Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【サブスリー】達成のためのトレーニングプランを考えた / My training plan to achieve sub-three

※English follows.



















  • 月:完全休養日
  • 火:ジョグ(7~10km)※5.00/km~5.30/kmペース
  • 水:ポイント練習(7~10km)※ビルドアップ走 or ペース走(MAX4.00/kmペース)
  • 木:休養日(もしくはアクティブレスト)
  • 金:ジョグ(7~10km)※5.00/km~5.30/kmペース
  • 土:ジョグ(10~15km)※4.20/km~5.30/kmペース
  • 日:ロング走(20~30km)※4.20/kmペース~LSD





  1. 練習頻度
  2. 走行距離
  3. 運動強度


  1. 練習頻度→このまま
  2. 走行距離→据え置き~微増
  3. 運動強度→高める


  • スピード→遅い
  • スピード持久力→もう一歩
  • スタミナ→ギリギリ合格ライン



この方は月間走行距離で100km台でサブエガすなわちフルマラソン2時間50分切りだという。若さや才能に恵まれていたとして、明らかに自分のそれとは練習の質が違う。この動画の中で語られているのだが、そもそもサブスリーを目指そうと思っている時点で、そのランナーにはフルマラソンの経験があり、長い距離を走るスタミナはベースとしてあるのだから、優先すべきはスピードである という理屈である。



  • 週に一度インターバル走(1km×5本)or ペース走を行う
  • ジョグの質を高めるために、練習のラストで流しを行う



【Monthly Report】2021年4月


  • 4月の走行距離は258km。月初にフルマラソンを走ったこともあって、久しぶりに250km超え。これくらい走れると自信になる。ただ継続しないとすぐに走力は下がってしまうので、体調管理に気を付けようと思い直した。
  • とはいえだ。平日の練習については距離も強度も足りてないなあと思った。時間を今以上多く確保することは難しいけども、これからは日を追うごとに暑くなる。距離は走れなくなったとしても、質の高い練習を心がけよう。


  • これは本番レースを見据えたとても分かりやすいというか、取り組み易いスピード練習のやり方を紹介してくれている動画である。結論から言うと、本命レースの4か月~1か月前だけ集中して取り組めばOKだ。
  • 必要な走力レベルに対して必要な練習はどういったもので、その成果を本番で発揮するために、どの期間でスピード練習に注力するべきか。特に練習すべき期間を特定してくれているのが秀逸で、いつまでやればOKか分かっているだけで取り組み易さはてきめんに改善する。
  • また月に一度は記録会に参加するなどして自身の成長を確認することも有効だ。ということで、引き続きコンスタントにレースにエントリーすることも忘れないようにしよう。






Hello everyone!


Golden Week is over and daily life has returned. Following last year, this is the second consecutive Golden Week under a declared state of emergency. During this period, I spent almost every day

English conversation, walk and lunch with my wife and dog, study, run.

I spent my vacation in the following routine. The days were too mundane, but it's good to have a break to think about life and life in general.


↑Wife and dog



↑We had some good meat at Yoroniku.

However, due to the long-term effects of the corona scare, some people may be suffering from May sickness. This is especially true for those who are exposed to changes in their environment, such as new students and new employees. However, in such cases, most things can be solved by running. If you don't have time to worry about it, think you've been tricked and get out there. Life is not all about hard times. The world is cruel, but there is happiness in the mundane everyday.

Today's Contents

  • My training plan to achieve sub-three
  • Monthly Report] April 2021
  • Youtube] How to practice speed efficiently

My training plan to achieve sub-three

As I've been saying since I started writing this blog, my marathon goal is to run a sub-three marathon (i.e. a full marathon in under three hours).

 But.... I have many excuses, but the fact is that my running ability is not up to the level to achieve it. In the final race of last season, I could barely break 3.5 hours.

 I took the opportunity of Golden Week to study for the Runner's Meister certification (I passed the beginner exam in one shot!). ), I took the opportunity of Golden Week to study for the Runner's Meister certification (I passed the beginner's exam in the first attempt!), and once again examined the contents of my practice and tried to sort out the direction of my practice in the future.

Current Practice

My monthly mileage is around 250km, and I practice 5 days a week. The details are as follows.

  • Mon: complete rest day
  • Tue: Jog (7~10km) *5.00/km to 5.30/km pace
  • Wed: Point practice (7~10km) *Build-up run or pace run (max 4.00/km pace)
  • Thu: Rest day (or active rest)
  • Fri: Jog (7-10km) *5.00/km to 5.30/km pace
  • Sat: Jog (10-15km) *4.20/km to 5.30/km pace
  • Sun: Long run (20-30km) *4.20/km pace - LSD

I think my routine is almost the same as above, although there are some parts that are fluid depending on my physical condition and work situation. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays, I try to run a large distance at a time, and I'm proud to say that I have a good amount of stamina. In addition, I imagine that I can run one or two races a month.

But here's the thing. When I look at my training menu again, it's clear that it's not enough for me to achieve sub-three. I feel that I need to take my training to the next level. Both in terms of monthly mileage and intensity of training. In terms of distance, a sub-three runner would normally run over 300km per month, and in terms of intensity, he would normally run 10km at a pace of less than 4.00/km. Clearly, I'm not pushing hard enough. Yes, the quality and quantity of training I usually do is that of a runner who runs a full marathon in about 3 hours 15 to 20 minutes (by the way, my best time is 3 hours 14 minutes).

So what to do?

I know that I'm not training enough. So let's think about what we can change. I think there are three main factors that I can change.

  1. Frequency of training
  2. Distance traveled
  3. Exercise intensity

I think one or two of these factors can be changed. And the conclusion is that

  1. Frequency of training -> Same as before
  2. Distance traveled → unchanged to slightly increased
  3. Exercise intensity → increase

I think I'm going to try to leverage my strength in the following way. When I analyze my current running ability

  • Speed → slow
  • Speed endurance → One more step
  • Stamina→ Just barely passable

I've decided that the best way to improve my running performance is to take a good rest and improve the quality of my training (more importantly, if I try to increase the frequency of my training, I'll have some problems in my life).

I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos to help me figure out a practice menu, and it's clear that what I'm lacking is speed.

This person said that his monthly mileage is in the 100km range and he is sub-ega, or under 2 hours and 50 minutes for a full marathon. Even if he was blessed with youth and talent, the quality of his training is clearly different from that of my own. As he says in this video, when a runner is aiming for sub-three, he has already run a full marathon and has the stamina to run a long distance, so the priority should be speed.


What you should focus on is to increase your speed. To do so

  • Do interval run (5 x 1km) or pace run once a week
  • To improve the quality of the jog, do a flow at the end of the practice.

For the former, push yourself as hard as you can without leaving any room for error (tell yourself it's only once a week, and don't cut corners). As for the latter, don't weaken the intensity of the exercise too much to maintain your running ability, but at the same time, don't be too concerned about the sink, as your top priority is to avoid injury.

I knew it, but I couldn't hope to achieve a sub-three without focusing on speed training. Just imagine how tough it is to practice. But that's why I think it's so satisfying when you achieve it. It's only by challenging high goals that life can be wonderful.

[Monthly Report] April 2021


  • My mileage for the month of April was 258km, the first time in a long time that I've run over 250km, partly because I ran a full marathon at the beginning of the month. I feel confident when I can run like this. However, if I don't continue to run, my running ability will quickly decline, so I reminded myself to take care of my physical condition.
  • That said. I felt that I didn't practice enough on weekdays, both in terms of distance and intensity. It would be difficult to secure more time, but it would get hotter and hotter every day. Even if I can't run as far, I'll try to practice with high quality.

Youtube] How to practice speed efficiently

  • This is a video that introduces a very easy to understand and easy to work on speed training method for the real race. In conclusion, you only need to concentrate on it 4 months to 1 month before the real race.
  • What kind of training do you need for the level of running you need to do, and in what period of time should you focus on speed training in order to show the results in the race? In particular, it is excellent to specify the period of time when you should practice, and just knowing when it is OK to do so will greatly improve your ease of approach.
  • It is also useful to participate in a record session once a month to check your progress. So, let's not forget to keep entering races consistently.

See you soon.


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