Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【2021年】箱根駅伝と今年の抱負と目標と / [the year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year

※English follows.




©️吾峠呼世晴 / 集英社



  • 【2021年】箱根駅伝と今年の抱負と目標と
  • Monthly Report_2020/12
  • Youtube_スピード練習はインターバル走より閾値走の方が良いかもしれない





  • みんな超人的に脚が速い(当たり前だがw)。そしてあそこまで追い込めるって、どんなギリギリの練習してきてんのよ。
  • 東京国際大学のヴィンセント君は反則w
  • NIKEの厚底の占有率がやべえ。ただ意外なことに最新のアルファフライと一つ前のヴェイパーフライは半々。
  • ブレーキになってしまった選手の心の内を想像すると心が痛い。
  • それにしても何でこんなに感動するんだろうか。4年間と時間が限られているから?テレビのナレーションなくても心が熱くなるよね。


箱根駅伝、東京国際大・ビンセントがMVP 一昨年の3区区間新に続き怪物ぶり発揮(デイリースポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース


【箱根駅伝】全210選手の95・7%がナイキ厚底を使用。前回を上回る(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース


創価大10区・小野寺「ごめんなさい」に激励の言葉が殺到 和田正人もねぎらう(デイリースポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース







  • 1年前の自分よりも速く、強くなっている。
  • きちんとピーキングを行えば、フルマラソン3時間10分を切ることは難しくない。
  • 直近1/24の多摩川ハーフマラソンでは、最低限1時間28分を切れるはず。



これを今年の目標にする。まずは4月のかすみがうらマラソンをチャレンジの大会にしよう。というわけで、皆も1年の目標を立てよう。練習に張りが出ることは間違いない。Good luck!

Monthly Report_2020/12


  • 宮古島旅行では2回ほど一度に5km程度ずつしか走ることができなかったが、年末年始休暇を利用して東京に戻ってから距離を取り戻すことができた。
  • 20km以上のロング走を6回。やっぱり距離を踏むとスタミナが付く。30km走もそこまで苦痛ではなくなってきた。閾値走も相まって、一段階実力が上がったような気がする。まあ、毎年この時期が一番走れるんだけどね。
  • 1月は週一で30kmをやりつつ、閾値走も定期的に取り入れる。一方ポイント練習はこの2つだけにして、残りはジョグ+流しのみに留めて様子を見てみる。


  • 上述しているのだけど、最近閾値走の効果をかなり実感している。インターバルトレーニングって一人でやるとなっても最後までしっかり追い込めなかったりするしね。
  • そしてそもそも目的が違うじゃないかと思い始めている。最大スピードを上げるためにインターバルトレーニングをするって、フルマラソンのタイム改善するのにそんなに有効かなと。
  • インターバルトレーニングの目的が、あくまでも速く走るための動きを身体に覚えさせる のようなものであるとするならば、それって流しで事足りるんじゃないかと。ということで最近ではジョグの最後に流しを数本入れることを取り入れているのだが、これがなかなか良さげ。もうしばらく続けてみようと思う。





Hello, everyone!

  The year 2020 has ended and a new year has begun. A state of emergency is about to be declared by Corona, but time moves on and the sun will rise again. No matter how hard it is, we have to live as best we can in the environment we have now.


©️Gotoge Yoseiharu / Shueisha

This reminds me of Rengoku-san, so I'll post it here. There is no night that doesn't end, and there is no rain that doesn't stop. Let's all try to survive.

Today's Contents

  • [The year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year, and the year 2021
  • Monthly Report_2020/12
  • Youtube _ Threshold running may be better than interval running for speed training

[The year 2021]The Hakone Ekiden, my aspirations and goals for this year

It's been more than 8 years since I started running. I've been running for more than eight years now, and even though I've been running for a reasonably long time, it's only been in the last couple of years that I've been able to devote myself to running in a reasonable way, but I have more respect for athletes than ever before. I have more respect for athletes than ever before, because I can imagine for myself the bloody efforts they must be making to improve their abilities to a superhuman level (although, technically, they are training at a level I cannot imagine).

Then there is the Hakone Ekiden. This is a major event that citizen runners cannot miss (as viewers, of course). In addition to the Hakone Ekiden on January 2 and 3, the New Year's Ekiden on New Year's Day, and the storm of various special programs on New Year's Eve, the four days of the year-end and New Year holidays may account for about half of my total TV viewing time for the year. I'm not sure.

I found a rather nice website, so I'll post it here. If you're interested in the past history of the event, you can check it out. That's a lot of history. This year, the winning teams were different for the outward, return, and overall races. This was not only due to the close competition among the universities, but also due to the fact that there were not many road races due to the Corona disaster, which made it difficult for the athletes to adjust. In fact, I think the unexpected stalling of Aoyama Gakuin University on the outward leg of the race illustrates the difficulty of adjustment under Corona. And here are my personal thoughts.

  • Everyone has superhumanly fast legs (of course). I wonder what kind of last-minute training they've been doing to be able to push themselves that hard.
  • Vincent from Tokyo International University is a foul!
  • NIKE's thick soled shoes are taking up an awful lot of space. But surprisingly, it was 50/50 between the latest Alpha Fly and the previous Vapor Fly.
  • It hurts my heart to imagine what was going through the minds of the players who had to brake.
  • I don't know why I'm so moved by this, maybe it's because my time is limited to four years? Even without the narration on TV, it's heart-warming.

Here are some links

Tokyo Kokusai University's Vincent wins MVP at Hakone Ekiden, showing off his monster skills after winning the 3rd section the year before last (Daily Sports) - Yahoo! News

At the moment when all seven people were pulled out, I thought they were adults and children.

[Hakone Ekiden] 95.7% of all 210 athletes use Nike platform shoes. More than last time (Sports Hochi) --Yahoo! News

I wonder if Alpha Fly is not suitable. I don't even wear Shitara players. I think the Vaporfly is the supreme shoe.

Soka University 10th Ward, Onodera "I'm sorry" is flooded with words of encouragement Masato Wada also Negirai (Daily Sports) --Yahoo! News

This was painful. Especially because no one would have expected it to reverse.

 And it was like this. The only thing that helps is that there seems to be a few people who don't seem to have anything heartless to say. I hope they do well next year. 


Inspired by the Hakone Ekiden (relay race), I did the 5km all-out run that I had been running away from for a long time. (I had declared every month that I would at least try to break 20 minutes. And here's the result.

 Honestly, I'm surprised myself. The last 500m was an eternity of time, but I was able to run through it without slowing down. Maybe the threshold run at the club's running event is starting to take effect. After a day off, I went for a 30km run today. Here are the results.

 Twitter is negative, but I'm feeling pretty good about my running. From these two practices, I can calmly analyze my ability at the moment.

  • I'm faster and stronger than I was a year ago.
  • With proper peaking, it would not be difficult to run a full marathon under 3 hours and 10 minutes.
  • In the upcoming Tamagawa Half Marathon on January 24, I should be able to break 1 hour and 28 minutes at least.

And that's about it. Based on this, my goal is of course to run a sub-three marathon, but I don't know if I'll be able to achieve this within this season (I don't even know if the event will be held in Corona in the first place). But you know what? I've been able to do a lot of running in the past six months, and the results are starting to show. I guess it's a man's duty to take this as an opportunity to challenge himself. That's why

Achieve sub-three in 2021

This is my goal for this year. First of all, let's make the Kasumigaura Marathon in April a challenge event. So, let's all set our goals for the year. Good luck!

Monthly Report_2020/12


  • During my trip to Miyakojima, I was only able to run about 5km at a time on two occasions, but after returning to Tokyo for the New Year vacations, I was able to pick up the distance.
  • I ran long distances of 20km or more six times. As I thought, the more distance I run, the more stamina I have, and even running 30km is not so painful anymore. In addition to the threshold run, I feel like I have improved my running ability. This is the best time of the year for me to run.
  • In January, I'll do 30km once a week, and I'll also do the threshold run regularly. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do the 30km once a week in January, or if I'll be able to do threshold runs regularly.

Youtube _ Threshold running may be better than interval running for speed training

  • As I mentioned above, I've been feeling the effects of threshold running a lot lately. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it on my own or if I'll be able to push myself all the way to the end.
  • And I'm starting to think that the purpose is different. I wondered if interval training to increase my maximum speed would be that effective in improving my full marathon time.
  • If the purpose of interval training is to make your body learn the movements to run faster, then the sink would be enough. So I've been adding a few runs at the end of my jogs lately, and it's looking pretty good. I think I'll keep doing this for a while longer.


See you soon.