Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


夏本番に向けたトレーニングと我が子の成長について / Training for the summer season and my child's growth

※English follows.










  • 今年の夏はどう走る
  • 新生児の成長と子育てについて









  • 同じ出力で出せるスピードが遅くなる
  • 1度の練習で走れる距離が短くなる




  • 長時間身体を動かし続けるためのスタミナをつける
  • フルマラソンを走り切れる脚力をつける


  • 1度に走る距離を、30kmから最大でも20kmまで落とす(長時間外気に晒されないようにする)
  • 走る前に、筋トレやタバタ式トレーニングで身体に負荷をかけておく(距離を短くした分、走る段階で身体がある程度疲労した状態を再現する)









  • 5/30時点体重:3,062グラム
  • 6/30時点体重:4,245グラム







Hello everyone!

It is summer.

The rainy season has ended too soon, and it's time for runners to get ready for the hardest season of the year.

They say it hasn't rained half as much as normal. Like the electricity shortage, I think the water shortage will be next.

So we have to move to summer-specific practice. So, what should we do?


Today's Contents

  • How to run this summer
  • On growing a newborn and raising a child

How to run this summer

Before I get down to business

Here are the results of my training in June.

I surpassed 300km for the second month in a row. I have been able to do my weekly point practice well. Perhaps my base stamina is getting better.

I am starting to feel that my body is getting stronger as I can afford to run home after point practice like this.


Now that the rainy season is over, it will be difficult to follow the same kind of training schedule; I won't be able to run 30 kilometers every week, and I will have to reduce the load of my point practice. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that we want to maximize our performance in the fall and beyond, so I would like to consider what kind of training we should build up during this long summer.

What to change/change with the heat

  • The speed you can produce at the same output will slow down.
  • The distance that can be run in one practice session becomes shorter.

These are the two major disadvantages of the heat.

The former is not a problem, because the load on the heart and lungs does not drop (like training at high altitude in summer, when oxygen is thinner).

However, the latter is not a temporary situation, so I need to make some adjustments.

  • To build up stamina to keep moving for a long time
  • To develop the leg strength to run a full marathon

These are the two main goals. In order to achieve these goals, the long jog can be customized for summer.

  • Reduce the distance you run at one time from 30 km to 20 km at most (to avoid prolonged exposure to the open air).
  • Before running, load the body with muscle training or Tabata training (to shorten the distance and recreate a state where the body is somewhat fatigued during the running phase).

Well, the idea is like an application of weekend set training. In any case, I don't feel like I can run 30 km at a time, so I will try to run with the same quality of load applied to my body.

Even so, heat acclimatization

While devising a training menu, it is definitely better to get accustomed to the heat. The weather can suddenly become severe during the race, and I am aware that I am more vulnerable to heat than others.

Heat acclimatization" for hot summers to make your body sweat better|Runup for running in Nagoya, Japan

I did some research and found that it is better to train in a hot environment with a reasonable load, and that bathing and saunas are also good for the body. In short, it is a good idea to make your body sweat more easily (I already sweat a lot). In summer, I often just take a shower, but I'm going to try my best to soak myself in the bath.

Summer is still long. Let's all do our best to beat the heat.

On the Growth of Newborns and Parenting

It's been a month since my first child was born. A day goes by in a blink of an eye, with milk and diaper changes plus running. And he is getting bigger and bigger. Today we went for his one-month checkup.

  • Weight as of 5/30: 3,062 grams
  • Weight as of 6/30: 4,245 grams

1.4 times more than his weight at 6/30. Newborns are amazing. He has only three patterns of behavior: sleeping, crying, and drinking milk, but I feel that he has become much more expressive in one month, and I realize that this is probably the time when his growth rate is the highest in his lifetime. I am glad I took maternity leave. It would be a shame not to be able to see this growth up close and personal.

I am looking forward to the next month.

See you soon.


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