gotoge Yoseiharu / Shueisha

This reminds me of Rengoku-san, so I'll post it here. There is no night that doesn't end, and there is no rain that doesn't stop. Let's all try to survive.

Today's Contents

  • [The year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year, and the year 2021
  • Monthly Report_2020/12
  • Youtube _ Threshold running may be better than interval running for speed training

[The year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year

It's been more than 8 years since I started running. I've been running for more than eight years now, and even though I've been running for a reasonably long time, it's only been in the last couple of years that I've been able to devote myself to running in a reasonable way, but I have more respect for athletes than ever before. I have more respect for athletes than ever before, because I can imagine for myself the bloody efforts they must be making to improve their abilities to a superhuman level (although, technically, they are training at a level I cannot imagine).

Then there is the Hakone Ekiden. This is a major event that citizen runners cannot miss (as viewers, of course). In addition to the Hakone Ekiden on January 2 and 3, the New Year's Ekiden on New Year's Day, and the storm of various special programs on New Year's Eve, the four days of the year-end and New Year holidays may account for about half of my total TV viewing time for the year. I'm not sure.

I found a rather nice website, so I'll post it here. If you're interested in the past history of the event, you can check it out. That's a lot of history. This year, the winning teams were different for the outward, return, and overall races. This was not only due to the close competition among the universities, but also due to the fact that there were not many road races due to the Corona disaster, which made it difficult for the athletes to adjust. In fact, I think the unexpected stalling of Aoyama Gakuin University on the outward leg of the race illustrates the difficulty of adjustment under Corona. And here are my personal thoughts.

  • Everyone has superhumanly fast legs (of course). I wonder what kind of last-minute training they've been doing to be able to push themselves that hard.
  • Vincent from Tokyo International University is a foul!
  • NIKE's thick soled shoes are taking up an awful lot of space. But surprisingly, it was 50/50 between the latest Alpha Fly and the previous Vapor Fly.
  • It hurts my heart to imagine what was going through the minds of the players who had to brake.
  • I don't know why I'm so moved by this, maybe it's because my time is limited to four years? Even without the narration on TV, it's heart-warming.

Here are some links

Tokyo Kokusai University's Vincent wins MVP at Hakone Ekiden, showing off his monster skills after winning the 3rd section the year before last (Daily Sports) - Yahoo! News

At the moment when all seven people were pulled out, I thought they were adults and children.

[Hakone Ekiden] 95.7% of all 210 athletes use Nike platform shoes. More than last time (Sports Hochi) --Yahoo! News

I wonder if Alpha Fly is not suitable. I don't even wear Shitara players. I think the Vaporfly is the supreme shoe.

Soka University 10th Ward, Onodera "I'm sorry" is flooded with words of encouragement Masato Wada also Negirai (Daily Sports) --Yahoo! News

This was painful. Especially because no one would have expected it to reverse.

 And it was like this. The only thing that helps is that there seems to be a few people who don't seem to have anything heartless to say. I hope they do well next year. 


Inspired by the Hakone Ekiden (relay race), I did the 5km all-out run that I had been running away from for a long time. (I had declared every month that I would at least try to break 20 minutes. And here's the result.

 Honestly, I'm surprised myself. The last 500m was an eternity of time, but I was able to run through it without slowing down. Maybe the threshold run at the club's running event is starting to take effect. After a day off, I went for a 30km run today. Here are the results.

 Twitter is negative, but I'm feeling pretty good about my running. From these two practices, I can calmly analyze my ability at the moment.

  • I'm faster and stronger than I was a year ago.
  • With proper peaking, it would not be difficult to run a full marathon under 3 hours and 10 minutes.
  • In the upcoming Tamagawa Half Marathon on January 24, I should be able to break 1 hour and 28 minutes at least.

And that's about it. Based on this, my goal is of course to run a sub-three marathon, but I don't know if I'll be able to achieve this within this season (I don't even know if the event will be held in Corona in the first place). But you know what? I've been able to do a lot of running in the past six months, and the results are starting to show. I guess it's a man's duty to take this as an opportunity to challenge himself. That's why

Achieve sub-three in 2021

This is my goal for this year. First of all, let's make the Kasumigaura Marathon in April a challenge event. So, let's all set our goals for the year. Good luck!

Monthly Report_2020/12


  • During my trip to Miyakojima, I was only able to run about 5km at a time on two occasions, but after returning to Tokyo for the New Year vacations, I was able to pick up the distance.
  • I ran long distances of 20km or more six times. As I thought, the more distance I run, the more stamina I have, and even running 30km is not so painful anymore. In addition to the threshold run, I feel like I have improved my running ability. This is the best time of the year for me to run.
  • In January, I'll do 30km once a week, and I'll also do the threshold run regularly. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do the 30km once a week in January, or if I'll be able to do threshold runs regularly.

Youtube _ Threshold running may be better than interval running for speed training

  • As I mentioned above, I've been feeling the effects of threshold running a lot lately. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it on my own or if I'll be able to push myself all the way to the end.
  • And I'm starting to think that the purpose is different. I wondered if interval training to increase my maximum speed would be that effective in improving my full marathon time.
  • If the purpose of interval training is to make your body learn the movements to run faster, then the sink would be enough. So I've been adding a few runs at the end of my jogs lately, and it's looking pretty good. I think I'll keep doing this for a while longer.


See you soon.

【サークル運営】会社のランニングサークルの運営について考えてみた/How to run a running club in my company

※English follows.



先週blogを書いたのが12/21、その2日後の12/23を年内最終稼働日として年末年始休暇に突入した。年初の勤務初日が1/5なので、12連休とかなり長い休みをいただいた。例年そうなのだが、私はあまり有給休暇を取らない。そんなもんで会社から「年内にあと3日間有給休暇を取得するように」とお達しがあったタイミングで、「では早めに正月休みに入ろう」と決めた。ちなみにこうした会社の措置は、会社が自主的にやっているわけではなく、「働き方改革を推進するための関係法律の整備に関する法律」(長い法律名だw)という法律に基づくものである。なので、全然休んでいないのに会社から有休を取るような指示がない という場合、あなたの勤務先の会社は法律違反を犯しているブラック企業ということになる。

早めの休みで何をしているかというと、手始めにGo Toトラベルを使わせてもらい、宮古島行ってきた。今日からキャンペーンも一時停止になるということで、ギリギリのタイミングでGo Toトラベルを使うことができたわけだが、それにしても観光産業は本当に壊滅の危機に瀕していることを目の当たりにすることになった。飛行機はガラガラだし、普段なら行列のできる飲食店が待ちなしで入れるような状態。平時であればラッキーだと思えるわけなのだが、この状況がずっと続いているとなると体力のない企業はひとたまりもない。惨状を身をもって体験し、お金使える人が経済を回さないと本当にこの国には未来がないと感じた。前回のblogでも書いたが、政治のリーダーシップが問われる時だ。日はまた昇る そう信じたい。


  • 【サークル運営】会社のランニングサークルの運営について考えてみた
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28
  • Article_市民ランナーのための「べからず集」











地元のサークルの方は千差万別、年代も20代から50代までバラバラなので、若手社員から役職者までバラエティに富んでいる。一方で、会社のサークルの方は、当然全員が所属会社が同じなので属性的には同質化しているようにも思えるのだが、所属部署や担当職種はさまざまである。そういう意味で、参加メンバーがバラエティに富んでいる という点においては差がない。



  • 地元のサークル→赤羽の近郊に住んでいるメンバーが多い
  • 会社のサークル→新宿の近郊に住んでいるメンバーはほぼいない

これは、練習会に参加するモチベーションに対する影響が非常に大きい。会社のサークルにおいて、週末に練習会を行っていない理由はこれだ。一般的に、土日に電車に乗って、どこか遠方に出掛けて練習をする必然性は少ない。特に家族持ちが皇居等に集まって楽しくお喋りしながらランニングを楽しむ といったことはかなり難しいだろう。










ランナーあるあるだが、練習後のビールを飲みにくる という人も少なくない。この打ち上げは参加者が固定されがちなのだが、定着する参加メンバーの裾野を拡げる(いわゆるガチランナー以外のメンバーを増やしていくという意味で)という目的では結構有効だと思う。



  • 現状練習会をリードできるのが代表の私だけであり、土日に開催する場合は練習場所が私の家の近くに限られる(なぜなら貴重な週末の時間を身になる練習ができるかどうかうかわからないことのために使いたくない)。その場合、他のメンバーが集まらない(彼らにもわざわざ遠くに出掛けてまで走る動機に乏しい)。
  • 初心者を定着化させるためには、平日の練習会の頻度を増やす必要がある一方、リモートワークが定着している中、開催したとしてもほとんど参加者が集まらない可能性が高い。
  • そして、そもそも初心者と走ること自体に私のモチベーションはない(こんなに協調性のない奴がサークルの代表であって良いのかw)。




  • 定期的におすすめの大会情報を発信し、有志メンバーで参加する。エントリー費用の一部は会社の補助費で賄うことができる。参加する大会に向けて一緒に練習をしたり、大会の後に各自で打ち上げに行くなどはもちろん自由(むしろ推奨)。
  • 情報共有の手段は、LINEを中心とし、気軽に投稿・フィードバックし合えるよう皆が意識するようにする。「レースに参加した」「厳しい練習を頑張った」「旅行先で走った」「興味深い記事を見つけた」など、どんな些細な内容でも構わない。
  • そして。サークルの目的を、「仲間同士でランニングに関する情報を共有し合い、お互いの自己研鑽を目指す」こととする。


Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28


  • この一週間は、我ながらびっくりするくらい走っていない。昨日までの4日間は宮古島に行っていたので仕方ないんだけどね。旅行中のカロリー摂取量が明らかに多すぎたので、ここから挽回である。とりあえず今日はゆっくりロング走。脂肪を燃やせ。
  • ジョグしかしておらず、脚も休めているはずなので、残りの連休でしっかり走り込もうと思う。ずっと逃げていた5km全力走もやるつもり。12連休で合計150kmくらいは走りたい。



  1. 仕事や家庭を犠牲にしない
  2. タイムに固執しない
  3. 好きなものを我慢しない
  4. 「やけランニング」をしない
  5. やめそうになってもゼロにはしない







Hello everyone!


I wrote my blog last week on December 21, and two days later, on December 23, I started my New Year vacations as the last working day of the year. Since my first day of work was on January 5th, I had 12 consecutive days off, which is quite a long vacation. As is usually the case, I don't take many paid vacations. So when the company asked me to take three more days of paid vacation before the end of the year, I decided to start my New Year's vacation as soon as possible. Incidentally, the company did not do this voluntarily, but based on a law called the "Law Concerning the Establishment of Relevant Laws to Promote the Reform of the Way of Working" (what a long name for a law!). So, if you haven't taken any leave at all and your company hasn't instructed you to take any paid leave, it means that your company is a black company that is violating the law.

As for what I've been doing on my early vacation, for starters, I've been using Go To Travel to go to Miyakojima Island. I was able to use Go To Travel just in time, as the campaign is going to be suspended from today, but even so, I saw that the tourism industry is really on the verge of destruction. Airplanes were empty, and restaurants that normally have lines had no wait to get in. In normal times, we would consider ourselves lucky, but when this situation persists for a long time, companies with little strength are at a standstill. After experiencing the devastation firsthand, I realized that there is really no future for this country unless people who can spend money turn the economy around. As I wrote in my last blog, it is time for political leadership to be questioned. I would like to believe that the sun will rise again.

 Today's Contents

  • How to run a running club in my company
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28
  • Article_Bad habits for citizen runners

How to run a running club in my company

I'm a member of a running club that uses my neighborhood as its training area. It's been two and a half years since I joined. That's quite a long time, don't you think?

On the other hand, I'm organizing a running club for my company, but to be honest, it's not going so well. It's been almost four years since we started the club, but we haven't been able to do any significant activities, especially recently. I decided to compare the two circles in order to understand what is necessary to make the circles more active, even though the positions of the members and representatives are different. In some cases, I think we have to consider dissolving the circle.

Comparison of the two circles

The number of members and the history of their activities seem to be comparable. In terms of attracting new members, which tends to be a bottleneck in circle activities, at least both circles have not had that much trouble. It is obvious that there are considerable differences in the ages and backgrounds of the participating members, but I wonder if this is the reason for the difference in the number of participants in the practice sessions and events held.

About the participating members

There are people from beginners to advanced runners (including former sub-EGAs) who have run a full marathon in under 2 hours and 50 minutes in each circle, but the ratio of beginners is higher in the company's circle. As for the local circle, even if they were beginners when they first joined, the running ability of the established members is reasonably high, probably because they have been able to practice continuously. This means that while there is not much difference in running ability at the time of joining, the members are able to improve their running ability as a result of their continuous participation in practice sessions.

Company affiliation

The members of the local circle are all different, ranging in age from 20s to 50s, so there is a wide variety of people from young employees to executives. On the other hand, company circles seem to be more homogeneous in terms of attributes, as all members belong to the same company, but their departments and job titles vary. In this sense, there is no difference in terms of the variety of the participating members.

Area of residence

There seems to be a marked difference here.

  • Local circle-> Many members live in the suburbs of Akabane
  • Company's circle -> Almost no members live in the suburbs of Shinjuku

This has a huge impact on the motivation to participate in practice sessions. This is the reason why we don't have practice sessions on weekends in company circles. In general, there is little need to get on a train and go somewhere far away to practice on weekends. It would be very difficult for a family to gather at the Imperial Palace and enjoy running while chatting.

Why would you want to take the train on the weekend to go to a training session?

This is my own opinion and bias, so I hope you won't be offended. And I'm open to objections.


Basically, there is no reason to attend a training session itself (if you only want to improve your running ability!). There is no reason to participate in the training sessions themselves (if you only want to improve your running ability!). As for those who are ambitious, they may have at least a feeling that it would be nice to have someone to teach them. On the other hand, for those who are not ambitious, the purpose of attending a practice session is to meet the opposite sex. If there is no one who catches their eye, they will soon stop coming (too judgmental, right?). I've seen it happen to many people).

Beginner to Intermediate

If you are a beginner or intermediate runner, you may want someone to teach you or pull you along. However, you need to have someone who has a higher running ability than you, and depending on the course and training menu, you may not be able to gain strength. So, in the end, I tend to feel that I should just run by myself (and that's usually true). I wonder if it's worth the train ride to participate.

Intermediate to advanced runners

You must have come to the training session with some kind of theme in mind. They will look at the training course on that day, or the members they will be running with, and decide if they want to join that training session or not. Specifically, whether they can run on a track like Oda Field. Or whether they can do the same training together and practice with more intensity than if they were to do it alone. These are the reasons why people go out of their way to take the train and attend training sessions. Yes, these are the so-called "conscious" (or maybe not "conscious") runners.

In addition

In addition, as is typical for runners, many of them come to drink beer after practice. Although the number of participants tends to be fixed, I think it is quite effective for the purpose of expanding the base of participants (in the sense of increasing the number of members other than so-called "hard-core runners").

Putting all these together

I feel that it is quite difficult to make the current company circle more active. There are a couple of reasons.

  • Currently, I am the only one who can lead the practice sessions, and when we hold the sessions on weekends, the practice location is limited to the area near my house (because I don't want to spend my precious weekend time on something that I don't know if I can practice well or not). In that case, I can't get other members to join (and they don't have much incentive to go out of their way to run).
  • While we need to increase the frequency of weekday practice sessions in order to retain beginners, it is highly unlikely that we would be able to attract most of the participants even if we held them, as remote work is now well established.
  • And I have no motivation to run with beginners in the first place (how can someone who is so uncooperative be the representative of a circle?

In short, it depends on my motivation as the representative of the club, but even if I were to sacrifice myself, it would not be sustainable. So, I'll try to think of a different direction from general circle activities.

So what to do?

First of all, I'll try to reorganize it like this.

  • Periodically send out information on recommended competitions and participate in them with volunteer members. Part of the entry fee can be covered by the company's subsidy. Of course, you are free to (or rather encouraged to) practice together for the competitions you participate in, or go to the launch party by yourself after the competition.
  • The main means of information sharing will be on line, and everyone will be encouraged to post and give each other feedback in a casual manner. It doesn't matter if it's something as trivial as "I participated in a race," "I worked hard in a tough training session," "I ran on a trip," or "I found an interesting article.
  • And. The purpose of the circle should be "to share information about running among friends and to aim for mutual self-improvement.

Rather than starting from a goal, I think it would be better if we could achieve the goal by deriving and developing from what I, as the representative, can do without difficulty. Since I haven't been able to enter many competitions recently, I would be happy if I could improve my running ability (with the help of the company's subsidy) and gradually make the club more exciting.

Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28


  • I'm surprised that I haven't run in the past week. I was on Miyakojima Island for four days until yesterday, so it couldn't be helped. My calorie intake during the trip was obviously too high, so I have to make up for it from here. Anyway, I'm going for a long, slow run today. Burn some fat.
  • I've only been jogging and my legs should be rested, so I'm going to try to get in a good run over the rest of the weekend. I'd like to run about 150km in total in 12 consecutive weekends.

Article_Bad habits for citizen runners

This article is a must read for all citizen runners. I read it with my head held high.

  1. Don't sacrifice your work or family.
  2. Don't be obsessed with time.
  3. Don't hold back on your favorite foods
  4. Don't "burn out" on running
  5. Don't drop to zero even if you feel like quitting

In particular

I often tell people who are in a frenzy to set a record: "The world won't get better if you do a sub-three. "The world will not be better off if you do a sub-three. Please keep that in mind when you do it. In fact, if you do sub-three, your company or family may be destroyed.

I want to keep this part in mind.


See you soon.



【人はなぜ走るのか】ランナーという選択について考えてみた / Why People Run: A look at the life of a runner

※English follows.






  • 感染した疑いがある人には健康診断を受けさせ、感染が確定したときだけでなく、疑いがあるときでも入院させることができる。
  • 入院先は感染症指定医療機関であり、検査と入院費用は国費である。



そのため、この2類指定を外し、危険度が同程度であるインフルエンザ同様の5類扱いにすべきではないかという議論が起こっている。ただ大人の事情も様々あるようで、そうは簡単にはいかず、もう一年間2類指定を継続する という方向なっている。

  • 2類のまま/コロナ患者減る≒経済犠牲 → 経済崩壊(自殺者増)
  • 2類のまま/コロナ患者増える≒経済優先 → 医療崩壊(今の延長)
  • 5類に変更≒無症状患者中心にコロナ患者増える → 高齢者移動規制 → 病院収益減



  • 【人はなぜ走るのか】ランナーという生き方について考えてみた
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/14-2020/12/20
  • Youtube_ポイント練習の前にランニングドリルをやろう





  • 健康習慣の獲得
  • 痩せる(体型維持)
  • 体力がつく
  • 達成感(特にレース)
  • そもそも走ること自体が心地よい
  • 仲間ができる



  • 健康習慣の獲得
  • 痩せる(体型維持)
  • 体力がつく
  • そもそも走ること自体が心地よい


  • 好きなものを飲み食いできる ← 痩せる(体型維持) の結果
  • 達成感(特にレース) ← 体力がつく の結果
  • 仲間ができる ← 健康習慣の獲得 の結果


  • 好き勝手食べても太らないんだよ!
  • 頑張って練習して、目標達成したときの嬉しさって言ったら言葉にならないんだよね!
  • 走っているうちに、大切な仲間ができたんだよね!






  • 好きなものを食べたいが太りたくない
  • 挑戦し、達成感を得たい

 まあ月並みと言えば月並みなのだが。好きなものを食べて太る人生もあれば、好きなものを食べずに太らない人生もある。また仕事でも仕事以外でも挑戦する人生もあれば挑戦しない人生もあるのだと思う。人生は選択の繰り返しだ。勝手に太ることもなければ勝手に達成感を得られずに時間が過ぎることもない。そのような結果になる行動を選んでいるだけなのだ。あなたは何を選ぶ?Good luck!

Weekly Report_2020/12/14-2020/12/20


  • 年末で仕事がなかなか忙しい中、良い練習ができた気がしている。日曜日には30km走もできたし。朝より夕方の方が身体が動く。ピーキングなしでこれくらい走れるのであれば、今フル走っても3.20は堅いかな。ヴェイパーフライ履けば3:15も見える。
  • ただ河川敷は暗かった。冬は暗くなるのが早すぎる。足元が見えなさ過ぎて、ビビッて立ち止まった時に時計を止めてしまい、そのまま3kmくらい計測できずに走るという失態を犯す。この時期はライトが必須だな。
  • 走行会でのスピードトレーニングの成果もあるのか、かなり走力が戻ってきていると感じる。一方で、試す場がなくて残念な気持ちでいっぱい。小規模な周回系のレースでも良いから参加しようかな。迷うところだ。


  • 週末のロング走の前に、いつもより入念にストレッチとウォーミングアップをやってみた。するとだ。身体のスイッチが入るのが圧倒的に早い!平日は特に、時間を惜しんですぐに走り出してしまっているけど、週末は走る前に身体の動きを意識すると成長につながるなと思った。
  • ほぼ我流でここまできたけども。ここからもう一段階成長するには、より時間帯効果というか練習対効果を意識すべきと強く思う。がんばろ。




Hello, everyone!


There are only 10 days left in 2021. And at this time, Corona is exploding in a big way.

The number of tests is increasing, so it's not surprising, but the positive rate seems to be high, so the situation is not optimistic. We have been struggling with coronas throughout the country for almost the entire year of 2020, and now an important decision is about to be made.

Currently, the new corona is designated as a Class 2 infectious disease under the Infectious Diseases Control Law. In this case, what kind of action will be taken in the field?

  • People who are suspected to be infected are required to undergo a medical examination and can be hospitalized not only when the infection is confirmed but also when it is suspected.
  • The hospitalization must be at a designated medical institution for infectious diseases, and the cost of the examination and hospitalization must be paid by the government.

As a result, the number of people who have been infected is increasing.The reason for the collapse of medical care in Japan, which has the largest number of beds per capita in the world, is that all infected people, including those with minor illnesses or no symptoms, are admitted to a small number of designated medical institutions. Even so, there are still more than half of the designated medical institution beds available in the country, but only certain designated medical institutions in areas where the number of infected people has skyrocketed will be in a state of medical collapse. Support personnel such as nursing, cleaning, and cooking staff are not allowed to enter designated medical institutions, placing an extremely heavy burden on the nurses who have to take over these duties.

For this reason, there has been a debate on whether to remove the category 2 designation and treat it as category 5, similar to influenza, which has the same level of danger. However, it seems that there are various adult reasons, and it is not going to be so easy, and the designation of Class 2 will be continued for another year.

  • Corona patients will decrease → economic sacrifice → economic collapse (more suicides)
  • Corona patients will increase → priority will be given to economy → collapse of medical care (extension of the current status)
  • Change to category 5 → more coronary patients, mainly asymptomatic → restrictions on movement of elderly → decrease in hospital revenue

Personally, I think these are the options (please forgive the rather crude explanation). I predict that it will most likely happen in order from the top. I can't speak out of turn, but considering the average age of the corona deaths, it seems obvious what the priority should be. Which will be the least damaging to the country in total? There is no doubt that now is the time for political leadership.

Today's Contents

  • Why People Run: A look at the life of a runner
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/14-2020/12/20
  • Youtube_Let's do running drills before point practice

What is the purpose of running?

What's the point of running? What's the fun in running?

If your hobby is running, you've probably been asked this question many times. If your hobby is running, you've probably been asked this question many times, and I'm sure some of you have answered, "Well... it's because there's a road there. Even when I talk with my good runner friends, I sometimes wonder why they are running. The runners who are fast in their own way are definitely enduring hard training, and I don't like such training. So why is he running? For health? A sense of accomplishment? Before I write about the reasons I always give when I am asked, let's think about the benefits of running.

Benefits of Running

  • Acquire healthy habits
  • Lose weight (stay in shape)
  • Gaining physical strength
  • Sense of accomplishment (especially in races)
  • Comfortable to run in the first place
  • Make friends

In general, I would say something like this. Probably, almost all citizen runners fall into one of these categories. However, I think there is a cause-and-effect relationship, i.e., what is the purpose of running and what is the result of running, so let's try to sort it out again.

Benefits of Running (Causes)

  • Acquisition of healthy habits
  • Lose weight (stay in shape)
  • Gaining physical strength
  • Running itself is pleasant.

Benefits of running (fruit)

  • Being able to eat and drink what you want ← Result of losing weight (maintaining body shape)
  • Sense of accomplishment (especially in races) ← Results in physical fitness
  • Making friends ← Result of acquiring healthy habits

I hope you will forgive me for the slight leap in logic. But in this way, the answer to the question "Why run? In this way, the answer to the question "Why run? In other words.

I can eat whatever I want and not get fat!
I can't tell you how happy I am when I train hard and achieve my goals!
I've made some very important friends while running!
See, I found a reason to run, didn't I?


"Why are you running? "What's the fun in running? These are great questions... I started thinking while writing the blog that these are not the right questions to ask about people's hobbies. For example, if someone says that golf is their hobby, I would ask them, "Why do you play golf? "What's so fun about golf? You don't usually say that. Because you can imagine how annoyed the person would be. Why is this not the case with running? I don't know, maybe it's because it's hard to imagine what the fun is, and it looks painful. I don't know.

Then why are you running?

This may be a bit of a rambling topic, but I'd like to explain why I'm running. As it turns out, I have the following two objectives.

  • I want to eat what I want, but I don't want to get fat.
  • I want to challenge myself and feel a sense of accomplishment.

 Well, I guess you could say it's a monthly thing. There is a life where you can eat whatever you want and get fat, and a life where you can eat whatever you want and not get fat. There is also a life of challenges, both at work and outside of work, and a life of no challenges. Life is a series of choices. You don't get fat on your own, and you don't let time pass by without a sense of accomplishment. We just choose the actions that will result in those things. What will you choose?

Weekly Report_2020/12/14-2020/12/20


  • Despite the busy work schedule at the end of the year, I feel like I had a good practice. I was able to run 30km on Sunday. My body works better in the evening than in the morning. If I can run like this without peaking, I'll be able to run a full 3.20 now. If I wear VaporFly, I can see 3:15.
  • But it was dark on the riverbed. It gets dark too early in winter. I couldn't see my feet, so I stopped my watch when I got scared and ran without being able to measure for about 3km. A light is a must at this time of year.
  • I feel like I'm getting my running ability back, probably due to the speed training I've been doing at the track days. On the other hand, I feel disappointed that I don't have a place to try it out. Maybe I should participate in some small lap races. I'm not sure what to do.

Youtube_Let's do running drills before point practice

  • I tried to stretch and warm up more carefully than usual before my long run this weekend. And you know what? My body turned on much faster than usual! On weekdays, I've been running too quickly to spare time, but on weekends, I've found that being aware of my body's movements before running helps me grow.
  • I've come this far almost entirely on my own, though. I strongly believe that I should be more conscious of the time effect, or the effect of practice versus practice, in order to grow another level from here. I'll do my best.

See you soon.