Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【初心者向け】ランニングを続けるための方法は2つだけ/[For beginners] There are only two ways to keep running

※English follows.



雨が多いなと思っていたら急に冷えてきましたね。走るには良い季節ですが、雨を理由にサボってしまうこともありますよね。今日はランニングを継続するために、持っておくと良い考え方について記事を書きます。一言で言うと、ランニングを継続するためには、ランニングを継続する理由を増やし、ランニングを継続しない理由をなくす作業を継続する である。


  • 【初心者向け】ランニングを続けるための方法は2つだけ
  • Weekly Report_2020/10/13-2020/10/19
  • Youtube_最高の睡眠をとるために




  • 定期的=週に2~3回程度(できれば3回以上)
  • 継続的=半年以上(できれば1年以上)







  • 1回当たり5km×週3回 → 1か月半
  • 1回当たり5km×週2回 → 2か月半
  • 1回当たり5km×週1回 → 5か月弱







  1. いかにして強制力を持たせるか
  2. 走らないことが損になると錯覚させるか












走るために投資をした という事実が残る


  • 仲の良い人と走る(家族がベスト)
  • ランニング友だちを作る(そのためにサークルなどに入会する)
  • 帰宅RUN(会社に行ったら必ず帰らなければならないはず)
  • 起床後の最初の行動をランニングと決める(ランニング以外のことはランニングが終わるまではしてはならない)

のようなことが継続力を高める具体的な施策である。要するに、モチベーションとは無関係に行動できる仕組み、習慣を作ることである。Good LucK!!

Weekly Report_2020/10/13-2020/10/19


  • 冴えない1週間であった。先週末のロング走で右足首を捻ったのか、週の前半は痛みで高負荷トレーニングできず。
  • 中二日休息日を入れてほぼ回復したので、帰宅RUN→土曜日インターバル(1000M×5本)日曜日ロング走。日曜日は土曜日の練習で乳酸が抜けておらずスピード上がらず。まだまだ力が足りない。ただ久しぶりのインターバルは良い練習になった。もっと強く腕を振ろう。


  • みなさん、眠れてますか?ここのところストレスのせいなのか加齢によるものなのか、睡眠の質がよろしくないことを自覚していた。寝る前にワインを飲んだり、ハーブティーを飲んだりしているが、寝つきが悪い上に、夜中に必ず目が覚める。そんなもんだから、若い時よりも早くベッドに入っているのに疲労が抜けていない気がしていた。
  • この動画は、オリラジのあっちゃんの「Youtube大学」の授業で扱われた「免疫力を高めるスタンフォード式最高の睡眠」の授業。いくつか重要なことを言っていて、個人的には「寝る90分前に風呂に入れ」「きちんと湯舟に浸かれ(15分)」「なぜなら体温が下がっていく過程で眠気は訪れる」という部分が腑に落ちた。やっぱりシャワーだけではよく眠れないな。湯船に浸かろう。



Hello everyone

I thought it was raining a lot, but it suddenly got cold. It's a good season to run, but sometimes it's raining and you skip it. Today I will write an article about ideas that you should have in order to continue running. In a nutshell, in order to continue running, you need to increase the reasons for continuing running and continue the work to eliminate the reasons for not continuing running.

Today's Contents

  • [For beginners] There are only two ways to keep running
  • Weekly Report_2020/10/13-2020/10/19
  • Youtube_ for the best sleep

[For beginners] There are only two ways to keep running

The reality of novice runners

By the way, summer is completely over. It's completely autumn and the running season has arrived. I think many people start running when the weather is getting better. However, regardless of the purpose of running, it makes sense to run "regularly" and "continuously", and the reality is that running only a few times a month does not make much sense. And

  • Regular = 2-3 times a week (preferably 3 times or more)
  • Continuous = more than half a year (preferably more than a year)

I think there are many people who think like this. However, (as you can imagine) this is quite difficult to continue, and one theory is that 68% of people have stopped running in the first six months.

Why can't you continue

This is the answer for me, and most people start running for the purpose of dieting. However, it takes time for running to change your body. The change here is weight loss, but it is quite difficult for beginners to lose weight "by running alone". But why,
The distance you have to run to lose 1 kg is 100 km *
In order for beginners to reach a cumulative mileage of 100km,

  • 5km per time x 3 times a week → 1 and a half months
  • 5km per time x twice a week → 2.5 months
  • 5km per time x once a week → less than 5 months

You'll need a period of time, and you'll witness the reality that riding a scale during this period shows little change in your weight. And you come to think like this.
Don't I lose weight even if I run?
The motivation to run in this way diminishes and disappears.
* In order to lose 1 kg of body weight, the difference between calorie intake and calorie consumption must be 7,000 kcal, and if the amount of exercise required for that purpose is applied to running, a mileage of about 100 km is required (there are individual differences).

All you need to do to continue

From the above, it is very difficult to be aware of the changes in your body and to increase your "motivation" to continue running. Conversely, you don't need "motivation" in the early stages of running. Rather, it can be said to be harmful. If you continue, you will definitely lose weight, but it will take too long to lose weight and you will be frustrated before you lose weight. So how can you continue running? The point is

  1. How to force
  2. Do you get the illusion that not running is a loss?

There are two points. Let me explain each in detail.

1. How to force

People are weak creatures. I'm out of breath when I run, and when I get home from work, I change into running wear and go outside. It's especially cold today, and early morning tomorrow. Let's stop running today. Everyone thinks like this. Even so, in order to feel like running, it is necessary to create an environment where it is bad if you do not run. For that reason, we recommend
Enter the race
That is. Instead of aiming, decide on a race to go out and enter. The best time is about 3 months ahead. A race with a minimum distance of 10km. If possible, enter the half marathon. Personally, I highly recommend the half marathon. What kind of feeling would you get if you do this?
If you don't run (if you don't practice), you'll see hell on the day
Ordinary people do not run long distances at once in their daily lives. Especially when the distance exceeds 20km like a half marathon. In a half marathon, even people who run on a daily basis take about two hours to complete the race. At this distance, people who have no exercise experience or who are aware of lack of exercise can never finish the race without walking, so this "entry into the race" creates a strong force. Furthermore, it is even better to set a goal of "finishing without walking on the day of the race". If you can commit to this goal, you are a good runner. Congrats.

2. Do you get the illusion that not running is a loss?

The second. What i want you to do
Buy running shoes and clothing
Especially running shoes are a must. Don't make the mistake of substituting running shoes for sneakers that you don't wear often. Absolutely. Obviously, running shoes are optimized for long distances, so they're totally different from other shoes in terms of comfort and prevent injuries. and more than anything,
The fact remains that you invested to run
It is important, and this can create a psychological state of "let's get the money". Regardless of the amount of money, it is this logic that succeeds in dieting when going to Rizap. Therefore, it is recommended to buy running watches as well as things to use when running. The more things you buy, the more you feel that you will lose if you stop. This enhances continuity.

Others (the lower the difficulty, the higher the difficulty)
  • Run with good friends (family is the best)
  • Make running friends (join a circle for that)
  • Return home RUN (If you go to the office, you must go home)
  • Decide that the first action after waking up is running (do not do anything other than running until the end of running)

These are specific measures to enhance continuity. In short, it is to create a mechanism and habit that allows you to act independently of your motivation. Good LucK! !!

Weekly Report_2020 / 10 / 13-2020 / 10/19


  • It was a dull week. Maybe I twisted my right ankle during a long run last weekend, and I couldn't do high-intensity training due to pain in the first half of the week.
  • I almost recovered after taking a rest day for two days, so I went home RUN → Saturday interval (1000M x 5) Sunday long run. On Sunday, I didn't get lactic acid from the practice on Saturday and I couldn't speed up. I'm still not strong enough. However, the interval after a long time was a good practice. Shake your arms harder.

Youtube_ for the best sleep

  • Can you sleep? I've been aware that my sleep quality isn't good these days, maybe because of stress or because of aging. I drink wine and herbal tea before going to bed, but I have trouble falling asleep and always wake up in the middle of the night. Because of that, I felt tired even though I was in bed earlier than when I was young.
  • This video is a class of "Stanford-style best sleep that boosts immunity" that was treated in the class of "Youtube University" of Oriental Radio A-chan. I'm saying a few important things, and personally, "I take a bath 90 minutes before going to bed", "I'm properly immersed in the bathtub (15 minutes)", and "Because I get drowsy as my body temperature drops". I fell in love with it. After all, I can't sleep well just by taking a shower. Soak in the bathtub.

see you.