Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【目標達成のためにKPIを設定する】サブスリーへの道/[Set KPIs to achieve goals] Road to sub-three

※English follows.






  • 【目標達成のためにKPIを設定する】サブスリーへの道
  • Weekly Report_2020/10/6-2020/10/12
  • Article_東京マラソン、21年秋実施へ コロナで3月開催断念





  • このフルマラソン3時間カットがどれくらいの難易度か。日常的にランニングをしている人でなければ想像するのが難しいと思うが、サブスリー達成者の全ランナーに占める割合は、上位3%程度とされる。まあ、ピンとこないよね・・・これを日本国内の世帯当たりの年間所得に当てはめると、1500万~1600万にあたる。どうでしょう?イメージ湧きますかね。感覚的にはかなりの富裕層でしょう。
  • 要するにサブスリーといえば、市民ランナーの夢、エリートランナー。ランナー同士の会話の中で、持ちタイムを言ったときに明らかに相手の見る目が変わるレベル。言うなればスターといっても過言ではない。
  • フルマラソン4時間カットは、その名の通りサブフォー、3時間半カットをサブ3.5(読み方はサブサンテンゴw)というのだが、サブスリーとの間には大きな壁が立ちはだかっていると思う。その壁というのはスピード。3時間半切りはともかく、4時間切るのにはたぶんスピード練習はほぼ不要。
  • サブスリーを達成するための練習量は、月間走行距離で300K前後、加えて負荷の高いスピード練習が必要になる(まあ普通の人の感覚だと想像することすら難しいでしょう)。









VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料


という差分。当たり前といえば当たり前なのだが、フルマラソンのタイムだけが下回っているということではなく、他の全ての距離で負けている。ただ逆に言えば、フルマラソン以外の距離におけるGAPを埋めることができたときに、フルマラソンを走ったときにもGAPが埋まっている=サブスリー達成が近づいている ということになる。ここまでが現状分析。



  • 長い距離をスピードを落とさずに走り続ける持久力
  • ベースのスピード


  • 200M坂ダッシュを10本。合間の休息は復路の下りジョグ。
  • 1000M全力を5本。合間の休息は200Mジョグ。
  • 5000M全力を2本。合間の休息は3分。



  • 走るためだけに生きているわけではないので、公私ともに色々あるわけで。体調だって天気だって変化する。雨降ったくらいでは走りにいくけど台風きたらさすがに外走れないし。重要なことは、目標を達成するために足りないものは何で、それを得るために必要なトレーニングは何なのか。自分の立ち位置がどこにいるのかを把握し続けることだと思う。あとは実行あるのみ。
  • 今の季節は特にだけど、晴れた日に低負荷なペースで走るってだけで気持ち良いわけなんだけど、私はそれだけだと走り続ける意味を見出せなくなってしまった(年取っても走り続けたいので、将来は気持ちよく走るだけで満足できるようになると思うが)。
  • 目標を立て、達成のために必要なトレーニングプランを考え、それを実行し、状況の変化に応じてトレーニングプランを変更し、またそれを実行し、最終的に目標を達成する。この一連のプロセスがマラソンの楽しみだと思う。これは経験者じゃないと分からないかな、たぶん。まあ、今後目標達成への進捗についてはこのblogで書いていきますので、応援お願いします。また私のblogが少しでも誰かのためになるのであれば本当に嬉しく思う。皆に幸あれ。

Weekly Report_2020/10/6-2020/10/12


  • 織田フィールドデビュー。トラックで走るのはすごく新鮮で、周りに引っ張ってもらえるので、とても楽にスピードが出るなと(4:15/Kくらいでもほとんど息が乱れない)。ただ、走り終わってから気づくのだが、脚のダメージが結構あって、脹脛の張りが数日取れなかった。やっぱり高負荷トレーニング後はケアが大事だなと。
  • 日曜日ロングジョグ。設定は4:45/Kだったのだが、なかなか辛い時間を過ごすことに。先週の東京30Kのときも思ったことだが、持久力がまだ春先のレベルまで戻っていないようだ。

Article_東京マラソン、21年秋実施へ コロナで3月開催断念

東京マラソンは象徴的なので、取り上げる。みなさんご存知の通り、コロナの影響で大規模なレースは軒並み中止になっている。私が知らないだけなのかもしれないけど、マラソンを起因にクラスターが発生した事例ってあるのかな。屋外での実施だし、人数絞る・時間帯をずらす(場合によっては2日間に分ける)・選手以外は会場入りを禁じる など対策を講じて開催することはできないのかしら。東京マラソンも中止になっているし」という理由で中止になっているレースも相当数あると思うので、頑張って予定通りに開催してほしかったな。





Hello everyone


It's getting cooler and easier to run. Are you running? I wrote an article today, saying that I should run with a goal (purpose) because I will run with much effort.


Today's Contents

  • [Set KPIs to achieve goals] Road to sub-three
  • Weekly Report_2020/10/6-2020/10/12
  • Article_Tokyo Marathon to be held in autumn 2009 Abandoned in March in Corona

[Set KPIs to achieve goals] Road to sub-three

If you are a runner who has a certain degree of running history and has participated in multiple races, I think that there are many people who are practicing with goals. I am one of them, and my goal is to run a sub-three, a full marathon, within three hours.

The awesomeness of sub-three

  • How difficult is this full marathon 3-hour cut? It's hard to imagine unless you're a runner on a daily basis, but the percentage of all runners who have achieved sub-three is said to be in the top 3%. Well, it doesn't come to mind ... If you apply this to the annual income per household in Japan, it is 15 to 16 million. How is it? Do you have an image? Perhaps it's a fairly wealthy class.
  • In short, sub-three is the dream of a citizen runner, an elite runner. In conversations between runners, the level at which the other person's eyes clearly change when he says his time. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a star.
  • As the name suggests, the full marathon 4-hour cut is called sub-four, and the 3-and-a-half-hour cut is called sub 3.5 (reading is sub-santengo w), but I think there is a big wall between them and the sub-three. That wall is speed. Aside from cutting three and a half hours, speed practice is probably almost unnecessary to cut four hours.
  • The amount of practice to achieve the sub-three is around 300K in monthly mileage, and in addition, high-load speed practice is required (well, it is hard to imagine that it is a normal person's feeling).

Sub-three runner levels and KPIs to set

Runners talk about how fast they run, not how fast it takes to run a kilometer. For example, if it takes 5 minutes and 30 seconds to run 1 km, it feels like 5: 30 / K. Applying this to the full marathon 3 hours.

Full marathon 3: 00 = 4: 15 / K

And my best.

Full marathon 3: 14 = 4: 35 / K

20 seconds behind per kilo. Well, this doesn't come out well either. Eventually, I will train to fill this 20 seconds x 42 K, but of course I can not achieve it even if I practice in the dark clouds. So set the KPI. As mentioned above, this can be achieved by running about 100K a month for up to 4 hours (although this also requires habitual training about 3 times a week). From sub 3.5, I think it will be necessary to imagine the required runlevel and to formulate and execute a training plan to acquire it.

KPI vs best at the moment

Recently, there is a convenient application, and if you enter the target time, you can easily calculate the estimated time when the runner who can achieve that time runs another distance.


VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料

↑ This kind of app. according to this

  • Sub-three: Full marathon 3: 00 / Half marathon 1: 26: 18 / 10K38: 59 / 5K18: 48
  • Best at the moment: Full Marathon 3: 14: 01 / Half Marathon 1: 29: 07 / 10K41: 30 / 5K20: 30

The difference. It's natural to say that it's not just that the full marathon time is short, but that I'm losing at all other distances. However, to put it the other way around, when the GAP can be filled at a distance other than the full marathon, the GAP is filled even when running the full marathon = the achievement of sub-three is approaching. This is the analysis of the current situation.

What to do (training direction)

Self-analysis that the endurance to run a long distance is moderate but lacks speed. I think there are two main types of marathon training.

  • Endurance to keep running long distances without slowing down
  • Base speed

Again, you can reach the sub four with just the former training. It's simple to do, run a distance. Especially once a week, you run a long distance (= 15K or more, preferably 20K) once a week. This is OK. However, in order to shorten the time, it is necessary to increase the speed of the base, and for that purpose, training that drives the cardiopulmonary system becomes important. In particular.

  • 10 200M slope dashes. The rest in between is a down jog on the return trip.
  • Five 1000M full power. The rest in between is 200M jog.
  • Two 5000M full power. The rest is 3 minutes.

like. From the point of view of the general public, it is a high-load practice that is a club activity. Well, it's a club activity. I do this constantly once a week. I want to do 2 weeks if possible. Also, don't forget to run long distances to strengthen your endurance. While doing a long jog of 20K to 30K on weekends, it seems that the guideline is 5 to 6 times a week and 70K or more in distance. Of course, the time is finite, so I will earn distance while also jogging home. The image is 35K on weekdays (including speed training) + 35K on weekends (speed training built-in again while watching physical condition + long jog). And I'm afraid of injury if the load is so high, so if I think I'm a little sick, I take the plunge and take a rest day.

Well, I'll try to make a plan

  • I'm not alive just to run, so there are various things both public and private. Physical condition and weather change. I go to run when it rains, but I can't run outside when a typhoon hits. The important thing is what is missing to reach the goal and what training is needed to achieve it. I think it's about keeping track of where you are. The rest is only executed.
  • Especially in this season, it feels good just to run at a low load pace on a sunny day, but that alone made me unable to find the meaning of continuing to run (I want to continue running even as I get older, so I want to continue running. In the future, I think I will be satisfied just by running comfortably).
  • Set goals, think about the training plan needed to achieve it, execute it, change the training plan as the situation changes, execute it, and finally achieve the goal. I think this series of processes is the fun of the marathon. I don't know if this isn't an experienced person, maybe. Well, I will write about the progress toward achieving the goal in this blog, so please support me. I would be really happy if my blog would benefit anyone. Good luck to everyone.

Weekly Report_2020 / 10 / 6-2020 / 10/12


  • Oda field debut. Running on a track is very fresh and you can pull it around, so it's very easy to speed up (even at 4: 15 / K, I can hardly breathe). However, as I noticed after running, there was a lot of damage to my legs and I couldn't get the calf tension for a few days. After all, care is important after high-intensity training.
  • Sunday long jog. The setting was 4: 45 / K, but I decided to spend a difficult time. As I thought at Tokyo 30K last week, it seems that endurance has not yet returned to the level of early spring.

Article_Tokyo Marathon to be held in autumn 2009 Abandoned in March in Corona

The Tokyo Marathon is symbolic, so I will cover it. As you all know, large-scale races have been canceled due to the influence of Corona. Maybe I just don't know, but I wonder if there are any cases of clusters caused by marathons. It is held outdoors, and I wonder if it is possible to take measures such as narrowing down the number of people, shifting the time zone (in some cases, dividing it into two days), and prohibiting non-athletes from entering the venue. I think there are quite a few races that have been canceled because the Tokyo Marathon has also been canceled, so I wanted you to do your best to hold it as planned.


see you.