Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【ハムストリングスが痛い】ブランク明けに無理をしてはいけない / Hamstring pain: Don't overdo it after a blank

※English follows.




マラソン鈴木、一夜明け「実感」 びわ湖毎日で日本新記録(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース







  • 競技者のレベルアップに賞金という形でわかりやすく貢献する。
  • ラソンを頑張ると多額の賞金をもらえ、ヒーローなれるというイメージから子供たちが憧れる。結果国内のマーケットがさらに拡大する。
  • ヒーローが誕生した時には常にアシックスが隣にいるというポジティブなイメージ。
  • それを観た人々は、記録更新のたびに、アシックスという国内メーカーを含めて日本人としての誇りを取り戻す。





しかしだ。練習を再開して1週間も経つと徐々に走力も戻ってくる。4.30/kmくらいのスピードで走れるようになり、いよいよスピード練習を再開しよう。そう思った矢先、事件が起こった。ちょうど1週間前、まさに前回のブログを書いた日のことだ。 夜10時くらいから走りにいってみた。7kmほどEペースでジョグ。そして覚えたてのタバタトレーニングを行おうとスマホアプリを起動。そしてダッシュ1本目。すると。







  1. 急にダッシュをする
  2. 極端に関節可動域を広げる
  3. ダッシュから急に減速する


  • 筋力が低下している故障明けは注意。
  • 軽いジョギングなら問題ないことが多い。スピード練習の復帰は慎重に。
  • 筋肉をよく温める(タイツの着用、ウォーミングアップはしっかり)。特に早朝は注意。
  • 強めのマッサージが有効。
  • リハビリは膝・股関節周りをバランス良く鍛える。
  • 腿裏は固まりやすい箇所。日頃から柔軟性のチェックやケアを。
  • 初期段階では痛くても無理できてしまうことも多い。どこかでストップを。
  • ペースは遅くてもやはり急激に走る距離を伸ばすのは禁物。他の箇所にも負担がかかってしまう。

自分の身をもって体験して調べるとちゃんと知識として定着するなと思ったり思わなかったり。先週のブログで書いた、体調を崩したら治すことに全精力を傾けろという格言は。この1週間徹底することができた。おかげさまでほぼ痛みがなくなったので、このブログを書き終えたら軽くジョグをするつもり。皆も身体に異変が起こったらしっかり休息をとろう。それが走力を戻す最短かつ最善の方法だ。Good luck!


Monthly Report 2021/2


  • 前述の通り、2月は本当に走れなかった。結果距離が伸びなかったな(当たり前だけど)。久しぶりの200km割れ。むしろ100kmすら届かないところであった。
  • ハムストリングスの痛みも引いたので改めて練習を再開する。3月20日ハーフマラソン、4月3日にフルマラソンのレースが控えているわけだが、どこまで走力を高められるか。レースまで時間がない中でどんな練習をするか。これはこれでチャレンジと捉えて楽しもうと思う。
  • ベスト更新を完全に諦めるわけではないけれど、これからの2週間は無理なスピード練習は控え、ジョグをメインに閾値走とロング走は週に1回だけ。ハーフマラソン1週間前くらいから身体と相談しながらスピード練習を入れていくイメージでいようと思う。まあ、1週間後の未来もどうなってるか分からないけどね。


  • 昨日夜遅くにワインを飲みながらぼんやりYouTubeを見ていたら。なぜかこれがおすすめ動画に出てきた。動画の中では、なかなかぽっちゃりなお腹が割れていく過程を観ることができる。
  • 継続は力だなと思いつつも、あくまでも腹筋の前部にしか腹筋ローラーは効かないのだなと知った。腹斜筋は最後まであまり変わっていない、というか結構ぷよぷよのまま10か月経過している。それでも前部がここまで割れてれば凄いのだけどね。
  • まあ私も実は腹筋ローラーを持っているんだけどね。これ使ってしっかり筋トレやると次の日の筋肉痛が凄いのだ。なのでこの人は毎日やれてることだけで凄いなと感心した。最近腹筋ローラーは全然使っていなかったけど、また少し筋トレを頑張ってみようかな。そんなに高いものではないので、興味ある方はどうぞ。


【Amazon限定ブランド】ボディテック(Bodytech) 腹筋ローラー 膝保護マット付き 耐荷重200kg 超静音 ダブルローラー エクササイズ アブホイール






Hello, everyone!


A new Japanese record was set at the Biwako Mainichi Marathon the other day.

Marathoner Suzuki "really feels" after a night out, sets new Japanese record at Biwako Mainichi (Kyodo News) - Yahoo! News

Kengo Suzuki. He is the first Japanese to cut 2 hours and 5 minutes. He is only the second Asian ever to do so. However, the 100 million yen reward that was paid until last year will not be paid. The direct cause is that the JAAF does not have a budget for the reward money, but I think this is an opportunity for domestic manufacturers such as ASICS and Mizuno to come forward. We'll pay for it.

This is because they think it is very cost effective to pay 100 million yen for this event if they position it as a marketing expense. If you include citizen runners, the marathon has a very wide base and a large market. This is evident in the overwhelming popularity of the Hakone Ekiden compared to other sports telecasts.

And then there is NIKE. NIKE's presence in the long-distance world is overwhelming. This year's Japanese record and the previous Japanese record were both set by Alphafly. Also, 90% of the runners in the aforementioned Hakone Ekiden wore NIKE shoes.

And above all. NIKE spends 3 billion dollars a year on advertising. NIKE spends $3 billion a year on advertising, which is equivalent to the annual sales of ASICS, Japan's No. 1 manufacturer. In short, even if they were to compete on the same field, they would not be able to compete with NIKE.
Even if they were able to surpass NIKE in terms of technology and product power, it would be extremely difficult for a domestic manufacturer to beat NIKE commercially. In particular, it is not a good idea to challenge NIKE head-on in the marathon race, where NIKE is completely behind in technology.

 Against this backdrop.

  • Contribute to the improvement of competitors in the form of prize money.
  • Children are attracted to marathons by the image that they can receive a large amount of prize money for their efforts and become heroes. As a result, the domestic market will expand further.
  • The positive image that ASICS is always next to the hero when he or she is born.
  • Whenever a record is broken, people who see this image regain their pride as Japanese people, including the domestic manufacturer ASICS.

If we can build this kind of soil, and then bring out shoes that rival NIKE's. Wouldn't that be interesting? Well, at the end of the day, I wonder if anyone would be willing to pay for it. Kengo Suzuki is acting humble, but I'm sure he wanted 100 million yen.

Today's Contents

  • Hamstring pain: Don't overdo it after a blank
  • Monthly Report_2021/2
  • YouTube_The destructive power of the abdominal roller

Hamstring pain: Don't overdo it after a blank

As I mentioned in my last blog, I caught a cold at the beginning of February and couldn't get back into shape, so I was unable to train for 10 days. It's been a long time since I've had such a blank period, and after the blank period, my body was pathetically immobile.

 But here we are. After a week of practice, I was able to run at a speed of 4.30/km, and it was time to resume speed training. Just when I thought that, an incident happened. It was just a week ago, the day I wrote my last blog. I went for a run at about 10 pm, jogging about 7 km at E pace. I jogged about 7km at E pace, and then launched my smartphone app to do some Tabata training that I had just learned. Then I did my first dash. And then...

I felt a dull ache in the back of my thigh. What the hell is this?

The second run. It hurt. The shortness of breath was getting to the point where it didn't matter.

The third run, my legs stopped after about 10 seconds of running. Yeah, I can't do this anymore. I couldn't run any further.

As it turned out, I had a slight separation of the muscles, and there was nothing I could do about it but rest. However, I was supposed to participate in a half marathon race on the following Saturday. I decided to go for a jog late the next night to see what I could do. But.... I stopped running after 3km and came home. I stopped running after 3km and came back home, and the race was cancelled. What the hell am I doing?

When does a hamstring injury occur?

As it turns out, most hamstring injuries are caused by the following three patterns.

  1. Sudden dashes
  2. Extremely high range of motion
  3. Suddenly decelerating from a dash

Hmmm. It's a perfect example. I did this when I was blank and my muscles were weak, so it was very effective. Also, the hamstrings get tighter when you put more stress on them. On the other hand, tight hamstrings are said to be very vulnerable to speed exercises. After a 10-day break, I was able to get back to the level I was at before I got sick. Well, in a nutshell, I got injured as a result of my haste to get back to my original level of practice. I've written a lot about it, but it's a very ordinary story... But since I've written so much, let me summarize. This is for my future self and for runners who happen to come across this blog.

  • Be careful when you are coming off a breakdown where you have lost muscle strength.
  • Light jogging is often not a problem. Be cautious about returning to speed training.
  • Warm up your muscles well (wear tights and warm up well). Be especially careful early in the morning.
  • Strong massage is effective.
  • For rehabilitation, train the knee and hip area in a balanced manner.
  • The back of the thighs are prone to stiffening. Check your flexibility and take care of it on a daily basis.
  • In the early stages, you may be able to push yourself even if it hurts. Stop at some point.
  • Even if your pace is slow, don't increase the distance you run too quickly. It will put strain on other parts of your body.

I've learned a lot from my own experience and research. The saying I wrote in last week's blog, "When you get sick, focus all your energy on getting well. I was able to do that thoroughly this past week. Thanks to that, the pain is almost gone, and I'm going to go for a light jog after I finish writing this blog. I'm going to go for a light jog after I finish writing this blog. Whenever you feel something wrong with your body, take a rest. Good luck!


Monthly Report 2021/2


  • As mentioned above, I really couldn't run in February. As a result, my distance didn't increase (as it should have). It's been a while since I've run less than 200km. In fact, I was not even able to reach 100km.
  • Now that the pain in my hamstrings is gone, I'm going to start training again, and with the half-marathon coming up on March 20 and the full marathon on April 3, I wonder how much I can improve my running ability. How much can I improve my running ability, and what kind of training will I do with so little time before the races? I'm going to take this as a challenge and enjoy it.
  • I don't want to give up completely on my goal of setting a new best time, but for the next two weeks, I'm going to refrain from overdoing the speed training, and will mainly do jogs, threshold runs, and long runs only once a week. I'm going to start speed training about a week before the half-marathon, while consulting with my body. Well, I don't know what's going to happen a week from now.

YouTube_The destructive power of the abdominal roller

  • I was idly watching YouTube late last night with a glass of wine. For some reason, this came up as a recommended video. In the video, you can see the process of breaking up a rather chubby stomach.
  • I learned that the abdominal roller only works on the front part of the abdominal muscles, while I thought that continuation is power. The oblique abdominal muscles didn't change much until the end, or rather, it's been 10 months since they were quite plump. Still, it would be great if the front part of the abdominal muscles could be broken so much.
  • Well, I actually have an abdominal roller too. If you use it to do a good muscle training, you'll feel the muscle pain the next day. So I'm impressed that this guy is able to do it every day. I haven't used the abdominal roller at all lately, but I think I'll try to do a little muscle training again. It's not that expensive, so if you're interested, go for it.

Bodytech Abdominal Roller with Knee Protection Mat, 200kg Capacity, Super Quiet, Double Roller, Exercise Ab Wheel


See you soon.


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