Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【VDOTとは何か】どれくらいのタイムで走れるのか自分の走力を可視化する / What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run

※English follows.








  • 【VDOTとは何か】どれくらいのタイムで走れるのか自分の走力を可視化する
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18
  • Youtube_腕を振ってもイマイチスピードが上がらないと思ったら





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  • Eペースでのロング走→苦しくないペースで長い距離(20km以上)を一度に走る
  • Tペースでの閾値走→心肺を追い込むペースで20~40分を一度に走る



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今回は初心者~中級者向けにblogを書いているため、他のトレーニングペースの練習の中身については省略する。興味がある方は、紹介した書籍や上述のYouTubeを観てもらっても良いだろう。ただ個人的には「Eペースのロング走」と「Tペースの閾値走」だけで、サブ3.5くらいまでは到達できると確信している。Good luck!

VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料


Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18


  • 久しぶりに週間走行距離で50km割れ。距離が全てではないにせよ、短いなあ。土日は寝坊してロング走をし損なう始末だし。このblog書き終えたら走りに行こうかどうか迷うところ。
  • 一方、木曜・土曜・日曜と距離はさほどではないにせよ、ビルドアップ走を中心にしたメニューでそれなりに身体に刺激は入れたつもり。という側面では良い練習のできた1週間だったのかもしれない(早速前言撤回しつつあるなw)。
  • それにしても寒い。夜はなおさら寒い。真冬の夜はウォーミングアップに時間をかけないと筋肉が全然動かない。ということで、土日くらいはやっぱり日が高いうちに走ろうと思った1週間であった。



  • 走る際に身体を前に進めるにあたって重要な下半身の箇所は後ろ腿(ハムストリングス
  • ハムストリングスをスムーズに動かすためには、連動して動く肩甲骨をスムーズに動かすと良い
  • 肩甲骨をスムーズに動かすためには、上腕三頭筋に刺激を入れることが有効で、そのためには肘を後ろに高く持ち上げる意識で振ると良い






Hello, everyone!


Finally, on January 20th, the President of the United States will be replaced. President Trump has been a historic president in many ways, but after four years, we will have a President Biden who is like the American president we once had.

However, it does not look like it will be smooth sailing in the US, which has been divided into upper, lower, left and right. Unlike President Trump, who has almost completely ignored Corona, President Biden will focus on fighting Corona.

With thousands of coronary deaths still occurring daily in the U.S., can the spread of this infection be stopped? The first step is always the most important, and whether or not the Biden administration can produce results here will have a major impact on the stability of the Biden administration and the world. It will also be interesting to see what President Trump does when he leaves office.

The world is watching the US with bated breath. What will happen?

Today's Contents

  • What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18
  • Youtube_When I thought I couldn't get any speed up by swinging my arms

What is VDOT] Visualizing your running ability to see how fast you can run

Have you ever wondered how fast and how far you should run in order to gain strength in your daily practice? If you don't exercise enough, you won't get faster, while if you exercise too much, you increase the risk of injury. And it's hard when you can't run because of an injury.

VDOT is a numerical measure of a runner's running ability, which is determined by how long it takes to complete a certain distance. Specifically, it is calculated according to the following table.



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For example, a person who can run 5000m in 20 minutes (4:00/Km) has a VDOT of about 50. And on the left and right sides of the same line are times for different distances, which means that a person with a VDOT of 50 can run a half marathon in 1:31:35, and a full marathon in a number closer to 3:10:49. It is not usual to run a distance as long as a full marathon in training. In such a situation, it is a very useful concept that allows you to set an appropriate goal for yourself based on the times of other distances.

Furthermore, VDOT can be used to

As mentioned above, it is very useful for setting goals for races, but there is another way to use it that is even more useful. This concept of VDOT is an indicator in the running theory of a famous runnig coach named Jack Daniels.

Daniels has succeeded in listing the various practice menus and exercise intensities according to the runner's running ability = VDOT. This makes it easy to set up the best practice menu that "matches your ability," "prevents injury," and "improves your running ability. For more details, see the following video.

You can set 5 different training paces according to your ability. You can plan your training menu with a clear objective in mind, which elements of your overall running ability you want to improve. What I consider to be particularly important is

  • Long run at E pace→ Run a long distance (more than 20km) at a time at a comfortable pace.
  • Threshold run at T pace→ run 20 to 40 minutes at a time at a pace that pushes your heart and lungs.

These are the two types of exercises. If you are able to do these exercises once a week, your running ability will improve in no time. If you can do these exercises once a week, your running ability will improve rapidly. When practicing, do not do these two exercises two days in a row. Even if each practice has the right amount of load, if you practice them too often, you will end up with an overload of practice in total. This will lead to injury, even if you have found a training menu that is appropriate for your running ability. Resting the body is part of training. When your body recovers from injury, your running ability will improve. This is called super recovery. And below is a table of E-Pace and T-Pace by VDOT.


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Since I'm writing this blog for beginners to intermediate runners, I won't go into the content of the other training pace exercises. If you are interested, you may want to check out the books I mentioned or the YouTube videos mentioned above. Good luck!

VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料


The following is a list of apps that allow you to easily check your VDOT.

Weekly Report_2021/1/12-2021/1/18


  • It's been a while since my weekly mileage was below 50km. Distance is not everything, but it's still short. I overslept on Saturday and Sunday and missed my long run. I'm not sure if I should go for a run after I finish writing this blog or not.
  • On the other hand, even though the distances on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday were not so long, I thought I stimulated my body to a certain extent with a menu that mainly consisted of build-up runs. In that sense, it may have been a good week of practice (I think I'm going back on my earlier statement).
  • But still, it was cold. It's even colder at night. At night in the middle of winter, you have to spend a lot of time warming up or your muscles won't move at all. So, I decided to run on Saturday and Sunday while the sun was still high in the sky.

Youtube_When I thought I couldn't get any speed up by swinging my arms

This is a Youtuber I recently discovered, a runner who is an osteopath. He explains in simple terms how to use the upper body to move the lower body, especially the hamstrings, which are important when running.

  • The hamstrings are the most important part of the lower body for moving the body forward when running.
  • In order to move the hamstrings smoothly, it is good to move the shoulder blades smoothly, which move in conjunction with the hamstrings.
  • In order to move the shoulder blades smoothly, it is effective to stimulate the triceps, and to do so, swing with the intention of lifting your elbows high behind you.

There are times when you feel like you're swinging your arms as hard as you can, but you just can't seem to generate any thrust. In such cases, you may be swinging your arms forward and backward. This is often seen in girls who have not had much experience in exercise (I may be biased). Try to pull your elbows back. If you pull your elbows back, your back will move. And when your back moves, your legs move too!


See you soon.