Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


板橋Cityマラソン振り返りと今シーズンまとめと来シーズンへ向けて / Itabashi City Marathon Review, Season Summary, and Looking Ahead to Next Season

※English follows.












  • 前半は非常に身体がよく動き、ハーフまでで1分20秒の貯金
  • 後半に入っても、これはこのままいけるんじゃないかと余裕をもって進行しかしながら、30キロ手前で疲労を感じ始め、35キロ地点で両足を攣る
  • あえなく失速し、そこからはほぼ地獄で命からがらゴール





  • トラック練×2回(舎人公園にて)→予定通り実施。強度高いペース走とビルドアップ走をコンプリート
  • 2週間前にハーフマラソン(4'00/kmペース)→左足の調子が悪すぎたため11キロでDNF
  • 1週間前に10kmのペース走(4'00/kmペース)→きつくて8キロでDNF




















LAP:20’57 - 20'55 - 20'59 ※5kmのLAP(以下同じ)






LAP:21’08 - 21'09 - 21'25



LAP:21'57 - 26'25 - 11'57



















  • 全く練習ができなくなるような大きな怪我をすることなく、1年を通して練習することができた(シーズン後半は左足が慢性的に痛かったが、それでも練習は継続できた)。
  • 特に5月~10月のレースシーズンに入る前は毎月300キロ以上、週に一度の距離走とスピード練習をこなすことできた。これはベースの走力の向上に寄与したと思う。
  • レースシーズン前半(10月~12月)は、本命レースのbeyondに向けて、ハーフマラソンなどのレースを走りながら身体を仕上げることができた。結果サブスリーを達成。
  • フルマラソンのレース前のルーティンを確立できた。練習・食事・睡眠・アルコール抜きなど。これは数をこなしたことが大きいと思う。シーズン5本目となると、フルマラソンを走ることが特別なことではなくなっている自分がいた。


  • とにかくフルマラソンを入れすぎた。特にシーズン後半は、レース間隔が短く、明らかに疲労が蓄積していた。走力の上積みもできなかった。これは自分の身体の頑丈さを過信したということ。
  • シーズン後半は慢性的にどこかに痛みを抱えていた。これもレースに出過ぎていたことに起因するのかもしれないが、結果的に強度の高い練習頻度が下がってしまった(繰り返しになるがその結果として走力を上積みできなかった)。


  • 昨シーズン以上にスピード練習を増やしたい。具体的には5000mでまずは18分切り。シーズン終盤の仕上がりで17'30を目指す。春・夏は短めの距離のスピード練習を頑張る。
  • 夏の終わりくらいからは、長めの距離のペース走の頻度を増やす。シーズン後半は、スピード持久力の不足を痛感した。マラソンにおける余裕度を高める練習に注力する。
  • フルマラソンは3本まで。どのレースに出るかは未定だが、1本1本のレースを全力で臨むために、走るレースを厳選する。
  • よく寝る。暴飲暴食はほどほどにする。要するに健全な生活を送るということだ。








Hello everyone.


This is my 5th full marathon this season. I ran the Itabashi City Marathon. By the way, here are my results so far (*all times are net times).

  • 11/13 Tsukuba Marathon 3 hours 8 minutes 26 seconds
  • 12/29 Beyond2022 2 hours 59 min 10 sec ←unofficial PB
  • 1/28 Katsuta National Marathon 3 hours 2 minutes 5 seconds ←Certified PB
  • 2/19 Kyoto Marathon 3 hours 9 min 44 sec
  • 3/19 Itabashi City Marathon ← this race
  • 4/23 Nagano Marathon

Therefore, the goal is to cut 3 hours in a certified race.

As mentioned in my last blog, the course is the usual Arakawa River. This is my home course that I have run more than 10,000km in total in my lifetime. The only thing I fear is the wind. The other thing is that it is mid-March, so it would be a hardship if the temperature mistakenly rises to 25 degrees Celsius or something like that. But fortunately, the weather was fine, the temperature was 15 degrees Celsius at best, and the wind was light, so climatically speaking, the conditions were perfect, and there were no excuses. Now, all that remained was to set a record. That was how I felt going into the race.

The Arakawa River was refreshing and perfect. It is rare to run in such good weather at this time of the year.


Result: 3 hours 6 minutes 52 seconds

This record does not show the LAP at a glance,

  • I was very physically active in the first half, and saved 1:20 by the half.
  • In the second half, I thought I could go on like this, but before 30 km, I began to feel fatigue, and both legs cramped up at 35 km.
  • I stalled out, and from there it was almost hell on earth before I could reach the finish line.

And that's how it went.

Before the race


As mentioned in my previous blog, I will focus on speed practice. Here is what I practiced for the last 2 weeks before the race.

  • Track training x 2 times (at Shaheen Park) - as planned. Complete high intensity pace run and build-up run.
  • Half marathon 2 weeks before (4'00/km pace) -> DNF at 11km because my left leg was in too bad shape
  • 10km pace run 1 week ago (4'00/km pace) -> DNF after 8km because it was too hard.

I'm not ready at all....

Even if I blame it on the injury, it is obvious that I don't have enough margin when I increase the speed, and I realize that it is going to be a difficult race compared to the Beyond race at the end of the year when I achieved a sub-three time. Even so, there is no point in saying such a thing in the last minute, so I start waking up early one week before the race to make final adjustments.


I had to go on a business trip to Fukuoka 10 days before the race, so I stopped drinking alcohol 9 days before the race. The first half of the week before the race was low-carb and the second half was high-carb. While I did not run out of gas in Katsuta in January and Kyoto in February, I felt a little heavy in my stomach while running. This will turn out to be a good thing.

Myofascial adjustment

And I went here to treat my left foot, which has been hurting all week.

They say that balancing the myofascia improves various pains. I don't think it's true, but it's a bit of a hot topic among my fellow runners, and I decided to give it a try to alleviate some of my fears that the pain would get worse during the race. It was more like a false mention that once I went, I would be cured.

This is the kind of interaction I had with my therapist before I went for treatment. You're scaring me...

A room in an apartment. Honestly speaking, it was very suspicious....

The treatment consisted of a series of hands-on massage on my sore knee and shin area. He found out the hardened part in the muscle and crushed it. It hurt like hell, just as I had declared beforehand. The therapist told me

It's good that it hurts so much.

I kept writhing in agony while the therapist said something unintelligible to me. I think I said the word "pain" for the rest of my life. After the treatment, the area where I was being gripped was inflamed. I couldn't walk normally and had to really limp home. At this point, there are only 4 days left until the race. Will it heal?

Race day

I wake up feeling that my body is ready to run, despite everything that has happened. The race starts at 9:00 a.m., so I finish breakfast at 6:00 a.m. I get up around 5:30 a.m. and start running. I count backwards and wake up around 5:30. This was my fifth full marathon of the season, so I was used to it. Moreover, the start venue is less than three kilometers from my house, so I can walk there slowly.

This time, however, I wanted to be at the front of the line at 8:15 a.m., so I left the house before 7:00 a.m. This allowed me to drop off my luggage at 7:30 a.m. and get ready for the race. This gave me enough time to drop off my luggage at 7:30 a.m., go to the restroom, and then slowly make my way to the front of the line. In between the lineups, I took pictures with my fellow runners and then it was time to line up.

A quick snap at the head of the second wave.

Yes, that's right. The reason why I wanted to line up at the front of the line is because this Itabashi City Marathon is a wave start. It is much better than the simultaneous start of all runners, but if you start from the back of each wave, you will lose time at the start because of the congestion. This time, it was obvious that every minute would be a tough battle. And so, off to the start.

During the race

Early stage (start - 15km)

LAP: 20'57 - 20'55 - 20'59 *LAP of 5km (same below)

I started from the front, so I lost zero time. It felt good to be running at the front, and within a few seconds, I was being passed by more and more runners. But everyone in front of me was also faster than me, so there was no stress. In the meantime, a sub-three pace group was forming. There is a slight breeze, but it is comfortable. My body is light and my speed goes up even though I am not working hard at all.

I'm in great shape today," I thought to myself, "I'm going to make it to the official sub-three pace.

I hummed and hummed as I ran.

I respond to the cheering of my fellow runners along the way with a smile on my face.

Midway (15km to 30km)

LAP: 21'08 - 21'09 - 21'25

I continued to run smoothly and reached the halfway point. I wouldn't say no damage, but I have more time to spare than in Katsuta in January. The pace was calm, and I was running at a steady 4'15/km. There was nothing much to write about. However, around the 25km mark, the group starts to break up and I start to feel a little nervous.

End of the race (30km to the goal)

LAP: 21'57 - 26'25 - 11'57

After 30km, my legs started to get heavy. I am running a little faster than I expected, but I am running with endurance.

Now, the real work begins.

I was fired up to get back on track. I look in my belt pocket for a bottle of Molten to refresh myself, only to find that I have only one bottle of Molten left, instead of two. I must have dropped it somewhere.

Where did I drop it?

I know I can't get it back, but I'm still pretty upset at this critical point in the race.

Oh no, I'm going to cramp.

At this point, I had 35km to go and still had 7km to go. I stop, walk slowly, and think about how to run from here on out.

Do I have enough energy to get back up to a pace where I can aim for sub-three?

No, I don't think so. If I speed up, the next time I run, I will get a full-blown cramp and won't be able to run at all.

After a one-person brainstorming session, he decides to aim for the finish line at the very last possible pace that will not cause him to cramp so severely that he will not be able to run. It takes me about 10 meters to come to this conclusion. I start running again, but I can no longer break 5'00/km. From this point on, it is an uphill battle, running side by side with the fear of cramping while being passed around by the runners following me.

I felt so miserable, even though there were so many people cheering for me.

I wasn't that well prepared for this race.

You knew this was going to happen before you even started the race, didn't you?

But you're still a runner, right? You're supposed to do your best.

I kept asking myself these questions as I ran. Although his speed was pitiful, he reached the goal without stopping or walking even once.

Looking back on the season and toward next season

I plan to run the Nagano Marathon in April, but this Itabashi race will be the last time this season that I will be running at full speed. There were many good and bad things that happened, but I will summarize them once and for all. I will try to put them all in order so that I can have better results next season.

Good things

  • I was able to practice throughout the year without any serious injury that would have prevented me from practicing at all (I had chronic pain in my left leg in the latter half of the season, but I was still able to continue practicing).
  • In particular, before the race season from May to October, I was able to complete more than 300 km of distance running and speed practice once a week every month. I believe this contributed to the improvement of my base running ability.
  • During the first half of the race season (October-December), I was able to finish up my body while running half marathons and other races in preparation for my main goal race, BEYOND. As a result, I achieved a sub-three finish.
  • I was able to establish a pre-race routine for full marathons. Practice, diet, sleep, no alcohol, etc. I think this was largely due to the number of races I had done. By the fifth race of the season, running a full marathon was no longer something special for me.

Bad things

  • I put in too many full marathons anyway. Especially in the latter half of the season, the interval between races was short, and fatigue was clearly accumulating. I was also unable to build up my running ability. This means that I overconfidently believed in my body's sturdiness.
  • In the second half of the season, I had chronic pain somewhere. This may also be due to the fact that I raced too many races, but as a result, the frequency of high-intensity training dropped (again, as a result, I could not build up my running ability).

Looking ahead to next season

  • I would like to increase speed practice more than last season. Specifically, I want to break 18 minutes for 5000m first. Aim for 17'30 at the end of the season finish. In spring and summer, I will work hard on speed practice for shorter distances.
  • From about the end of summer, increase the frequency of pace runs of longer distances. In the second half of the season, I realized that I lacked speed endurance. Focus on training to increase margins in marathons.
  • I will run no more than three full marathons. Although I have not decided which races I will run, I will carefully select the races I run in order to give each race my best effort.
  • Sleep well. Drink and eat in moderation. In short, I will lead a healthy life.

Next season, I will continue my quest to be the fastest in my history.


See you soon.


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