Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【初めてのウルトラマラソン】8時間耐久レースin彩湖 / My first ultramarathon] 8-hour endurance race in Saiko

※English follows.




熱海で土石流 市から「避難指示」なく 識者「想定外ではない」(毎日新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース




























































【Weekly Report】2021/7/4-2021/7/10


  • ウルトラマラソン直後はさすがにダメージが深すぎて走れず。ただ2日もすると太腿や膝の痛みはほぼ取れている。まあまだ脚の疲労は残っているが、長引かなさそうで良かった。
  • とはいえ、ちょっと停滞期に入っている気がする。VO2MAXも伸び悩んでいるし。そろそろ暑さも本番なので、メリハリつけて効率的に鍛えていかないといけないな。スピンバイクでのタバタトレーニングによる心肺への刺激入れとLSDのような感じの両極端なトレーニングが良いかもしれない。20kmを全力!のような練習はこれからどんどんできなくなるだろうし。



  • ベースの走行距離をまず伸ばす。月間200km台だと、8時間という異常な時間をまともに走り続けるのは難しそう。
  • 一度の練習で長い時間身体を動かし続ける。20kmくらいのロングジョグを毎週やるくらいだと全然足りなさそう。トレランなどを混ぜて脚を鍛えるのも良さそう。
  • 上記を踏まえたうえで、レース前に50km走をやっておくと本番で自分の身体に何が起こるか知っておける(その刺激を身体が覚えて耐性ができるかもしれない)。








Hello, everyone!


It's the rainy season. Something tells me that there will be more rainy days than usual this year. In such a situation, Atami is in trouble.

Mudslide in Atami: No 'evacuation order' from city, experts say 'not unexpected' (Mainichi Newspapers) - Yahoo! News

As expected, there are some people who say that the local government should have issued an evacuation order, but even so, there was a heavy rain warning, and the area was surrounded by "mudslide crisis streams" on the hazard map. I wondered if the residents could not have taken the initiative to condemn the situation. Well, anyone can say what was right after the fact, including this. Once again, you should check the hazard map of your area.

Hazard Map Portal Site

Today's Contents

  • My first ultramarathon] 8-hour endurance race in Saiko
  • Weekly Report] 2021/7/4-2021/7/10
  • Article] Before Taking on an Ultramarathon

My First Ultramarathon] 8-Hour Endurance Race in Saiko

As the title of this blog suggests, I ran an ultramarathon.


The longest distance I've ever run was a full marathon. The longest I've ever run was a full marathon, and the longest I've ever run was about five and a half hours, so eight hours was completely unexplored territory. However, I thought that I could run as long as I wanted if I kept my speed down, and in fact, I told everyone around me that I could run 6'00/k indefinitely (which was a complete misunderstanding).

The morning of the race

The race was to start at 8:30 a.m. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. because I wanted to have breakfast three hours before. Since this was not a long and speedy race, I had a combo of tamago-kake-natto-gohan (rice with egg and natto) and a cup of soba noodles, just like I did for the full marathon (if it was a half marathon or shorter, I would only have tamago-kake-natto-gohan). Also, this time, the race was held at Saiko Lake, where I had just run the half marathon last month, so it was easy to run close to home. I took the Saikyo Line for about 10 minutes to Musashiurawa, and then took the shuttle bus from there. The shuttle bus is always crowded, but I was able to meet up with a fellow runner who had entered the race with me, so we headed to the venue together.

Arriving at the venue to the start

Unfortunately, it was raining that day. The weather on the day of the race was unfortunately rainy, and although it weakened during the race, it never completely stopped until the end. It would have been horrible if the weather had been fine, but the thought of racing in the rain was quite depressing. When I arrived at the venue, it was quite busy. Even though it was raining, there were more people than last month's half-marathon, and there seemed to be a lot of strong-looking runners... Everyone had dark skin. I'm proud to say that I'm a reasonably good runner, but I'm new to ultramarathons. I start to feel a little self-conscious.

Incidentally, six of my fellow runners were also participating in the race, and other friends who were not participating in the race came to cheer me on one by one. I was really grateful for their support despite the rain. One of them, Mr. S. gave me some advice. One of them, Mr. S., gave me some advice: "You should run at a pace that is about 1 minute to 1 minute and 20 seconds faster than your best full marathon pace. He is a fierce runner who has run a sub-.5 full marathon and an ultramarathon 100km in under 10 hours. He is a fierce runner who has run sub-EGA full marathons and ultra-marathons of 100km in less than 10 hours. "So I guess 6'00/k is about right for me," I said, feeling more confident since his advice was the same as the pace I had initially assumed. We waited for the start while having this conversation.

Start - 2 hours passed

Finally, my first ultramarathon started. As I was waiting in the rain, I was quite cold. I started running slowly, but my body felt stiff and heavy. And the pace of the runners around me was quite fast. It's been a bad habit of mine lately to get caught up in the pace of the runners around me. I try to resist the urge to run forward, and try to find the pace at which I can run most comfortably. However. I'm far from my best, and I'm not sure if I'll be in my right mind after 8 hours.

But still. There were a lot of female runners today. Compared to the half marathons and full marathons I usually run, there were clearly more. Moreover, there were many fierce runners who were quite used to running. Women are more patient and tolerant of pain," I thought as I ran, observing the runners around me. As my mind turns outward, my body gradually starts to move.

Oh, maybe I'm finally in shape.

I thought to myself as one hour passed. An hour passed while I was thinking this, and I was about to complete two laps around Sai-ko. Somehow, the expected pace of 6'00/k had become familiar to my body. But then again. Maybe it was because the rain had cooled me down, but I was getting very close to the toilet. I thought to myself, "If I have to go to the bathroom in just one hour, my bladder must have shrunk too much," and decided to stop by the bathroom on the third lap. In fact, I continued to be troubled by the urge to urinate until the end, and had to go to the bathroom about once every three laps. Nevertheless, my pace had stabilized and my first ultramarathon was finally starting to feel good.

Up to 4 hours

I set an unhurried 6'00/k pace. No pain at all. No damage to my legs or heart and lungs. My legs and heart and lungs were not damaged at all, and I was completely at cruising pace.

"See, I told you, I can run at this pace forever, right?

I was proud of myself as I ran. I forgot to mention that this race offers a variety of school lunches at the aid stations. Starting from basic nari-sushi, to soba, chilled Chinese noodles, curry, and even shaved ice. The best part of this race is that every time you come back to the starting point, you can taste a variety of school lunches. However, I had eaten a reasonably good breakfast, so I wasn't hungry at all in the beginning. However, after almost three hours of running, you start to get hungry, so I stopped by a not-so-popular shaved ice booth.

Strawberry flavor is good.

It was rainy and cool today, so it wasn't very popular, but if it had been sunny, it would have been super popular. Three hours passed while I was thinking about this. My mileage was 30km.

I started my seventh lap. My body was completely fine, but I was getting tired of the scenery of Lake Sai. Everything I see is becoming more and more harmonious, and I'm getting more and more bored. This is not good. I'm already starting to feel like going home. I'm not even halfway there yet. So I decide to set milestones in my own way. I start a brainstorming session with Sakuma.

"For now, let's try to run the longest distance ever without walking.

How about we make it a school lunch eating tour?

Let's just try to get to the 50km mark.

So we'll do ten laps first.

"Sounds good, let's do that.

The goal of 8 hours was too far away and it was getting difficult to keep motivated, but setting a goal closer to home made all the difference. I was able to concentrate on running.

Up to 6 hours

Four hours have passed. I stopped by the restroom and ate some shaved ice, but I'm still running at a perfect 6'00/k pace. After running two more laps, I'm going to downshift to eating mode. However, I think I can run 15 laps of 75km at this pace. Maybe I'm cut out for ultramarathons," I thought to myself as I continued running.

Halfway through the 9th lap, I crossed the full marathon distance. And then. I felt a distinct discomfort in my legs. I felt tension and pain in my right front thigh. Yes, the course around Sai-ko is surprisingly undulating, with three uphill and three downhill sections, including a bridge across the lake. The slopes are not that steep, but they are not so loose that you can call them loose, and they require a certain amount of power. Especially on the downhill, I had to run down the hill while feeling a lot of gravity, in other words, putting a lot of stress on my front thighs. Combined with the long hours of running, it seemed I was starting to scream.

But still. I managed to keep running while trying to find a form that would allow me to run comfortably. After 10 laps, I reached 50km.


Not only my thighs but also my knees started to hurt. Having reached the milestone, I ate lunch at the aid station. I ate inarizushi and oshiruko. I stayed at the aid for a while, complaining, "What's the matter, no curry? "Hmm, what should I do? The thought of retiring crossed my mind as I set off for the 11th lap.

But the pain was getting stronger and stronger. My fellow runners took turns cheering me on, so I kept running and walking.

I scolded myself, "I thought you could run at 6'00/k pace forever!

I scolded myself, but what hurts hurts, and what doesn't move doesn't move. But what hurts hurts, and what doesn't move doesn't move. 5 hours seemed to be the limit for running at 6'00/k pace.

To the goal

After 11 laps, I ate some cold Chinese food at the aid station and thought about what to do next. My legs hurt like hell. In other words, I was in no condition to run properly. I've almost given up on the 8-hour endurance race. But still.

"Let's just try one more lap.

"You haven't pushed yourself to the limit yet.

"We woke up at five in the morning and came all this way for nothing, let's not do it halfway.

And so we enter the 12th week. I run and walk again, but I try to run as long as I can, except on hills.

No, it hurts.

I run, holding the pain to the limit. The runners around me were passing me all the time. It's not cool, but I don't have time to worry about it. I just kept running and walking. Finally, I reached the last part of the course. I reach the bridge crossing the lake. At this point, I decided to retire after 12 laps. I decide to at least run across this bridge at the end. Normally, this would be a trivial hill, but at this point, I'm thinking, "What a wall! Now it was time for the last battle. I ran slowly up the hill.

I want to stay. I want to walk.

I managed to climb to the top of the hill. Now it was downhill. I no longer had the strength left in my legs to support gravity. I almost walked, but I managed to hold it together and finish the descent. Then, I headed straight back to the starting point. Without hesitation, I headed for the goal, finishing in 12 laps. Thus ended the 60km, 6.5 hour battle.

After the goal

After receiving my certificate, I stared blankly at the runners who were still running for a while. Then I think to myself.

What the hell is the difference between me and them?

There are probably many people whose half and full marathon times are slower than mine. But they are still able to run for much longer than me.



Constitution? Talent?

I ask myself in a roundabout way. Hmm, I don't know. I don't feel like challenging myself to another ultra-marathon, but for now, I'll just analyze myself and close the curtain on my first ultra-marathon.


↑I walked all the way to the end, but the 6.5 hours was amazing for me. If I lived a normal life, I wouldn't have run it.

Weekly Report ] 2021/7/4-2021/7/10


  • Right after the ultramarathon, the damage was indeed too deep to run. But after two days, the pain in my thighs and knees is almost gone. Well, my legs are still fatigued, but I'm glad it doesn't seem to linger.
  • However, I feel like I'm in a stagnant phase, and my VO2 max is not improving. The heat is about to hit, so I'll have to work out more efficiently. It might be a good idea to do both extremes of training, like LSD and cardiopulmonary stimulation by Tabata training on the spin bike. I'm sure I won't be able to train as much as I used to.

Article ] Before taking on an ultramarathon

A continuation of the main article in this issue. I should have read it before the race.

  • Increase your base mileage first. If you're running in the 200km range per month, it's going to be difficult to keep running for the crazy 8 hours.
  • A long jog of 20km every week is not enough to keep me moving for a long time. It would also be a good idea to mix in some tree-running to strengthen your legs.
  • In addition to the above, if you run 50km before a race, you will know what will happen to your body in the actual race (your body may learn the stimulus and become tolerant to it).

This is totally different from my normal training. So, I've decided to stop running ultramarathons for the time being.


See you soon.


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