Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29

※English follows.














  • 【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29
  • シーズン後半に向けて


【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29
























  • レース直前10日間のアルコール抜き生活。つくばマラソンの時は14日間。10日間で十分だと感じた。
  • レース直前1週間の早寝早起きとカフェイン抜き生活。当日の早起きに順応するため。睡眠の質も上げたいのでカフェイン抜きはセット。
  • レース直前3日間のカーボローディング。その直前の3日間は糖質抜きでリバウンド効果を狙う。当日の食事も良かったのか最後までガス欠にならずに走り切ることができた。
  • レース直前8日前が最後のポイント練習。その直前の2日前が足立フレンドリーハーフマラソンだったこともあり、最後のポイント練習の後は疲労回復を最優先。ジョグのみの調整にした。


  • 当日は5時起床。スタートが11時なので、自宅と会場入りするまでの間とで食事は分けて取る(撃沈したかすみがうらマラソンの時は食事のタイミングが早すぎてガス欠になった)。
  • 道中は、JRで上野駅→特急で水戸駅→バスで会場入り。3時間ほどで到着。終始座っての移動。特急はグリーン車がお勧め。
  • 会場には9時過ぎに到着。一緒に走るラン仲間と合流して、写真を撮ったりストレッチしたりして過ごす。ちなみに大会の規模は1000人超くらい。会場のサイズが絶妙にちょうど良く、心地よくスタートを待つことができた。






































  • それなりの運動強度でのビルドアップ走やセット練習。疲労した状態で身体を動かすことに慣れること。
  • 筋トレ。腹筋・大殿筋・腸腰筋などの体幹を中心。終盤でも効率的な走りができるようになった気がする。
  • レース10日前のハーフマラソンと8日前のポイント練習。ぎりぎり疲労が抜けるタイミングで身体にしっかり刺激を入れる。
  • 1週間かけてカーボローディングと朝型生活への移行。アルコールとカフェイン抜きはセット。
  • 当日の食事。糖質をたっぷりと。レース直前1時間前まで分けて取る。最初は納豆ご飯+うどん→大福→ジェルのように徐々に軽くしていく。スタート直前のカフェイン摂取も有効だったと思う(トイレ近い人はやらなくて良いかも)。
  • 時計を極力見ない。ペースランナーの背中に集中して、ペースメイクで消耗しない。
  • 集団から離れない。とにかく固まる。特に向かい風の局面では重要と感じる。単独走と集団走の違いをこの日は本当に実感した。
  • ジェルを摂る摂らないで迷わないように、どのタイミングで摂るのかを事前に決めておく。あとカフェイン入りのジェルにして良かった。最後まで集中力が途切れなかった。











Hello everyone!


A new year has begun in 2023.

Let's make this year another great one.


Well, in my last blog I looked back on 2022 and at the end of the year I had more memories.


Yes, I ran the culminating full marathon of 2022. This time I would like to summarize the race. To sum up, I achieved my goal of running a full marathon in under 3 hours.


I don't think I did it on my own because it was not an Athletics Federation sanctioned event and I had a pace runner with me throughout the race. Still, I consider it very valuable that I was able to achieve my target time for this season in my target race. So I will look back on this race for the next one.


Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Beyond_2022.12.29
  • Toward the Second Half of the Season


Race Report] Beyond_2022.12.29

Before going into the summary, the best times for the full marathon as of 12/29 are as follows.


3 hours 8 minutes 26 seconds (Tsukuba Marathon_2022.11.13)


So, in just one and a half months, I reduced my time by more than 9 minutes. It does not mean that my running ability has increased significantly in this period of time. However, I focused on the following two points as training, and I feel they were effective.


(1) Focused on training to increase speed while fatigue was accumulating

I increased the number of exercises to increase the intensity of exercise after lactic acid had accumulated in the legs, such as 5000m→3000m→1000 on the track and 30 km run in the build-up. Looking back now, until about November, speed practice and long jogs were completely separated, and I had not practiced running at some high speed for a long time. In other words, the practices ended up as dots and were not connected as a line. As a result, I think I did not have the endurance to maintain my speed at the time of last month's Tsukuba Marathon.


(2) I focused on muscle training, mainly on my core.

I trained my abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, and iliopsoas muscles, focusing on planks.

↑This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.

This is very simple, but I could really feel the effects in the latter half of the race when it was getting tougher. When the torso does not shake, running becomes more stable. As a result, I think I was able to stick with the race without losing momentum in the final stages of the race.


Incidentally, the features of the Beyond event I ran this time were as follows

Super flat lap course

A flat course with a maximum slope of 1% using an automobile test course

The lack of hills makes a big difference to the physical stress on the body. It is not a race to enjoy the scenery, as there is nothing around the course. It is not the kind of event where you can enjoy the scenery. You are expected to run only for the record.


Plenty of pace runners

There are approximately 150 pace runners for every 1,000 participants. Each group is divided into smaller groups according to the set pace, and about 10 pace runners are assigned to each group of about 50 participants. This is also reassuring. The most important thing is that you do not have to make up your own pace. It is as if the pace runners will take you to the target point on their own (if you are strong enough).


Good things to do before the day before the race

  • No alcohol for 10 days before the race. I felt 10 days was enough.
  • Slept early and woke up early and cut out caffeine for a week before the race. I wanted to get acclimated to waking up early on the day of the race. I also wanted to improve the quality of my sleep, so I decided to skip caffeine.
  • Carbo-loading for 3 days just before the race. The three days immediately prior to the race were carbohydrate-free, aiming for a rebound effect. I was able to finish the race without running out of gas, probably because I ate well on the day of the race.
  • Eight days before the race was the last point practice. The Adachi Friendly Half Marathon was held two days prior to the last point practice, so after the last point practice, the top priority was to recover from fatigue. After the last point practice, I made it a priority to recover from fatigue, so I adjusted only to jogging.

Race day - From the day of the race to the start

On the day of the race, I woke up at 5:00 am. Since the start time was 11:00 a.m., I took separate meals at home and before entering the venue (I ran out of gas at the time of the Kasumigaura Marathon, where I was shot down, because I ate too early).
The journey took about 3 hours. We arrived at the venue in about 3 hours, sitting on the train from start to finish. The green car is recommended for the limited express.
I arrived at the venue a little after 9:00. I met up with my fellow runners and spent some time taking pictures and stretching. By the way, the size of the event was about 1,000+ people. The size of the venue was just right, and I was able to comfortably wait for the start.


Start - 10km (time=41'57)

Wave start for each set time. With only a few stiffs and plenty of pace runners, there were never too many people to run at a set pace. Very smooth start.

The course was super flat as mentioned above. After about 3 km, my heart rate started to increase to some extent, and my set pace of 4'15/km started to feel like a jog. I took a painkiller before the start, but my left knee was a little sore. I was wondering if I should take another pill towards the end of the run.

I tried my best not to look at the clock, but only at the pacer's back. I make the most of this environment where I don't have to worry about the pace. The pacer who accompanies me is very capable, and when there is a headwind, he or she will say, "Let's stick together more," or when there is a tailwind, "Let's relax. We were grateful that the runners were always trying to make us feel at ease.

At the third water stop, I take a gel. This time, I decided to take a gel at 10km, 20km, 30km, and 35km. Anyway, I spent my time mechanically and without thinking about anything else.


10km-20km (time=42'14)

My body warmed up, and the cruising pace felt like a jog. It was not hard at all. I am running faster than the Tsukuba Marathon I ran the month before. I begin to think that I may be in great shape today.

I might really be able to break 3 hours. No, I'm sure I'll beat it. I run without hesitation with such thoughts in mind. But somewhere along the way, I kept wondering if I would make it to the end.


20km-30km (time=42'27)

Passing the half-mile mark. At this stage, I still feel no damage. I just follow the pacer's back. Looking back, I think I was really concentrating on running that day. Perhaps it was because I took plenty of caffeine before and during the race.

On the way to the finish line, I receive a shout-out from another runner who is running at a set pace. I respond by raising my arms. I become convinced that I'm really in good shape. I run on, feeling focused, spirited, and calm all at the same time.


30km - Goal (time=43'04 (9'28))

After passing the 30km mark, there are only two laps left on this circular course. As expected, my legs are getting heavy, and I am not sure if I can really stick it out until the end. So I asked the pace runner I was running with how much time I had saved to break the 3-hour mark.

Even if I drop to 4'20/km, I can still run sub-three.

I get pumped up, feeling that achieving my goal is finally becoming a reality. As time goes by, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, but I am more excited than ever.

I'm definitely going for sub-three.

I am determined to seize this opportunity. Even if I can't increase my pace, I can maintain it. I scolded myself, saying, "I've been practicing that for a long time. Anyway, I continue to run behind the pace runner without thinking.

35km passed. The last lap. Only 30 minutes to go.

I can do it!

Just as I was thinking that, the headwind finally got stronger. I was about to pick up the pace and get in front of the pace runners, but I was still patient.

The headwind will end in the last 2km, so if you can hold out until that point, you've almost made it to sub-three!

said the pace runner. Well, you're a mental supporter, aren't you? I followed him, thanking him from the bottom of my heart. But the wind was strong. The headwind section never ends. I thought to myself, "That's not what I'm talking about," as I continued to run patiently. But then the wind died down a little.

"I'll take it here."

I put my last bit of strength into pushing forward. At this point, I looked at my watch for the first time this day and realized that if I could run under 5'00/km, I could make it to the sub-three milestone.

Go! Go!

It wasn't a voice from my mind anymore, but a normal voice coming out of my mouth. The last home straight was long, long, long. I don't remember this straight being this long. After running patiently for what seemed like an eternity, the goal finally came into sight. It's crazy tough, but as soon as I feel a huge release of adrenaline, I go into the last spurt. The pace picks up, but your body still moves.

The goal.

I look at my watch.

2 hours, 59 minutes, and 11 seconds.

I've really broken 3 hours. With a sense of relief, I start to cry (in fact, I'm crying a little as I write this blog now, remembering those days). I thank the pace runner who ran with me and the other runners in the same group, and shake their hands firmly.

The past training sessions come back to me like a running light. I ran in the rain, in the wind, and in the middle of the night. I thought I was going to starve to death from hunger knock, and I was depressed because I couldn't complete my point practice. But I still managed to achieve a sub-three finish. All the practice up to this point had not been in vain.


(Once again) Good things I did to achieve sub-three

Practice menu
  • Build-up runs and set exercises at a reasonable intensity. Getting used to moving my body in a fatigued state.
  • Strength training. Focus on core muscles such as abdominals, glutes, and iliopsoas. I feel like I can now run more efficiently even in the final stages of the race.
  • Half marathon 10 days before the race and point practice 8 days before the race. I will be able to stimulate my body at the last possible moment when I am not fatigued.
Diet and other personal life
  • Carbo-loading and transitioning to a morning routine over the course of a week. Alcohol and caffeine free are a must.
  • Meals on the day of the race. Plenty of carbohydrates. Separate meals until 1 hour before the race. Start with natto rice + udon noodles, then Daifuku, then gels, and gradually go lighter and lighter. I think it was also effective to take caffeine just before the start (if you are close to the toilet, you may not have to do it).
During the race
  • Do not look at your watch as much as possible. Concentrate on the back of the pace runner and don't wear yourself out making up the pace.
  • Do not leave the pack. Just stick together. I feel this is especially important when there is a headwind. I really felt the difference between running alone and running in a group this day.
  • I decided in advance when I would take the gel so that I wouldn't get lost if I did or didn't. I also decided to use a gel with caffeine. I was also glad that I chose a gel with caffeine. I didn't lose my concentration until the end.


Looking ahead to the second half of the season

I have four full marathons coming up from here until April.

In any of these marathons, I would like to achieve sub-three again. I decided that I would be a true sub-three runner only if I do it in a situation where there are no pace runners.

However, running a full marathon seriously every month is indeed too much, so I think I can only time attack twice, in January and March. Also, since the period between races is too closely packed, I should not be able to push myself that hard in terms of the training menu. So we will have to regard the races as practice and focus on rest and concentrate on the points to practice. As long as I don't get injured, I should be able to do it.


See you soon.


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