Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_前編/[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1

※English follows.







  • 【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_前編
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/3-2020/11/9
  • YouTube_序盤調子が良いからと言ってハイペースで入ると失速するよという話




  • 初めてのフルマラソン。私の場合は、ハーフマラソンを5~6回は走り、タイムで言うと1.50を切るくらいで走り切れるくらいの走力の時であった。2014年11月の富士山マラソン。結果はというと・・・5時間以上かかってもゴールできず、35K過ぎからはほとんど歩いているのと変わらないくらいのスピードに。最後は息も絶え絶えという状況であった。本当にきつかった。
  • ハーフマラソンを1.50で走り切るためには、5:12/K程度で走るスピードが必要。一方で、フルマラソンで5時間を切るために必要なスピードは7:00/K程度。少し走ったことがある人にとって、5時間を切るために必要なスピードで走ること自体は全く難しいことではないことが分かるだろう。ここで何を言いたいかというと、フルマラソンをまともに完走するためにはスピードは全く必要がないということだ。






  • 週に1度は1度に長い距離を走る(20Km以上)
  • 練習のラスト1-2Kmはスピードを上げる(ペースは5:00/K以上)
  • 月間走行距離は100Km以上(できれば120Km以上)
  • 上記をレース直前3か月以上連続で継続する



  • ここまで、フルマラソンを完走するために必要な能力や練習の内容について述べてきた。しかし、本当に重要なことは実はそれらではない。能力を身につける、練習に励むために必要なこと。それは実はフルマラソンを完走するのだという強い意志というか目的意識である。
  • 精神論を語るつもりは全くない。なぜこんなことを言うかというと、フルマラソンハーフマラソン以下のレースと比べてとてつもなく過酷であり、ノリというか勢いが通用しない。要するに、必要な練習を重ねずにレースに参加しても絶対に完走できないばかりか私のように地獄を見ることになるのだ。必要な練習を行える環境を作るためには、「なぜ走るのか」「なんのために走るのか」ということを明確にしておくことだ。

目的は何でも良い。私の場合は走り続けるためにレースにエントリーし続けているが、走り続ける目的は、自分の好きなものを好きなだけ食べることだったりする。走ることをせずに好きなものを好きなだけ食べたらどうなるか。そう、太るだけだ。私は太らないことを選択し、その方法論として食事制限ではなく走ることを選択した。さらに走り続けるために、レースにエントリーし続けるという選択をしているのだ。皆はどうだ?何を選び何を諦める?Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020/11/3-2020/11/9


  • 11月に入り、いよいよ走りやすい気候になってきた。早朝だとグローブがいるくらいに冷えてきた。
  • 会食×2回で今週もまた5回のRunにとどまる結果に。ただ、一度の運動強度を上げられるようなってきたので、VO2MAXが改善傾向。どのRunでもラストはビルドアップを意識する。酸欠になるくらい追い込もう。
  • そして週末ロング走は、調子が今一つな中ラストはペースアップ。疲労を自覚したタイミングで負荷を上げることで鍛えられると信じよう。ただし、無理は禁物。怪我を何よりも恐れると自戒する。


  • 三度この方の動画を皆さんへお届け。もはや私のバーチャルトレーナーだな。最近失敗談を配信してくれるようになった。
  • 次回のブログでも書こうと思っているのだけど、フルマラソン前半飛ばすと必ず終盤で失速して地獄を見るので気を付けましょうというお話。これ例外なくこうなるので、本当に気を付けたほうが良いです(でも皆が通る道でもある)。
  • 目標タイムから逆算してペース配分しましょうね。スタートしてすぐの「お!今日は調子良いかも!」というのは勘違いだと思ったほうが良い。当たり前だけど最初の5Kと最後の5Kでは辛さが全く違うのでね・・・そう、フルマラソンは長い。まるで旅のように。





Hello everyone


During this time, in the LINE group with fellow runners, the topic of the Nagoya Women's Marathon. Apparently, the scale is being reduced, and after taking proper measures against infectious diseases, the event is being held. Don't lose to this corona pandemic.

It's one of the largest competitions in Japan (only for girls), so it should have a big impact on other competitions. So I think it's a very good thing, and I hope that other tournaments will follow suit. I think that there are many people who will be the first full marathon in such a large-scale competition, so I will write down what you should be careful about when you run the full marathon for the first time (let's divide it into practice and race day). ..


Today's content

  • [First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1
  • Weekly Report_2020 / 11 / 3-2020 / 11/9
  • YouTube_ A story that even if you are in good shape at the beginning, you will stall if you enter at a high pace


[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1

My first full marathon

  • The first full marathon. In my case, I ran the half marathon 5 to 6 times, and in terms of time, it was a time when I could run in less than 1.50. Mt. Fuji Marathon in November 2014. The result is ... I couldn't finish even if it took more than 5 hours, and after 35K, it was almost the same speed as walking. At the end, I was out of breath. It was really tight.
  • In order to run the half marathon at 1.50, you need to run at about 5: 12 / K. On the other hand, the speed required to cut 5 hours in a full marathon is about 7: 00 / K. For those who have run a little, you will find that running at the speed required to cut five hours is not at all difficult. What I want to say here is that you don't need any speed to complete a full marathon properly.

You don't need speed, but endurance is super important

As I wrote in my previous blog, if the goal is less than a certain time, speed-oriented practice is basically unnecessary. In my sense, you don't need to practice cardiopulmonary up to about 3.45.

Continue running at a constant pace without walking and reach the goal. What is needed for this is not the ability to run fast, but the ability to keep moving for a long time. Marathon is a sport that uses legs, so leg strength is especially important, but the human body is not designed to keep moving for hours. So we need an approach to acquire this ability.

Effective practice

Although it depends on the target time, it is basically the same as the practice required to achieve the sub-four below. I think the most important thing is long-distance running. That is, run a long distance at a time.

  • Run a long distance once a week (20km or more)
  • The last 1-2km of practice increases the speed (pace is 5: 00 / K or more)
  • Monthly mileage is 100km or more (preferably 120km or more)
  • Continue the above for 3 consecutive months or more just before the race

Once a week, every other week, distance is 20K or more, 15K or more, pace is 5:00 / K or more, 5: 30 / K or more, exercise experience including running and own body shape (For fat people, You need to lose weight to some extent first), and while modifying the practice menu, run the distance constantly. This "constant" is very important, and those who cannot put themselves in an environment where they can practice constantly should not try the full marathon.

The most important thing to finish

  • So far, I have described the abilities and training content required to complete a full marathon. But what really matters is not them. What you need to do to acquire abilities and practice. It is actually a strong will or purpose to complete the full marathon.
  • I have no intention of talking about spiritual theory. The reason for saying this is that the full marathon is extremely harsh compared to the races below the half marathon, and the momentum does not work. In short, even if you participate in the race without the necessary practice, you will never finish the race and you will see hell like me. In order to create an environment where you can practice what you need, it is important to clarify "why you run" and "what you run for".

The purpose can be anything. In my case, I keep entering the race to keep running, but the purpose of keeping running is to eat as much as I like. What if you eat as much as you like without running? Yes, I just get fat. I chose not to gain weight and my methodology was to run instead of dietary restrictions. I keep entering the race to keep running. How about everyone? What to choose and what to give up? Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020 / 11 / 3-2020 / 11/9


  • In November, the climate is finally getting easier to drive. In the early morning, it got cold enough to have gloves.
  • The result is that the dinner x 2 times will only run 5 times again. VO2MAX is improving because it has become possible to increase exercise intensity only once. In any Run, the last is conscious of build-up. Let's drive to the point of running out of oxygen.
  • And on weekend long run, the pace is up at the end while the condition is not good. Believe that you can train by increasing the load when you become aware of fatigue. However, do not overdo it. Be wary of fear of injury above all else.

YouTube_ A story that even if you are in good shape at the beginning, you will stall if you enter at a high pace

  • Deliver this person's video to everyone three times. It's my virtual trainer anymore. Recently, it has begun to deliver failure stories.
  • I'm thinking of writing it in my next blog, but if I skip the first half of the full marathon, it will always stall at the end and I will see hell, so be careful. This happens without exception, so you really should be careful (but it's also the path everyone takes).
  • Let's calculate back from the target time and distribute the pace. It is better to think that it is a misunderstanding that "Oh! Maybe I'm in good shape today!" Right after the start. Obviously, the spiciness of the first 5K and the last 5K is completely different ... Yes, the full marathon is long. It's like a trip.


see you.