Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【寒い】冬のランニングで注意したいこと / What to watch out for when running in winter

※English follows.







  • 【寒い】冬のランニングで注意したいこと
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24
  • YouTube_やっぱり体幹レーニングって大事だねと思ったら





  • 暖かい室内から寒い室外に出たときに、血管が収縮し、心臓に負荷がかかる(実は毎冬市民ランナーの中で心肺停止に至るケースまである)。
  • 寒さのために身体の柔軟性がなくなり、筋肉も緊張して硬くなった状態になりがち
  • その状態でいきなり走り出すと、ちょっとバランスを崩したときの衝撃や連続する着地の衝撃をうまく吸収できず、筋肉や関節のダメージにつながりやすくなる



  • 風を通さない薄手のウィンドブレーカー。真冬は、走っていてもどんどん体温が奪われる。結果フォーミングアップをしても筋肉が固くなり。。。となりがち。特に風が強い日はウィンドブレーカーは必須アイテムだろう。
  • 吸汗・速乾のインナーウエア。冬でも汗をかかないわけではない。これが中々乾かないとどうなるか。そう、風邪の元凶になる。発熱インナーは温かいのだが、通気性が悪く汗で濡れたままになるため、逆に体を冷やすことになってしまいかねないので気をつけよう。
  • 手袋・帽子・ネックウォーマーなど手袋は強く推奨したい。手は身体の末端にあるうえ、腕を振った時にダイレクトに風を受けるため、中々温まりにくい。他の小物系は好みもあるだろうが、(寒冷地に住んでいるランナーは特に)天候に応じで身に付けると良い。



  • 早朝や夜間の時間帯の方が寒い(当たり前だが)。結果、心臓や筋肉への負担がより重い。
  • そしてエリアによっては路面が凍結しており危ない。夜間は視界も良くないので転倒の危険度が高まる




上述したような対策をしっかり取れさえすれば、真夏のような息苦しさもないうえに、秋以降のマラソンシーズンに合わせてしっかりトレーニングに励んだランナーであれば、身体も仕上がってくるのがその理由だと思う。今年は思うように大会にエントリーできない市民ランナーが多いと思うが、力を蓄え、来るべき時に備えよう。Good luck!

Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24


  • 走行会でラン仲間に引っ張ってもらって、坂道コースで閾値走。辛かったけど、直近でVO2MAXが58まで向上。スピード練習は週1でも効果があるのかもしれないな。しばらく続けていきたい。
  • そして今週は久しぶりに60km超え。金土日と結構高負荷なトレーニングができたし、日曜日のロング走が効いたなと。ただ左足首に痛みが。3日しっかり走るのが続くと過負荷かな。今日は完全休息に、明日・明後日は軽めのジョグにしておこうと思う。
  • そして3月第1土曜日にフルマラソンにエントリーをした(渡良瀬Trial Marathon)。苦手な周回コースだが、今シーズン最初で最後のフルマラソンになる可能性もあるので、しっかりと準備をしたい。








Hello, everyone!


It's been three weeks since the state of emergency was declared. I wonder how everyone is spending their time. I have a lot of single friends around me, and some of them are saying that they are refugees from dinner. In a normal working life, it's not uncommon to not be able to eat before 8 p.m., but eating at a convenience store every time is not very appealing.

There is a strategy underway to push the wrinkles of Corona to the restaurant industry, but I wonder if they have thought of allowing solo eating out. Single people will end up eating at convenience stores for every meal.

And. The restaurant industry is finally dying out.

The industry as a whole is down 15% from the previous year, but if you limit it to businesses that serve alcohol, such as izakaya, it's half of what it was the previous year. This is the total for the entire year, and sales during the emergency declaration period will be more than half the previous year's level, so it is likely that many businesses will not be able to hold on and will close down in 2021. But the government.... I don't think the ban on solo eating out will be lifted. With delivery, take-out, and EC, the restaurant industry is really being forced to deal with major changes. We don't know when the Corona disaster will end, but the dining experience will change dramatically.

Today's Contents

  • What to watch out for when running in winter
  • Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24
  • YouTube_I thought core training was important after all

What to watch out for when running in winter

Last week, January 20th was the first cold day of the year, and the end of January is the coldest time of the year. The days are short, it's still dark when I run in the morning, and it's very difficult to get up early and get out of the warm covers. However, if you start running after waking up from sleep, your body is still awake and your muscles are still contracting from the cold, so you may not be able to run as fast as you want to, and you may end up getting injured. This is why we need to be careful in a different way from summer. As a result, we need to be careful when running in the winter. There are three main things to do.

Warming up

In winter, you should warm up more carefully than in other seasons. The reasons are as follows.

  • When you step out of the warm room into the cold room, your blood vessels constrict, putting more stress on your heart (in fact, there are even cases of cardiopulmonary arrest among citizen runners every winter).
  • Due to the cold, the body tends to lose flexibility and the muscles tend to become tense and stiff.
  • If you suddenly start running in this state, your body will not be able to absorb the impact of a slight loss of balance or a series of landings, which can easily lead to muscle and joint damage.

To reduce the risk of injury, try to stretch in a warm room before exercising. Careful stretching of the whole body to make the muscles flexible and relaxed will help prevent injuries during running.


  • A thin windbreaker to keep the wind out. In the middle of winter, you lose more and more body heat while running. As a result, your muscles tend to stiffen even after forming up. This is especially true on windy days. Especially on windy days, a windbreaker is an essential item.
  • Sweat absorbing and quick drying inner wear. Even in the winter, it is not that you don't sweat. What happens if it doesn't dry out? That's right, it becomes the main cause of colds. Heat-generating inner wear is warm, but it is not breathable and stays wet with perspiration, which can cool you down, so be careful.
  • Gloves, hats, and neck warmers. Gloves are strongly recommended. The hands are at the end of the body and receive direct wind when you swing your arms, making it difficult to warm up. Other small items may be more to your liking, but (especially for runners living in cold climates) it is best to wear them according to the weather.

Time of day to run

Basically, it is recommended to run when it is light. The reason.

  • It is colder (obviously) in the early morning and nighttime hours. As a result, the burden on the heart and muscles is heavier.
  • Also, in some areas, the road surface is icy and dangerous. The visibility at night is also not good, so the risk of falling is higher.

However, there are many people who can only ride early in the morning or at night except on holidays due to work commitments (I am one of them!). In that case, it is best to run as flat as possible. In that case, choose flat and familiar roads as much as possible. If you are riding at night, it is also effective to equip yourself with reflectors and lights if necessary.

While the above is a list of things to keep in mind, winter is also a time when marathon times tend to improve. Personally, the last two full marathons I participated in during this season were the best of the season.

(That was exactly one year ago!)

As long as you take the measures mentioned above, you won't feel suffocated like you do in the middle of summer, and if you are a runner who has trained hard for the marathon season after autumn, your body will be ready. I'm sure there are many citizen runners who are not able to enter marathons this year, but let's save our strength and prepare for the coming time.

Weekly Report_2021/1/18-2021/1/24


  • At a running event, my running buddies pulled me along for a threshold run on a hilly course. It was hard, but my VO2 max improved to 58 recently. I think speed practice might be effective even once a week. I'd like to continue it for a while.
  • And this week, I ran over 60km for the first time in a while. I was able to do some high-impact training on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I think the long run on Sunday helped. However, my left ankle is still sore, which is probably due to the overload after three days of solid running. I think I'll take a full rest today and do a light jog tomorrow and the day after.
  • Then I entered the full marathon on the first Saturday of March (Watarase Trial Marathon). It's a circuitous course that I'm not very good at, but it could be my first and last full marathon of the season, so I want to make sure I'm prepared.

YouTube_I thought core training was important after all

This guy's videos are very easy to understand. His videos are very easy to understand, and before I knew it, he had over 30,000 subscribers to his channel. It's wonderful. And I started to think seriously about getting a trainer's license. Plank is a body weight training that anyone can do anytime, anywhere, but it's really effective. I've been slacking off on my strength training lately, so when I did sit-ups for the first time in a while, I couldn't get rid of the muscle pain for three or four days. I tried to do them again the next day, but I gave up within three seconds because I couldn't do them today.

In the cold winter season, especially for those who live in snowy areas, it might be a good idea to do muscle training like this. Come on, guys! Burn those transverse abdominals!


See you soon.