Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


風邪を引いたら走らないほうが良いのだろうか / Is it better not to run when you have a cold?

※English follows.




ワクチンの供給スケジュール 週内にも提示へ 河野規制改革相 | 新型コロナ ワクチン(日本国内) | NHKニュース



コロナで女性・青少年の自殺が急増…日本では「孤独担当相」も任命(中央日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース

重症化率も死亡率も低い若者の行動が制限されたまま。経済立て直しの切り札であるGo toキャンペーン再開の見通しも立たない。

で、GoToトラベルは感染増に影響したのか-再開か停止かもまたムード?(瀧澤信秋) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース


新型コロナ: コロナ病床、日本は英米の1割どまり 病院間の連携不足: 日本経済新聞


立民「ゼロコロナ戦略」案まとめる | NHKニュース


  1. コロナを指定感染症から解除、5類へ変更(=インフルエンザ相当に変更)。医療機関の負担を減らしつつ、コロナ対応できる病院を増やせるよう法整備。これらによって、感染者が増えても対応できるようにキャパシティを向上させる。もう一度言うが実効性のある法整備が要諦。
  2. ワクチンを接種していない高齢者は外出自粛。高齢者は、重症化率も死亡率も高いうえに、他人に感染させる可能性までも高い。
  3. 緊急事態宣言と飲食店への自粛要請の解除(飲食店は当然感染症対策徹底)。旅行業も含め、これらの業界は若者と女性が就業者に占める割合が高い。
  4. ワクチンがいきわたるまでは、外食や旅行時にはCOCOAインストール必須(アプリ保守体制強化はもちろんセットで)。これ法制化。もちろんGo toキャンペーンはCOCOAなしでは利用できない。そしてワクチンがいきわたったらワクチンパスポートへ代替。
  5. 経済・雇用対策として、所得が大きく減少した個人もしくは法人に絞った形で、大規模な支援ができる体制を確立し、実行する。たとえば、もともと売上がほとんどない飲食店に毎日6万円も払ってどうするって話である一方、固定費の高い店舗は全く足りない。これは大手法人でも同じ。大企業も減資してガンガン中小企業になっている。



  • 風邪を引いたら走らないほうが良いのだろうか
  • Weekly Report_2021/2/18-2021/2/24
  • YouTube_短時間で追い込みたいなと思ったらタバタトレーニン









  • 首から下の体の部位になんらかの症状(のどの痛みや胸の苦しさ、関節の痛みや、リンパ腺の肥大、悪寒など)を感じる場合には、ランニングを休むのが賢明。
  • 逆に首より上に症状(鼻詰まりや頭痛など)がある場合は、軽いランニングなら問題ない。

ということ。基準はわかりやすいのだが、一言でいうと風邪の症状が少しでもしんどいなと思うレベルに達している場合は休めということだ。走って代謝を上げて体温を上げれば治るんじゃないか というのは絶対にやってはいけないことであり、私がやりそうなことでもあったw 加えて。体が弱っていたり、めまいや息切れを感じる際にも、基本的には無理をしないことが大切。また、食欲の低下や消化器官の不調など、風邪とは直接的な繋がりがないと考えられる症状があっても、無視せずに体を休めることを優先するべきだそう。そして個人的に大事だなと思ったのが、

  • 体を動かした分の水分やエネルギーを補給するのが、体調の悪さによって難しいと感じるのであれば、それも体を休めた方が良いというサイン。
  • 運動を休むことで、ウイルスや菌から体を守るためのエネルギーを温存できる。

という2点。特に後者は、体調が悪い時に無理をすると引きずる理由である。そう、体調が悪くなったら全ての体力を快復に充てるべきなのである。レースを控えていると、どうしても焦りから体調不良でも無理をしがちである。その時にごまかしながら練習することが走力の維持にはつながらない。急がば回れと理解しよう。Good luck!

Weekly Report_2021/2/18-2021/2/24


  • 距離だけは体調を崩す前の水準まで戻る。しかし上述通り運動強度が上がらない。この1週間は、走り始めてすぐのころくらいの走力に戻ってしまっていたと思う。4月のレースまでは、ポイント練習に絞って負荷を上げていきたい。
  • とはいえ、このタイミングで体調を崩したのは痛い。今週末のハーフマラソンもそうだが、今シーズンはベストを更新することはできないだろう。無理をすると今度は怪我をすることはわかっている。なので、筋トレなどこれまでチャレンジしたことのない切り口でトレーニングをしてみようかな。




タバタトレーニング | 特集 | RS WEB | 立命館大学




  • Yudai Fukuda
  • スポーツ
  • 無料







Hello everyone!


The vaccination for the new coronary vaccine has finally started. At this point, the country is lagging far behind other countries, but whether the vaccination will proceed smoothly from here is completely unpredictable.

Vaccine supply schedule to be announced by the end of the week, Regulatory Reform Minister Kono

But still. I've been thinking that the way to fight coronas in Japan is different from the way to fight coronas in the West. What I mean to say is that while the number of infected people and deaths is overwhelmingly small in Japan, I think that we are not aiming for the best overall response. What is happening in Japan right now is.

Suicides among young people (especially women) are on the rise as a result of the destruction of the economy.

Suicides among women and youths surge in Corona... Japan also appoints 'minister in charge of loneliness' (JoongAng Ilbo Japanese edition) - Yahoo! News

Young people with low rates of serious illness and death remain restricted in their activities. There is no prospect of resuming the Go to campaign, the trump card for economic recovery.

So, has GoTo Travel affected the increase in infections - resumption or stoppage is also a moot point? (Nobuaki Takizawa) - Personal - Yahoo! News

On the other hand, there is no progress in securing hospital beds.

New coronas: Japan's corona hospital beds are only 10% of those in the U.K. and U.S. Lack of coordination among hospitals: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

The first opposition party, the Rikken Democratic Party, is now the Zero Corona Party.

Rikken Democrats to form Zero Corona Party: NHK News

I wonder what's going on here. While the number of suicides has been increasing as a result of the state of emergency that has been declared for a long time to cool down the economy (by the way, suicides have been on a downward trend since the global financial crisis in 2009), the number of deaths in 2020 is 9,000 less than the previous year. Do they even know what they are doing? Especially the Zero Corona Party. If you're going to force pain on the people, you should be doing something else. Why don't you move the hospitals? Why don't you take a scalpel to them? What we need to do now is to optimize the healthcare system first, followed by rebuilding the economy. Specifically, we need to

  1. Remove corona from the list of designated infectious diseases and change it to class 5 (i.e., change it to the equivalent of influenza). Legislation should be put in place to increase the number of hospitals that can handle corona while reducing the burden on medical institutions. These measures will improve the capacity of hospitals to cope with an increase in the number of infected people. Once again, effective legislation is the key.
  2. The elderly who have not been vaccinated should refrain from going out. The elderly have a high rate of serious illness and death, and are even more likely to infect others.
  3. Declare a state of emergency and lift the request for restaurants to refrain from going out (restaurants should naturally take thorough measures against infectious diseases). Young people and women make up a large percentage of the workforce in these industries, including the travel industry.
  4. Until the vaccine is widely available, COCOA must be installed when eating out or traveling (along with strengthening the application maintenance system, of course). This should be legalized. Of course, the Go to Campaign cannot be used without COCOA. And once the vaccine is distributed, replace it with a vaccine passport.
  5. As an economic and employment measure, establish and implement a system that can provide large-scale support to individuals or corporations whose income has declined significantly. For example, what is the point of paying 60,000 yen every day to a restaurant that has almost no sales to begin with, while stores with high fixed costs are completely short. This is the same for major corporations. Large corporations are also reducing their capital to become small and medium-sized companies.

I think it's a step like this. As a nation, we aim for total optimization and rebuild our economy. Then, allow for a certain amount of pain and invest funds in areas that really need help. Priority should be given to the current generation, especially the youth. If politics continues to favor vested interests without investing in the future, there will be no future for this country. There has never been a better time for political leadership than now. (This is supposed to be a running blog, but it has turned into a political blog.

Today's Contents

  • Is it better not to run when you have a cold?
  • Weekly Report_2021/2/18-2021/2/24
  • YouTube_Tabata training if you want to push yourself in a short time

Is it better not to run when you have a cold?

Hmmm. It's a cold, and since the sore throat started around February 5, I've been coughing in addition to feeling lazy all over. I ended up not being able to run for 10 days. Since it was 10 days with two weekends in between, my mileage for this month is still less than 100km. Then, on Sunday, I tried to run 20km slowly at about 5:30/km for the first time in a while.


I couldn't move my body at all at the end. And I'm still reeling from the damage. I have a full marathon coming up on the first weekend of April, and I'm not sure if I can make it in time.

The Neck Rule

So what is a runner to do when he has a cold? What should I have done? Shouldn't I have pushed myself to run instead of resting? When I think about my recent inability to run, I can't help but think about such things. I did some research and came to the conclusion that I was right to take a break.

There is a neck rule that determines whether or not to run when you are sick. Namely.

  • If you are experiencing symptoms in any part of your body below the neck (sore throat, chest tightness, joint pain, enlarged lymph glands, chills, etc.), it is wise to take a break from running.
  • On the other hand, if you have symptoms above the neck (stuffy nose, headache, etc.), light running is fine.

That's it. The criteria are easy to understand, but in a nutshell, if your cold symptoms reach a level where you feel even a little bit tired, you should take a break. If you have a cold, you should rest. Even when you feel weak, dizzy or short of breath, it is basically important not to overexert yourself. Also, even if you have symptoms that you think are not directly related to the cold, such as loss of appetite or digestive problems, you should not ignore them and should prioritize resting your body. And I personally think it's important to

  • If you feel that it is difficult to replenish your body with water and energy due to your physical condition, that is also a sign that you should rest your body.
  • By taking a break from exercise, you can conserve your energy to protect your body from viruses and bacteria.

The two points are The latter, in particular, is the reason why we drag ourselves when we push ourselves when we are not feeling well. Yes, when you are sick, you should devote all your energy to recovery. When you are preparing for a race, you tend to push yourself even when you are not feeling well because you are in a hurry. If you are in a hurry to get ready for a race, you tend to push yourself even if you are not feeling well. Good luck!

Weekly Report_2021/2/18-2021/2/24


  • Only the distance returned to the level before I fell ill. However, as mentioned above, the intensity of the workout did not increase. I would like to focus on point practice and increase the load until the race in April.
  • However, it hurts to be sick at this point in my life. I don't think I'll be able to run my best race this season, as well as this weekend's half marathon. I know that if I push myself too hard, I will get injured. So, I'm going to try to train in a way I've never tried before, such as strength training.

YouTube_Tabata training if you want to push yourself in a short time

What is Tabata Training ~ from Ritsumeikan University website

In Tabata training, you do 8 sets of intermittent exercise, each set consisting of 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest, to exhaustion. 8 sets = 4 minutes. You may think, "How can it be effective in such a short time? However, Tabata's research has shown that 4 minutes of intermittent exercise stimulates both aerobic and anaerobic energy simultaneously and maximally in the majority of people.
Tabata training is a super-efficient training program that trains both energy supply mechanisms simultaneously in a short period of time!

Tabata Training | Feature | RS WEB | Ritsumeikan University

In March, I want to train with this area as well. Use this app for time count.



  • Yudai Fukuda
  • スポーツ
  • 無料


See you soon!


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