Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


スピード練習の成果について / The results of speed practice

※English follows.




「自粛要請を拒否したら黒字に転換」緊急事態宣言に従う人ほど損している 「お願い×同調圧力」はもう限界だ | PRESIDENT Online(プレジデントオンライン)

もうね。国民と政府・自治体間の信頼関係は地に堕ちた と思う。この国の問題は、優先的に解決すべき課題から逃げ続けた挙句、結果としての現環境下でできることとできないことの違いも判らぬまま、またそれを我々国民に判らせぬままに対応するものだから、実効性がなかったり、憲法違反だと言われかねない政策がまかり通ってしまうことだ(個人的には、飲食店への営業自粛要請等は実質的な私権制限、すなわち基本的人権が脅かされており、明らかに違憲だと思っている)。この状況で宣言再延長なんてことになれば、グローバルダイニングに続く飲食店が増えるだろうな と思う。

「時短で負債20億」 グローバルダイニング社長が陳述(朝日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース




いやーびっくりだw例年に比べて参加チームが少ないとはいえ、上位入賞は素直にうれしい。こういうチームスポーツはメンバー全員がある程度以上のパフォーマンスを発揮することが重要である。今回は全員が20分カット(ちなみに5km/区間である)。3位との差が1分以内なので、一人でも遅れると3位に転落するところであった(そういえば、箱根駅伝でもたった一人ブレーキがかかるだけで優勝が遠のいているなと思い出した)。いずれにせよ、基本的に一人で取り組むスポーツであるランニングが、チームスポーツとなる駅伝。自分との闘いではなく、チームメンバーと一緒に戦う というのもたまには良いもんだなあと思った週末であった。


  • スピード練習の成果について
  • Weekly Report_2021/5/19-2021/5/25
  • YouTube_実際のところどれくらいのスピードが必要?




  • 月:完全休養日
  • 火:ジョグ(7~10km)※つなぎジョグ(5.00/kmペース)
  • 水:ポイント練習(7~10km)※ビルドアップ走 or ペース走(MAX4.00/kmペース)
  • 木:筋トレ(自重トレーニング)※本当はジムに行きたい
  • 金:ジョグ(7~10km)※つなぎジョグ(5.00/kmペース)
  • 土:ポイント練習(10~15km)※ビルドアップ走 or ペース走(MAX4.00/kmペース)
  • 日:ロング走(20~30km)※4.20/kmペース~LSD





Weekly Report_2021/5/19-2021/5/25


  • 上述している通り、先週は二度刺激を入れている(一度は駅伝なんだけども)。スピード練習の効果を実感しつつも、やぱり身体への負担も相応に強まっていて、常に若干の痛みというか疲労を伴っている実感がある。つなぎのジョグも負荷を落とし過ぎないようにしているのだが、ここは匙加減が難しいところである。
  • 毎回のトレーニングの目的を明確にしつつ、疲労をため過ぎないようにLSDなんかも取り入れながら、スピード練習だけは間を極力空けずに継続していこうと思っている。少なくとも夏終わりくらいまでは。


  • この方は、女性ランチューバーでサブスリー達成のランナーである。5000mだと俺よりも遅いのかもしれない。こういうのを見ると、サブスリーを達成するには瞬間的なスピードはそんなに重要ではなくて、どれだけ楽に4.05~4.10/kmくらいの速度を維持できるかが大事なのか?と思う。
  • とはいえ、ベースのスピードがあるにはこしたことはない。当たり前だが、楽にスピードが出せるということは、身体の使い方が上手いということに他ならないわけで。1kmを3分で走れるようになる必要はなさそうだけど、10kmを40分でそれなりに余裕をもって走れるようになるのが当面の目標かな。






Hello everyone!


It's been a little while since my last post, but the state of emergency is still being declared. And this situation does not seem to be improving, and the situation is critical in a different context than the number of infected people.

The more people follow the emergency declaration, the more they lose.

It's over. I think the trust between the people and the government and local governments has fallen to the ground. The problem with this country is that it keeps running away from the issues that need to be solved first and foremost, and as a result, it deals with issues without knowing the difference between what it can do and what it cannot do under the current environment, and without letting us, the people, know about it. (Personally, I think that the request to restaurants to refrain from doing business is a real restriction on private rights, i.e., a threat to basic human rights, and is clearly unconstitutional. ) If the declaration is extended again under these circumstances, I think more restaurants will follow Global Dining's lead.

Global Dining President Says He Owes 2 Billion in Shortened Hours

In the midst of all this, I ran the Ekiden (relay race) for the first time in a while (I'm not very good at telling stories, am I?). Last year's race was cancelled due to the Corona disaster, but I've participated in this inter-company relay race every year. The result was....


Second place.

Even though there were fewer participating teams than usual, I was honestly happy to have won the top prize. In a team sport like this, it is important for all members to perform to a certain degree or more. This time, all of us were able to cut 20 minutes off the time (5km/section, by the way), and since the gap between us and the third place was less than a minute, even one of us could have fallen into the third place if we were slow (which reminded me that even in the Hakone Ekiden, just one person braking would have prevented us from winning the race). In any case, running, which is basically a sport for a single person, has become a team sport in Ekiden. It was a weekend when I realized that sometimes it's good to fight not against yourself, but with your team members.

Today's Contents

  • The results of speed practice
  • Weekly Report_2021/5/19-2021/5/25
  • YouTube_How much speed do I really need?

The results of speed practice

As I wrote in my last blog, I've been focusing on speed practice for the past two weeks.

  •  Mon: Complete rest day
  • Tue: Jog (7~10km) *connecting jog (5.00/km pace)
  • Wed: Point practice (7~10km) *Build-up run or pace run (MAX 4.00/km pace)
  • Thu: Strength training (body weight training) *I really want to go to the gym
  • Fri: Jog (7-10km) *connecting jog (5.00/km pace)
  • Sat: Point practice (10-15km) *Build-up run or pace run (MAX 4.00/km pace)
  • Sun: Long run (20-30km) *4.20/km pace to LSD

This is how I've been working on it, but I'm still finding it hard to practice at speed, and I keep getting frustrated because I can't go as fast as I want, or I can't maintain the pace. Practice after work. In the middle of my desperate run, I looked at my Garmin and was shocked to see that my speed was only 4.00/km.

On the other hand, when I run at the pace of a jog, including long runs, I've already started to feel the benefits of this hard work, and yesterday I was able to run 20km easily at a pace of 5.00/km. I feel like I couldn't run at this intensity and with this level of comfort at this time of the year, when it usually starts to get hot.

And. If you're a Garmin user, you probably know that when you wear your Garmin, it measures your VO2MAX. In Japanese, this indicator is called "maximal oxygen uptake," and it refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken into the body within a certain period of time, and the higher this value is, the better your marathon record will be. In my case, I've been hovering between 56 and 57 for a long time, but in the past two weeks, I've easily improved to 59.

By the way, it is said that the standard VO2 max value for achieving sub-three is 62, but it seems that the effects of speed training are already showing up, which has motivated me a little more. There are times when things don't go well, but the direction of my training itself seems to be right. At times like this, I feel the importance of visualizing the changes in my body in numbers. So I think you can all understand the importance of setting milestones and KPIs in order to achieve your goals. I am now realizing that this is true for everything. At least when you are running, it is important to keep a record of how far and how fast you run each time. It makes all the difference in the world when you can clearly recognize the trajectory of your efforts and the changes in your body.

Weekly Report_2021/5/19-2021/5/25


  • As I mentioned above, last week I did two training sessions (one of which was an Ekiden). While I felt the effects of the speed training, the burden on my body was also increasing, and I felt that I was always in some pain or fatigued. I've been trying not to reduce the load too much on my connecting jog, but it's difficult to know how to handle it.
  • I'm trying to keep the purpose of each training session clear, and to avoid too much fatigue, I'm going to continue speed training with as little time as possible, while also incorporating LSD. At least until the end of summer.

YouTube_How much speed do I really need?

  • This guy is a female runner who has achieved sub-three. When I see things like this, I wonder if instantaneous speed is not that important to achieve sub-three, but how easy it is to maintain a speed of 4.05-4.10/km. I think so.
  • However, there is nothing wrong with having a good base speed. I don't think it's necessary to be able to run 1km in 3 minutes, but my immediate goal is to be able to run 10km in 40 minutes with a reasonable margin.

See you soon.


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