Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_後編/[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 2

※English follows.









  • 【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_後編
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/9-2020/11/15
  • Article_走るだけではなかなか痩せないよねと思った時に読む話






  • 自分の走力を知る
  • 自分の走力を踏まえてレースでのペースを決める



初めてのフルマラソンとなると、いったい自分がどれくらいのペースで走れるか分からないことが少なくない。普通練習でフルマラソンの距離を走ることはないので、ハーフマラソンや30K走の結果から自分の実力を推し量る というやり方もあると思う。一つ目安となる数字があるとするならば、



ハーフのベストタイム1.40×2+10分=3.30(サブ3.5) となる。



VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料






  • 早寝早起き(レース当日は朝が早いので特に早起きは重要)
  • 断酒(アルコールは肝臓に負荷をかける、そして糖質は筋肉と肝臓にしか保存できない)
  • カーボローディング(週の前半で糖質制限、木曜夕飯から糖質メインで)
  • レース当日は朝食をスタート3時間前に摂り、以降ジェル等を断続的に摂取(フルマラソンで消費するカロリーは2,000kcalを超える)




  • スタートに立って緊張する人と緊張しない人とに分かれるようだが、私の場合は緊張しないタイプだ。ラソンは一瞬で結果が変わるようなスポーツではないので、そんなに緊張する必要もないと思うのだが、緊張する人は緊張する。走り始めればすぐにほぐれるものなのだが、この緊張が想定ペースを乱すようなことにならなければ良いと思う。
  • レースによっては1万人を超えるような参加者がおり、普段味わうことのない雰囲気で走ることになるため、想定より速いペースで走り出してしまったり、人の群れをかき分けるように走り、無駄に体力を消耗してしまったりするケースが非常に多い。特に後者、人が多くて思うようなペースで走り始められない場合は、「最初はウォーミングアップ」いう気持ちで走り始めると良い。
  • 5Kも走ると集団もばらけ、自分のペースで走ることができるようになっているはず。ここから重要なのは、「想定ペースを守る」ことに集中すること。初めてフルマラソンを走る人は、フルマラソン未満の距離しか経験していない。それは、つまり過去のいずれのレースペースよりも「遅く」走らなければ最後までもたないということだ。
  • 何度でも言うが、ハーフマラソンや10Kのレースと同じようなペースに上げてはならない。目安となる考え方を一つ伝えると、30Kまででフルマラソン全行程で使う体力の半分を、もう半分の体力で残り12Kを走る という考えでこの行程を走ると良い。
  • 30Kの壁。色んな人がこう言う。なぜかと言うと、通常の練習で30Kを超えた距離を走ることはそうそうなくて、身体が距離・時間に慣れておらず、序盤から実力以上のスピードで走ると身体が一気に重くなる状態が30Kを超えたあたりでやってくるからだ。
  • ここまで、我慢してペースを想定内で収めて走ってきた人であれば、まだ脚は動くはずだ。逆に言えば、我慢できずに想定ペース以上で走ってきてしまった人には地獄の時間が訪れる。
  • ラスト5Kを切る。ここからは想定ペース以内で走ってきた人にとっても地獄の時間になる。ここからは、気を抜くと歩きたくなる身体を、集中力と精神力で維持する戦いになる。
  • 集中力を維持する方法としては、周囲にいる自分と同じくらいのペースで走り続ける人の後ろにつかせてもらう、きついときこそフォームを意識する、腕を振ること。
  • 精神力を維持する方法としては、ここまでやってきた練習、支えてくれた人を思い出すこと。ゴールはもうすぐだ。絶対に諦めるな。苦しみはいつか消える。しかし諦めた事実はずっと消えない。

どうだろう。イメージはできただろうか。冒頭でも言ったが、マラソンは準備が8割だ。間違いない。積み重ねた準備なくして完走はできない。しかしだ。走るのはその日、その瞬間だ。フルマラソンという長い旅を、苦しさも含めて是非とも満喫してほしい。無事に走り切れた時。ゴールをした瞬間、それまでの人生で経験したことのない達成感、安堵感を味わえるはずだ。それは私が保証する。皆もフルマラソンに挑戦しよう。Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020/11/9-2020/11/15


  • 日曜日でロング走。湘南国際マラソン距離短縮化のお知らせ見て、全力を出せずにというより無目的なランになってしまった。もったいない。
  • 火曜・水曜で坂ランとペース走。坂ランが効いたのか脹脛にかなりの違和感。まだまだスピード持久力が足りないと感じるとともに、二日連続でポイント練習をやるのはちょっとやりすぎと感じる。
  • 今週は、ポイント練習とつなぎジョグと、もう少しメリハリつけて練習を行うことにする。




【初心者向け】ランニングを続けるための方法は2つだけ/[For beginners] There are only two ways to keep running - Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~



  • 上記blogの通り、ランニングだけで1Kg落とすのに必要な走行距離は100Kmもあるため、痩せるにはかなり時間がかかる。
  • ランニングをするとタンパク質(つまり筋肉)が分解されて基礎代謝が落ちる。






Hello, everyone.


In my last blog, I mentioned that the Nagoya Women's Marathon was going to be held, and now the Shonan International Marathon has been shortened from a full marathon to 25 km, and it has been announced that whether or not it will be held is not yet confirmed.

The Shonan International Marathon is a race that I personally completed last year, and as it will be held again this year, not to be outdone by Corona (while other large-scale races have been cancelled across the board), I've been training for this race (or rather, betting on this race this year), and this is why I feel very disappointed. Regardless of whether I hold it or not, a 25k race is not at all as motivating as a full marathon. It's not easy to keep up with training in such a situation.


Nevertheless. Let's keep running for the day to come. The corona will come to an end. Until then, let's build up our strength (and maintain our system).


Today's content

  • How to finish your first full marathon without walking _ Part 2
  • Weekly Report_November 9, 2020-November 15, 2020
  • Article_When you think it's hard to lose weight just by running, read this story


How to finish your first full marathon without walking _ Part 2

Previous article (My First Full Marathon - Training Edition)

I've been practicing what I need to do so far; I've been running consistently for over three months and I've done some long runs on the weekends. I'm ready to go. I'm going to finish the race. There's no way I'm going to walk. You came into the race feeling like this. Everyone says that in work, preparation is 80% of it. I suppose that's true for marathons, too. But. It's only 80%, not 100%. There's still room for 20%.

There are two things you should do before you run a race

  • Know your running ability.
  • Set the pace in the race based on your running ability.

Let's take it one at a time.

Know your running ability.

When it's your first full marathon, it's not uncommon to be unsure of how fast you can run. Since you don't usually run a full marathon distance in training, you could try to estimate your ability based on your half marathon or 30K results. If I had to give you a number to use as a guide, it would be

Best half time x 2 + 10 minutes = fastest time achievable for a full marathon

This is a thing. This is what I heard from a strong guy from the track and field team, with a personal best of 2.43, and if you substitute a specific time

Best time for the half 1.40 x 2 + 10 minutes = 3.30 (sub-3.5).
We think this is pretty close to the experience. And. Assuming that a person who wants to run a full marathon for the first time has the running ability to be at the level of completing a half marathon in 2 hours.

Best time for the half 2.00 x 2 + 10 minutes = 4.10 (5:55/K pace)

That would be a realistically achievable full marathon time. What do you think? Do you have an idea of what you're going to achieve? If you want to improve your resolution even more, there is a tool called VDOT that can help you clarify your position in the concept of VDOT. This is an application that calculates a reference race time if you put in an arbitrary distance and a time that can run it.


VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料

(There's going to be a lot to write about in this area, so more on that sometime.)

Set the pace in the race based on your running ability.

As mentioned above, once you know your running ability, make up your mind that you will always stick to that pace. Don't make the mistake of starting out in the same groove as a half or 10K. Ever. Making that pledge is the last thing I do before a race.

From one week before the race to the start of the day.

In a nutshell, lead a regular life.

  • Early to bed and early to rise (early mornings are early on race day, so getting up early is especially important).
  • Abstinence (alcohol puts a strain on the liver, and sugar can only be stored in the muscles and liver)
  • Carbo-loading (sugar restriction in the first half of the week, with the main sugar from Thursday dinner)
  • On race day, eat breakfast 3 hours before the start of the race and intermittently take gels, etc. thereafter (over 2,000 calories consumed in a full marathon)

Rest and nutrition. However, this can be quite difficult for working people. The last thing you want to do is say no to all kinds of things because of your race. The people around you will understand if you tell them (and you should reevaluate your relationship with those who don't understand).

And to race.

If you've made it this far, you're good to go. You've got all the practice you need, you've perfected your last minute routine, goal setting and mindset. Now you just need to do what you need to do. Here's how I'm going to break the race down into several phases and write about how I should spend my time.

Start - 5K
  • There seems to be a split between those who get nervous standing at the start and those who don't get nervous, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't get nervous. A marathon is not a sport where the result can be changed in an instant, so there is no need to be so nervous, but people who are nervous get nervous. It's something that unravels as soon as you start running, but I hope this nervousness doesn't disrupt the expected pace.
  • Depending on the race, there may be more than 10,000 participants, and it is very common to start running at a faster pace than expected, or to run through a crowd of people, wasting your energy needlessly. If you can't start running at the pace you want because there are too many people around, it's a good idea to warm up at first.
5K to 30K
  • After 5Ks, the group should be able to break up and run at their own pace. The key from here on out is to focus on "keeping an expected pace". If you are running a full marathon for the first time, you have only experienced less than a full marathon distance.
  • That means you have to run "slower" than any of your previous race paces or you won't make it to the end. As I'll say again, don't up the pace to the same level as a half marathon or 10K race. One rule of thumb is to think of it as running up to 30K as half the energy you would use for the full marathon and then using the other half for the remaining 12K.
  • 30K walls. A lot of people say this. The reason is that it's not very often that you run over 30K in normal training, and it's around this point that your body is not used to the distance and time, and if you run faster than you are capable of from the beginning, your body will start to get heavy.
  • If you have been running at a slower than expected pace, your legs should still be able to move. If you've been running at a pace higher than expected, it will be a hellish time for you.
38K - The finish line.
  • The last 5K is less than the last 5K. From here on out, it will be a hell of a time even for those who have run within the expected pace. From here, it's a battle to keep your body focused and mentally strong enough to keep your body wanting to walk if you're not careful.
  • Some ways to keep your focus are to get behind people around you who are running at the same pace as you are, to be aware of your form when it's hard, and to wave your arms.
  • A way to keep your mental strength up is to remember all the practice you've done and all the people who have supported you. The goal is almost there. Never give up. The pain will go away one day, but the fact that you've given up doesn't go away forever. But the fact that you've given up doesn't go away forever.

I'm not sure. Did you get the picture? As I said at the beginning of this article, preparation is 80% of the marathon. There's no doubt about it. You can't finish a marathon without a lot of preparation. But. Running is about that day, that moment. I want you to enjoy the long journey of a full marathon, and I want you to enjoy it to the fullest, even if it's painful. The moment you finish the marathon. At the moment you cross the finish line, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and relief that you have never experienced before in your life. That's my guarantee. Good Luck to all of you in your full marathon endeavors.

Weekly Report_November 9, 2020-November 15, 2020


  • Long run on Sunday. When I saw the announcement of the shortening of the distance of the Shonan International Marathon, I couldn't give it my all and it turned out to be a rather aimless run. What a waste.
  • Slope run and pace run on Tuesday and Wednesday. The hill run may have taken its toll, but my shins felt quite uncomfortable. I still feel that my speed and endurance are not up to snuff, and I feel that doing point practice two days in a row is a bit much.
  • This week, I'm going to train more with point practice and connecting jog.

Article_When you think it's hard to lose weight just by running, read this story.

If you follow Tarzan's Facebook page, I recommend it because it has a pretty informative stream of articles (with a high percentage of diet-related articles).

I've written about it before.

It's pretty hard to lose weight by running alone, and with so many other factors, why not do some strength training in parallel? The article is called.

For two main reasons.

  • As mentioned in the blog above, the distance needed to lose 1Kg from running alone is 100Km, so it takes a lot of time to lose weight.
  • When you run, your protein (i.e. muscle) is broken down and your basal metabolism drops.

To counteract this, I recommend strength training. Personally, I do core training like abdominal and back muscles and lower body training like squats. The reason being, I think it's easy to increase your basal metabolism because of the amount of muscle mass as a part of the body, and also because I think it's an important muscle for running.


See you soon.