Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【サークル運営】会社のランニングサークルの運営について考えてみた/How to run a running club in my company

※English follows.



先週blogを書いたのが12/21、その2日後の12/23を年内最終稼働日として年末年始休暇に突入した。年初の勤務初日が1/5なので、12連休とかなり長い休みをいただいた。例年そうなのだが、私はあまり有給休暇を取らない。そんなもんで会社から「年内にあと3日間有給休暇を取得するように」とお達しがあったタイミングで、「では早めに正月休みに入ろう」と決めた。ちなみにこうした会社の措置は、会社が自主的にやっているわけではなく、「働き方改革を推進するための関係法律の整備に関する法律」(長い法律名だw)という法律に基づくものである。なので、全然休んでいないのに会社から有休を取るような指示がない という場合、あなたの勤務先の会社は法律違反を犯しているブラック企業ということになる。

早めの休みで何をしているかというと、手始めにGo Toトラベルを使わせてもらい、宮古島行ってきた。今日からキャンペーンも一時停止になるということで、ギリギリのタイミングでGo Toトラベルを使うことができたわけだが、それにしても観光産業は本当に壊滅の危機に瀕していることを目の当たりにすることになった。飛行機はガラガラだし、普段なら行列のできる飲食店が待ちなしで入れるような状態。平時であればラッキーだと思えるわけなのだが、この状況がずっと続いているとなると体力のない企業はひとたまりもない。惨状を身をもって体験し、お金使える人が経済を回さないと本当にこの国には未来がないと感じた。前回のblogでも書いたが、政治のリーダーシップが問われる時だ。日はまた昇る そう信じたい。


  • 【サークル運営】会社のランニングサークルの運営について考えてみた
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28
  • Article_市民ランナーのための「べからず集」











地元のサークルの方は千差万別、年代も20代から50代までバラバラなので、若手社員から役職者までバラエティに富んでいる。一方で、会社のサークルの方は、当然全員が所属会社が同じなので属性的には同質化しているようにも思えるのだが、所属部署や担当職種はさまざまである。そういう意味で、参加メンバーがバラエティに富んでいる という点においては差がない。



  • 地元のサークル→赤羽の近郊に住んでいるメンバーが多い
  • 会社のサークル→新宿の近郊に住んでいるメンバーはほぼいない

これは、練習会に参加するモチベーションに対する影響が非常に大きい。会社のサークルにおいて、週末に練習会を行っていない理由はこれだ。一般的に、土日に電車に乗って、どこか遠方に出掛けて練習をする必然性は少ない。特に家族持ちが皇居等に集まって楽しくお喋りしながらランニングを楽しむ といったことはかなり難しいだろう。










ランナーあるあるだが、練習後のビールを飲みにくる という人も少なくない。この打ち上げは参加者が固定されがちなのだが、定着する参加メンバーの裾野を拡げる(いわゆるガチランナー以外のメンバーを増やしていくという意味で)という目的では結構有効だと思う。



  • 現状練習会をリードできるのが代表の私だけであり、土日に開催する場合は練習場所が私の家の近くに限られる(なぜなら貴重な週末の時間を身になる練習ができるかどうかうかわからないことのために使いたくない)。その場合、他のメンバーが集まらない(彼らにもわざわざ遠くに出掛けてまで走る動機に乏しい)。
  • 初心者を定着化させるためには、平日の練習会の頻度を増やす必要がある一方、リモートワークが定着している中、開催したとしてもほとんど参加者が集まらない可能性が高い。
  • そして、そもそも初心者と走ること自体に私のモチベーションはない(こんなに協調性のない奴がサークルの代表であって良いのかw)。




  • 定期的におすすめの大会情報を発信し、有志メンバーで参加する。エントリー費用の一部は会社の補助費で賄うことができる。参加する大会に向けて一緒に練習をしたり、大会の後に各自で打ち上げに行くなどはもちろん自由(むしろ推奨)。
  • 情報共有の手段は、LINEを中心とし、気軽に投稿・フィードバックし合えるよう皆が意識するようにする。「レースに参加した」「厳しい練習を頑張った」「旅行先で走った」「興味深い記事を見つけた」など、どんな些細な内容でも構わない。
  • そして。サークルの目的を、「仲間同士でランニングに関する情報を共有し合い、お互いの自己研鑽を目指す」こととする。


Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28


  • この一週間は、我ながらびっくりするくらい走っていない。昨日までの4日間は宮古島に行っていたので仕方ないんだけどね。旅行中のカロリー摂取量が明らかに多すぎたので、ここから挽回である。とりあえず今日はゆっくりロング走。脂肪を燃やせ。
  • ジョグしかしておらず、脚も休めているはずなので、残りの連休でしっかり走り込もうと思う。ずっと逃げていた5km全力走もやるつもり。12連休で合計150kmくらいは走りたい。



  1. 仕事や家庭を犠牲にしない
  2. タイムに固執しない
  3. 好きなものを我慢しない
  4. 「やけランニング」をしない
  5. やめそうになってもゼロにはしない







Hello everyone!


I wrote my blog last week on December 21, and two days later, on December 23, I started my New Year vacations as the last working day of the year. Since my first day of work was on January 5th, I had 12 consecutive days off, which is quite a long vacation. As is usually the case, I don't take many paid vacations. So when the company asked me to take three more days of paid vacation before the end of the year, I decided to start my New Year's vacation as soon as possible. Incidentally, the company did not do this voluntarily, but based on a law called the "Law Concerning the Establishment of Relevant Laws to Promote the Reform of the Way of Working" (what a long name for a law!). So, if you haven't taken any leave at all and your company hasn't instructed you to take any paid leave, it means that your company is a black company that is violating the law.

As for what I've been doing on my early vacation, for starters, I've been using Go To Travel to go to Miyakojima Island. I was able to use Go To Travel just in time, as the campaign is going to be suspended from today, but even so, I saw that the tourism industry is really on the verge of destruction. Airplanes were empty, and restaurants that normally have lines had no wait to get in. In normal times, we would consider ourselves lucky, but when this situation persists for a long time, companies with little strength are at a standstill. After experiencing the devastation firsthand, I realized that there is really no future for this country unless people who can spend money turn the economy around. As I wrote in my last blog, it is time for political leadership to be questioned. I would like to believe that the sun will rise again.

 Today's Contents

  • How to run a running club in my company
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28
  • Article_Bad habits for citizen runners

How to run a running club in my company

I'm a member of a running club that uses my neighborhood as its training area. It's been two and a half years since I joined. That's quite a long time, don't you think?

On the other hand, I'm organizing a running club for my company, but to be honest, it's not going so well. It's been almost four years since we started the club, but we haven't been able to do any significant activities, especially recently. I decided to compare the two circles in order to understand what is necessary to make the circles more active, even though the positions of the members and representatives are different. In some cases, I think we have to consider dissolving the circle.

Comparison of the two circles

The number of members and the history of their activities seem to be comparable. In terms of attracting new members, which tends to be a bottleneck in circle activities, at least both circles have not had that much trouble. It is obvious that there are considerable differences in the ages and backgrounds of the participating members, but I wonder if this is the reason for the difference in the number of participants in the practice sessions and events held.

About the participating members

There are people from beginners to advanced runners (including former sub-EGAs) who have run a full marathon in under 2 hours and 50 minutes in each circle, but the ratio of beginners is higher in the company's circle. As for the local circle, even if they were beginners when they first joined, the running ability of the established members is reasonably high, probably because they have been able to practice continuously. This means that while there is not much difference in running ability at the time of joining, the members are able to improve their running ability as a result of their continuous participation in practice sessions.

Company affiliation

The members of the local circle are all different, ranging in age from 20s to 50s, so there is a wide variety of people from young employees to executives. On the other hand, company circles seem to be more homogeneous in terms of attributes, as all members belong to the same company, but their departments and job titles vary. In this sense, there is no difference in terms of the variety of the participating members.

Area of residence

There seems to be a marked difference here.

  • Local circle-> Many members live in the suburbs of Akabane
  • Company's circle -> Almost no members live in the suburbs of Shinjuku

This has a huge impact on the motivation to participate in practice sessions. This is the reason why we don't have practice sessions on weekends in company circles. In general, there is little need to get on a train and go somewhere far away to practice on weekends. It would be very difficult for a family to gather at the Imperial Palace and enjoy running while chatting.

Why would you want to take the train on the weekend to go to a training session?

This is my own opinion and bias, so I hope you won't be offended. And I'm open to objections.


Basically, there is no reason to attend a training session itself (if you only want to improve your running ability!). There is no reason to participate in the training sessions themselves (if you only want to improve your running ability!). As for those who are ambitious, they may have at least a feeling that it would be nice to have someone to teach them. On the other hand, for those who are not ambitious, the purpose of attending a practice session is to meet the opposite sex. If there is no one who catches their eye, they will soon stop coming (too judgmental, right?). I've seen it happen to many people).

Beginner to Intermediate

If you are a beginner or intermediate runner, you may want someone to teach you or pull you along. However, you need to have someone who has a higher running ability than you, and depending on the course and training menu, you may not be able to gain strength. So, in the end, I tend to feel that I should just run by myself (and that's usually true). I wonder if it's worth the train ride to participate.

Intermediate to advanced runners

You must have come to the training session with some kind of theme in mind. They will look at the training course on that day, or the members they will be running with, and decide if they want to join that training session or not. Specifically, whether they can run on a track like Oda Field. Or whether they can do the same training together and practice with more intensity than if they were to do it alone. These are the reasons why people go out of their way to take the train and attend training sessions. Yes, these are the so-called "conscious" (or maybe not "conscious") runners.

In addition

In addition, as is typical for runners, many of them come to drink beer after practice. Although the number of participants tends to be fixed, I think it is quite effective for the purpose of expanding the base of participants (in the sense of increasing the number of members other than so-called "hard-core runners").

Putting all these together

I feel that it is quite difficult to make the current company circle more active. There are a couple of reasons.

  • Currently, I am the only one who can lead the practice sessions, and when we hold the sessions on weekends, the practice location is limited to the area near my house (because I don't want to spend my precious weekend time on something that I don't know if I can practice well or not). In that case, I can't get other members to join (and they don't have much incentive to go out of their way to run).
  • While we need to increase the frequency of weekday practice sessions in order to retain beginners, it is highly unlikely that we would be able to attract most of the participants even if we held them, as remote work is now well established.
  • And I have no motivation to run with beginners in the first place (how can someone who is so uncooperative be the representative of a circle?

In short, it depends on my motivation as the representative of the club, but even if I were to sacrifice myself, it would not be sustainable. So, I'll try to think of a different direction from general circle activities.

So what to do?

First of all, I'll try to reorganize it like this.

  • Periodically send out information on recommended competitions and participate in them with volunteer members. Part of the entry fee can be covered by the company's subsidy. Of course, you are free to (or rather encouraged to) practice together for the competitions you participate in, or go to the launch party by yourself after the competition.
  • The main means of information sharing will be on line, and everyone will be encouraged to post and give each other feedback in a casual manner. It doesn't matter if it's something as trivial as "I participated in a race," "I worked hard in a tough training session," "I ran on a trip," or "I found an interesting article.
  • And. The purpose of the circle should be "to share information about running among friends and to aim for mutual self-improvement.

Rather than starting from a goal, I think it would be better if we could achieve the goal by deriving and developing from what I, as the representative, can do without difficulty. Since I haven't been able to enter many competitions recently, I would be happy if I could improve my running ability (with the help of the company's subsidy) and gradually make the club more exciting.

Weekly Report_2020/12/22-2020/12/28


  • I'm surprised that I haven't run in the past week. I was on Miyakojima Island for four days until yesterday, so it couldn't be helped. My calorie intake during the trip was obviously too high, so I have to make up for it from here. Anyway, I'm going for a long, slow run today. Burn some fat.
  • I've only been jogging and my legs should be rested, so I'm going to try to get in a good run over the rest of the weekend. I'd like to run about 150km in total in 12 consecutive weekends.

Article_Bad habits for citizen runners

This article is a must read for all citizen runners. I read it with my head held high.

  1. Don't sacrifice your work or family.
  2. Don't be obsessed with time.
  3. Don't hold back on your favorite foods
  4. Don't "burn out" on running
  5. Don't drop to zero even if you feel like quitting

In particular

I often tell people who are in a frenzy to set a record: "The world won't get better if you do a sub-three. "The world will not be better off if you do a sub-three. Please keep that in mind when you do it. In fact, if you do sub-three, your company or family may be destroyed.

I want to keep this part in mind.


See you soon.