Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


東京オリンピックを観ていて思ったこと / Thoughts on watching the Tokyo Olympics

※English follows.











オリンピックを終えたアスリートの方へ|Dai Tamesue 為末大 (株)Deportare Partners代表|note




「地獄のような嘘」東京五輪の暑さに海外から批判続出。“理想的な気候”と招致したのに(女子SPA!) - Yahoo!ニュース



今年のシチリアの酷暑は、ヨーロッパ史上最高気温になるかもしれない(ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース








SUGURU OSAKO 【大迫 傑】 - YouTube










《現役引退》「ネットで知りたくないことまで耳に」「東京オリンピックがあってもなくても…」 大迫傑が“快適な生活”を捨ててケニアで合宿をした理由 | 文春オンライン


  • 圧倒的な目的意識と根底にあるマラソンへの情熱
  • そんな中でも自分ができることとできないことを冷静に見極める能力
  • 加えて、自分自身が外部からどのように見られているか理解したうえで行動できる社会性、賢さ


決戦前のランニングノート 大迫傑が考案したランニングノート付


Running Report












Hello everyone!


The Paralympics are about to start, and since it was the Olympics hosted by my country, I would like to organize my thoughts. I imagine that it must have been very difficult for the athletes as well as the organizers, especially those who were involved in the management of the event, as it was in the middle of the Corona disaster, but I would like to write frankly about what I felt, keeping in mind that this was a special case like Corona.

Today's Contents

  • Thoughts on watching the Tokyo Olympics
  • Running Report
  • Youtube_I bought a foam roller to prevent injury

Thoughts on watching the Tokyo Olympics

Great performance by Japanese athletes!

I think it's called "geographical advantage". I've never seen anything like it.

I didn't know Japan was so strong in sports!

It was such a great success. Judo in particular was amazing. The government seems to have invested a lot of money in anticipation of the Olympics, and it seems to have paid off. However, if the number of medals is used as a KGI, it seems that the optimal solution is to focus only on minor events with a small number of competitors.

The strategy to maximize the number of medals is becoming quite clear. For example, in soccer, the level of the game is very high and you have to strengthen a lot of players, but you can only get one medal. On the other hand, in individual sports, it is possible for one person to win multiple medals. Naturally, in terms of return on investment, individual sports are more efficient.

- Dai Tamesue (@daijapan) August 6, 2021
 I've been thinking for a while that people who are at the top level in the world of sports are definitely smart. And Dai Tamesue really oozes studiousness on a daily basis.

To the athletes who have finished the Olympics|Dai Tamesue, President of Deportare Partners Inc.

↑This note is a really good article that is very close to the athletes.

Global Warming Issues Exposed

It was said before the Games that the summer in Japan is too hot for outdoor exercise. It's a shame because I want to see the best performances from the world's top athletes, and that's never going to happen.

"It's a hell of a lie," said one foreign critic of the heat at the Tokyo Olympics. "It's a hellish lie.

In the men's marathon held in Hokkaido, nearly 30% of the runners abandoned the race. The winner's time was 7 minutes slower than the world record (although it was still superhumanly fast).

However, if you ask me if it's cooler outside Japan, it's not. In Sicily, the temperature was an unbelievable 48 degrees Celsius, which made me worry about the upcoming Paris-France.

This year's extreme heat in Sicily may be the hottest in European history (Gizmodo Japan) - Yahoo! News

I think it's time to change the timing of the summer Olympics or change the events, or else people will die. I'm sure there will be many deaths.

Opening and Closing Ceremonies

A lot of things happened leading up to the event. Of course, in a bad way. The opening and closing ceremonies were even worse than I had expected. This is just my subjective opinion. But

Japan is a country that is already over.

I think the opening and closing ceremonies were not cool enough to make me think that Japan is already finished.

Suguru Osako was amazing!

I know I've written a lot of negative things about the marathon so far, but let me finish. Most of the runners must have watched the marathon. And I thought I should just mention that Suguru Osako was amazing. There are many articles about him, and if you look for interview videos, you can find a lot of them, but I could feel his passion for this Olympics even through the TV.

SUGURU OSAKO (Suguru Osako) - YouTube

What I think is great about Suguru Osako, compared to other athletes, is as follows.

He pursues the best possible means to achieve his goals.

After graduating from university, instead of gaining experience in the business world (he was a member of Nissin Foods for a short time, to be exact), he went abroad to train as a warrior. The purpose of this was to put myself in a more challenging environment, but another equally important purpose was to learn how to run.

To be in an environment where there was nothing else to do but run.

But I think another equally important purpose was to put myself in an environment where there was nothing else to do but run. Human beings are weak and susceptible to temptation. We are weak and susceptible to temptation, and we also worry about the noise around us. I think he knew that if he didn't go this far, he wouldn't be able to choose pure actions to achieve his goal, which is also connected to "being able to look at myself objectively," which I will explain later.

He can see himself objectively.

Even in the midst of a race, he accurately assesses his own physical condition and is never carried away by his emotions. As was the case in this Olympics and when she set a new Japanese record in the Tokyo Marathon, she achieved her results by running her own race without being distracted by the pace of those around her.


The reason why Suguru Osako abandoned his "comfortable life" and went to Kenya for a training camp - Bunshun Online

I've been paying attention to him since before the Olympics, but it wasn't until after the race that I found out he had published this book and read it. You can read some of the excerpts at the URL above (and if you get more interested, buy the book). What this book gives us a glimpse of is

  • An overwhelming sense of purpose and an underlying passion for marathon running
  • The ability to calmly assess what you can and cannot do in such a situation.
  • In addition, he has the social skills and intelligence to understand how he is viewed by others and then act accordingly.

In short, there is nothing to do but run. In short, I am not the type of athlete who can do anything but run. At the age of 17, he was able to think about what his teammates and coaches expected of him and how he should behave in response to those expectations, and he was able to change and act wisely and positively (more so than adults). They are trying to change themselves and act positively. I am ashamed to say that I remember when I was in high school. Anyway, I would like you to actually read the book about this.

And then. After reading this book, I started keeping a diary in order to reflect on myself and make myself better for tomorrow. What about you? Are you spending even a little bit of time to reflect on your days and improve yourself for tomorrow? I've started. I think it's never too late to start something new.

Running Report

Since the beginning of August, I've been attending the practice sessions of my running club, Maruo Manufacturing.

Once a week, we run on the track at the track and field stadium in Teahouse Park. Although I've only participated in three of the sessions, including the 5000m record session, I've been able to get in some quality practice that I would never have been able to do on my own (partly because of the 15km round trip to Teahouse Park).

↑When I participated in the record meeting, they sent me this cool record certificate.

I was able to cut 20 minutes off my 5,000m time in the middle of summer, which was a big gain (and with some leeway). It's almost September, and I'm looking forward to doing more long runs in preparation for the Tokyo Marathon in October.

Youtube_I bought a foam roller to prevent injury

The training session at Shonan Park mentioned above. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. I've been using the foam roller along with icing, although too much of it can cause rubbing back. As I've written in my previous blogs, the load of the point practice has gone up considerably, so I may need to weaken the connecting jog a bit.


See you soon.


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