Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【Race Report】荒川スマイルマラソン_2021/10/17 / Race Report_Arakawa Smile Marathon_2021/10/17

※English follows.






  • Race Report_荒川スマイルマラソン_2021/10/17
  • Running Report
  • YouTube_ピーキングってなんだ

Race Report_荒川スマイルマラソン_2021/10/17











しかしレース会場に着いてからの受付やウォーミングアップの時間を考慮すると、時間に余裕があるわけではない。家に戻るか迷った挙句、ポンチョを諦め電車に乗り込む。会場は都営新宿線東大島駅から徒歩10分ほど。電車に乗っている時間は40分ほどなのでDoor to Doorで1時間強の道程である。新宿駅で乗り換え、都営新宿線に乗り込むと下りのためか電車がかなり空いていたので、座席に座りながら出発を待つ。何の気なしにスマホで大会ホームページをチェックする。目的は会場までの地図を確認するのが目的だったのだけど、改めて大会スケジュールを確認すると。
































  • 給水の位置、取りやすさ、タイミング
  • ジェルの摂取のタイミング、ゴミ箱の位置
  • すれ違うランナーの表情
  • 雨の強さ、風向き
  • 青T君のペース、位置
  • 自分自身の体力、脚の疲労























Running Report







ピーキング=レースに向けて疲労を抜くこと と考えているランナーは多いと思う。このこと自体は間違っているわけではないと思うし、フルマラソンの前日に30kmをレースペースで走る人はいないし、走るべきでもない。しかし、巷ではレースの2~3週間前から練習量を減らしてレースに備えることが良いとされているが、そんなに疲労溜まってますか?ということを問いかけているのがこの動画である。要するに、そんなに疲れてないのに休息をとっても意味がないし、身体は一度壊してからじゃないと超回復しないよということだ。考えてみれば、月300km走るランナーと月100kmしか走らないランナーが、同じ調整をして良いわけがないのである。練習不足を自覚しているのであれば・・・そう、ぎりぎりまで走るのだ。







Hello, everyone!


Last weekend, I ran a 30km race. I ran a 30km race last weekend, in preparation for the Gunma Marathon on November 3, which is my current target. I'm sure I'll have a similar plan in the future for my pre-race adjustments, so I thought I'd recap.

Today's Contents

  • Race Report_Arakawa Smile Marathon_2021/10/17
  • Running Report
  • YouTube_What's peaking?

Race Report_Arakawa Smile Marathon_2021/10/17

Click here to see the races I've participated in

Downstream of the Arakawa River, where I usually run. It's a circular course (5km x 6 laps = 30km). The purpose of the race was to measure my ability before my first full marathon of the season in 17 days. My goal for the Gunma Marathon is to run under 3 hours and 10 minutes, so I set my pace for the day at 4'30/km. My plan was to see how much room I had in the last 5km, and if I could increase my pace, I would increase it as much as possible to stimulate my body. On the other hand, if there was no room at all and I was overwhelmed, I would have to rethink my race plan for the full marathon on November 3.

From the day before to arrival at the venue on the day

On Saturday, I was still exhausted from my weekly Wednesday point practice at Teahouse Park, so Saturday's practice was a very slow jog to relieve fatigue. I went for a very slow jog as a way of relieving fatigue. It took less than an hour. I had a nabe hot pot dinner with ramen noodles to finish it off, and took in a lot of carbohydrates. Maybe I ate a little too much. Since I had to wake up early on race day, I took a relaxing bath and went to bed at 11pm. I think about this every time I run a race, but it's really difficult to be in good condition for the race. From the training load, to resting, to eating (more on this later).

On the day of the race, I woke up at 6:30am and ate right away because I wanted to have breakfast three hours before the 10am start. I didn't have much of an appetite at all because I felt like I still had some left over from the previous night's dinner, but I managed to stuff my stomach with a bowl of rice with eggs and a cup of soba noodles.

I think I ate too much.

My stomach felt heavy today. I left the house, wondering if I could digest it in three hours. It was raining outside. And it's cold. It's cold and rainy outside, and the temperature seems to have skipped autumn and entered winter. As I walked to the nearest station.

I realized that I should have brought a poncho.

These are the kind.

However, I didn't have much time to spare after arriving at the race site, considering the time needed for registration and warm-up. After wondering if I should go back home, I gave up the poncho and got on the train. The venue is about a 10-minute walk from Higashi Oshima Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line. The train ride took about 40 minutes, so it was a little over an hour door-to-door. I changed trains at Shinjuku Station and boarded the Toei Shinjuku Line. The train was quite empty, probably because it was a down train, so I sat down and waited for the train to depart. Without a second thought, I checked the event website on my smartphone. The purpose was to check the map to the venue, but I checked the event schedule again.

Isn't it too late for the 30km race?


I had calculated backwards so that I could arrive at the station closest to the venue after 9:00 a.m. and have 30 minutes to warm up between registration and the start, but I realized here that I had actually moved up 45 minutes. I would have liked to think that it would be fine if I could get into the venue with enough time to spare, but it was a cold rainy day. While I was in a complete panic, I arrived at Todaijima Station, the nearest station to the venue. But then again, it was Edogawa Ward, Tokyo.

There's at least a cafe in front of the station.

I exited the ticket gate, thinking that I would kill some time in a warm place.


There was nothing but apartment blocks. Incidentally, the rain showed no signs of abating, and the wind was getting stronger and colder...

Oh, man. I don't want to run.

There was only a 7-Eleven in front of the station, so we walked to the venue in despair. We passed through a large park on the way, but there were hardly any people walking around. It was such a bad day for running that I arrived at the venue and saw the staff working at the registration desk in the rain. I had no choice but to run, so I completed the registration and was given a strange thing.


It's a komatsuna, a participation certificate!

I panic again, and with my number and komatsuna in hand, I look around the venue, trying to figure out what to do with my luggage and change of clothes. However, I couldn't find any place with a roof. Changing clothes would not be a problem as long as I could take off my jacket and start right away. However, as I mentioned earlier, we had moved up 45 minutes, so we still had more than an hour before the start. As expected, I couldn't warm up in the rain. When I was in trouble, I remembered that there was an elevated highway on the way from the station to the venue, and came up with the idea of taking shelter there.


↑Up like this

It's not the prettiest place, but it's a hundred times better than being drenched by the rain. I decided to warm up here until just before the start.

I hope it stops raining!

I started warming up, almost praying. I had plenty of time to stretch carefully, and as I did so, three other runners who had the same idea gathered around me. Well, that's what happens. I stayed under the elevated train tracks until the last minute, and waited until five minutes before the start to go back to the venue, stopping by the restroom.

One minute before the start!

Oh man, I'm really on the edge. I hurriedly put my luggage in the plastic bags I was given and left them at the rain-soaked luggage storage area, and headed for the start line.

Start - 10km

There were less than 20 runners participating in the 30km race.

What kind of perverts are these people, running on a cold, rainy day like this?

That's what I thought as I started running. As I mentioned at the beginning, it was a circular course on the riverbed. The course itself is flat, except for one part where you have to climb up and down the bank.

The weather on this day was rainy with a strong north wind. ↑As the course runs north-south along the Arakawa River as described in the map, half of the course benefits from the tailwind, while the other half has to run in the cold wind and rain.

I started running at a 4'30/km pace, but it was quite tiring to make up the pace on my own, and more importantly, the wind was strong, so I decided to look for runners of the same level of strength and follow behind them. Then I saw a young man running about the same pace as me, about 10 to 20 meters in front of me. Lucky for me, I speed up a bit and run right behind him for a while.


I looked at my Garmin, and it read 4'25/km. Yes, the pace was just right. I'll keep up with him. At this point, I took the liberty of naming this young man "Blue T". The reason for the name was because he was wearing a blue shirt.

As I expected, I could run at my expected pace even if I was jogging when I was going south, but when I turned around and went north, my speed obviously slowed down unless I exerted myself a bit. I decided to intentionally follow Mr. Blue T closely on the way north.

10km to 25km

There's not much to write about from this point on.

When I go south, I relax and run like I'm jogging, and when I go north, I use Mr. Blue T as a windbreaker and run a little harder. This is what I did. After about three laps of the course, I was completely used to the scenery (the scenery doesn't change much on a riverbed course) and would normally get bored, but this time I was able to maintain my concentration because I had my main race in the fall coming up.

  • Location, ease of access, and timing of water supply
  • Timing of gel intake, location of trash cans
  • Facial expressions of runners passing by
  • The intensity of the rain, the direction of the wind
  • Blue T's pace and position
  • My own physical strength and the degree of fatigue in my legs

While calmly observing my surroundings during the run, I talked to my body as I ran. In the cold rain.

Running is fun.

With this in mind, I decide to increase my pace for the last lap.

25km to the goal

Now it's time for the last 5km, and I'm not feeling too comfortable, but I still have the legs to run without slowing down.

I wonder if I can raise my pace to 4'15/km.

Just as I was thinking that, Mr. Blue T started to speed up.


I looked at the display on my Garmin and saw that it showed 4'18/km. It seems that Blue T was thinking the same thing. I also increased my pace, but I was pretty full, and the gap was slowly closing. Now was the time to persevere.

After the last turnaround, we headed north this time. Once again, we were hit by wind and rain. This is the sixth time today that we've had north wind and rain. It's hard, but I'm getting used to it. And there was only 2km to go.

It'll be over in less than 10 minutes, so show some guts!

I scolded myself. Then. Blue T's back is getting closer. In fact, I'm almost catching up with him. In this situation, it's obvious that the one behind him is stronger. This is where the real last spurt comes in. I'm going to catch up with Blue T at once, and then overtake him.


I hear Blue T's spirited voice from behind. That's right. After being used as a windbreak for so long, being passed at the last minute was no joke. If I were in the opposite position, I would feel the same way. However, I can't afford to lose, either. This is not against Mr. Blue T, but against myself. I still have a lot of energy left. Let's give it our all. With that thought in mind, I increased my pace even more.


I heard Mr. Blue T groaning from behind me. I looked at my Garmin and saw that it read 4'00/km. I didn't look back, but the sound of footsteps behind me was getting further and further away.

I've won, Blue T. Thanks for finishing!

And I finished.

After the goal

Without stopping, I went to the water station to drink some water and then went for a down jog. My pace increased considerably at the end, so I slowly relaxed my body. However, my body was rapidly getting cold, so I cut it short after about 10 minutes, gathered my belongings, and retreated to a bench with a roof. I had already researched the public baths nearby, so I quickly wiped off my body, put on my jacket, and moved on, but due to the fatigue in my legs, the 2km walk was very far. And it was fucking cold. I barely made it to the bathhouse.


And this is the result. The average pace was 4'24/km, which was not that good despite the last spurt, and left me worried about the race in two weeks. But the wind was strong, and I'm sure I'll be able to improve my time a bit more if I'm not too tired. With that in mind, I went to a public bath to warm myself up. I hope I don't catch a cold.

Running Report


This month's mileage was almost 200km, which is a monthly pace of 300km.


But. However, three days after the Arakawa Smile Marathon, I sprained my right ankle during a point practice session at Teahito Park. What a mess... I'll decide in a week whether to run the Gunma Marathon or not.

YouTube_What's peaking?

Peaking = making yourself run faster on race day than you are now.

I think many runners think that peaking = getting rid of fatigue before the race. I don't think this in itself is wrong, and no one runs 30km at race pace the day before a full marathon, nor should they. However, it is widely believed that it is a good idea to reduce the amount of training 2-3 weeks before the race to prepare for the race. This video asks the question, "Are you that tired? In short, there's no point in resting when you're not that tired, and your body won't super-recover until it's broken. If you think about it, there is no way that a runner who runs 300km a month and a runner who runs only 100km a month can make the same adjustments. If you are aware that you are not practicing enough... well, run until the last minute.


See you soon.


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