Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


ランニングタイツを履くと速く走れるのだろうか / Does wearing running tights make you run faster?

※English follows.



新型コロナの新規感染者数が「下げ止まっている」ことを理由に、首都圏の緊急事態宣言が延長された。この「下げ止まっている」という言葉。ある一定の水準から1日当たりの感染者数が減らなくなっている という意味であろう。ただこれはある意味当然で、1日当たりの感染者数自体は、ある行動の結果に過ぎないからであって、その行動を変えない限り、ある一定数から減らなくなる。要するに、人と人の接触頻度が感染者数に変化を及ぼすのであれば、人と人の接触頻度を減らす手を打たない限り、数字は変わらない。すなわち、追加の施策を打たない限りはこのまま「下げ止まったまま」推移するのは自明である。



政治とメディアの茶番に付き合ってもいられない。 緊急事態宣言を再延長などという話もあるが、仮に再延長したとしてもどんどんその効果は弱まるだろう。国民はすでに言うことを聞きにくくなってきている。

新型コロナ: 宣言再延長の首都圏、人出減らず 対策に手詰まり感も: 日本経済新聞


  • 脆弱すぎる医療体制を強化(あらゆる点で今回のコロナ被害の主因)
  • とにかく速やかにワクチン接種





  • ランニングタイツを履くと速く走れるのだろうか
  • Weekly Report_2021/0305-2021/03/11
  • YouTube_走っても痩せないなあと思ったあなたへ②







  1. 膝関節やふくらはぎなどの筋肉をサポートする効果
  2. 筋肉疲労を少なくし、長時間筋肉が動くようにするためのパフォーマンスアップ効果
  3. 翌日の疲労を残さないため疲労回復・リカバリー効果
  4. 外的刺激から身体を守る効果




  1. 価格軸
  2. サポート軸
  3. 履きやすさ軸


まあ最後は何のために履くのか。当たり前だが目的が果たされる買い物をしよう。Good luck!


ランニングタイツのおすすめ9選 | 効果と選び方を徹底解説

Weekly Report_2021/0305-2021/03/11


  • 週間走行距離でちょうど50km。何とか月間200km前後の練習量まで戻ってきている。2月は風邪とハムストリングスの軽い肉離れで100kmしか走れなかったことを思えばかなり前進していると言えるが、今度は胃腸炎を患った。久しぶりにトイレを抱きながら一夜を明かしたよ(汚い話でごめんなさい)。
  • とはいえ、久しぶりに5:00/kmカットのペースでロング走もできたし(ラストもそれなりに余力を残してペースを上げられたし)、4:30/kmペースでもさほど息切れしなくなってきている。無理は禁物だが、今週末の30K走と来週末のハーフマラソンで身体を仕上げて4月3日のフルマラソンに臨む所存。



  • 空腹状態で走る
  • ゆっくり長く走る
  • 早朝に走る(+走る前に無糖のコーヒーを一杯飲む)



  • 痩せるためには消費カロリーを増やさなければいけない
  • そのためにはより多くの筋肉を動かさなければいけない
  • 人間は身体の後ろ側に多く筋肉が付いており、背中の筋肉を使った走り方をしなければ痩せない







Hello, everyone!


The declaration of a state of emergency in the Tokyo metropolitan area was extended due to the fact that the number of new cases of new coronas has "stopped lowering". This word "has stopped lowering". It means that the number of infected people per day is not decreasing from a certain level. However, in a sense, this is natural, because the number of infected people per day itself is just a result of certain actions, and unless those actions are changed, the number will not decrease from a certain level. In short, if the frequency of contact between people affects the number of infected people, the number will not change unless we take measures to reduce the frequency of contact between people. In other words, unless additional measures are taken, it is obvious that the number will continue to "stay down.

I think this situation is similar to dieting. For example, if a person weighs 100 kilograms and goes on a diet, he would set his daily calorie intake to 2000 kcal. If you do this, your weight will drop to about 70kg. However, it is impossible for this weight to drop to 50 kg, much less 0 kg (even if the calorie intake were to drop to 0 kcal, the person would probably be dead before the weight dropped below 20 kg). When you get to 70kg, and your weight loss stops, you can start strength training, or even running, to reach your goal of 50kg. This way of thinking is what is called a cause-and-effect relationship, and with a little thought, anyone could have predicted this situation. However, the people who wanted to continue the emergency declaration did not understand this (or maybe they did) and decided to extend the declaration without taking any additional measures, even though it had fallen below the standard that they had originally stated that they would lift the declaration if it was reduced to this level.

Stopping the flow of people will cause serious damage to the economy, and there is a limit to what can be done. If we are forced to endure for such a long period of time. It will no longer be possible to reduce the movement of people any further. As I mentioned in my previous blog, from here on, it is necessary to establish a medical system that can withstand an increase in the number of newly infected people. In addition, the vaccine should be given to the elderly as soon as possible.

We can't keep up with the political and media farce. There is talk of extending the declaration of a state of emergency, but even if it is extended, it will be less and less effective. The public is already becoming less and less willing to listen to them.

New Corona: Extension of declaration does not reduce the number of people in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but there is a sense of inadequacy in countermeasures: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

There is only so much that can be done when you can't enforce measures on the entire population as China has done.

  • Strengthen the medical system, which is too fragile (the main cause of the corona outbreak in all respects).
  • Vaccination as soon as possible

These are the first two. I strongly believe that all the people should pay attention to these two things at first, and put pressure on politics and media. The following YouTube video was easy to understand.

But this guy.

This is the first time I've seen this kind of thing. In addition, she even lied to the governors of other prefectures to extend the emergency declaration. What she's doing is just too messed up. It is indeed too much, but I guess the people of Tokyo are to blame for choosing her. I guess the media has been completely seduced by her and won't criticize her because of the advertising money.

Today's Contents

  • Does wearing running tights make you run faster?
  • Weekly Report_2021/0305-2021/03/11
  • YouTube_To those of you who think you can't lose weight by running (2)

Does wearing running tights make you run faster?

The other day. The other day, my Under Armour runnig tights ripped.
I woke up from sleep and was thinking about how heavy my body was while I was running. I was looking away and my leg grazed the guardrail. Then.

I felt something stuck, so I looked at my tights and found them in this state. They were so ripped that I wondered if someone had attacked me. I don't mean to disrespect Under Armour, but I've been wearing these tights for 5-6 years now, so I guess they've already exceeded their useful life. I've been wearing these tights for 5 or 6 years now, so I guess they've reached the end of their useful life. Now that I've had a chance to buy some new running tights, I've been doing some research on the benefits of running tights, and I'd like to share it with you in this blog.

Benefits of Running Tights

So far, not many research papers have shown that running tights have a positive effect on marathon performance. However, they have been shown to have four major effects

  1. Support the muscles in the knee joint and calf.
  2. Performance-enhancing effects to reduce muscle fatigue and allow muscles to move for longer periods of time.
  3. Recovery effect to prevent fatigue the next day
  4. Protecting the body from external stimuli

Finally, I'll post a reference site. 1 and 2 are important for racing, and 3 and 4 are important for daily training. In particular, the Wacoal runnig tights that I've been using lately are very supportive and give me the feeling of stability as if I'm taping them on. When running long distances or when I'm still fatigued, I can feel a big difference between wearing Wacoal tights and not wearing them (personal opinion). As I've written in another blog before, I recommend these supportive runnig tights in the winter, when muscles become stiff and the risk of injury increases. The best part is that they are warm.

However, what criteria should you use to choose?

In the introductory article, it was said that you should choose based on seven criteria, but personally, I think it's better to consider the following three axes.

  1. Price axis
  2. Support axis
  3. Axis of ease of wear

Basically, there is a positive correlation between the price (1) and the strength of the support (2). In short, runnig tights with strong support are expensive, and runnig tights with weak support are inexpensive. As for the third point, the ease of wearing, it depends on the purpose of the purchase, but the strength of the support greatly affects the comfort of the wearer, and since it is a matter of preference, I think it is best to try them on before making a final decision. In other words, if you don't care about support and just want to keep warm in the winter, Uniqlo tights may be the best choice for you. They are made by Airism, so they are very comfortable to wear. They are also very cost-effective at just over 2000 yen per pair. This is less than one-fifth the price of the Wacoal Speed model that I bought.

Well, at the end of the day, what are you going to wear them for? Good luck!


9 Recommended Running Tights - A Thorough Explanation of Effects and How to Choose

Weekly Report_2021/0305-2021/03/11


  • My weekly mileage is just 50km, and I'm getting back up to around 200km a month, which is a lot of progress considering I only managed to run 100km in February due to a cold and a slight separation of my hamstrings, but now I've got gastroenteritis. I spent the night hugging the toilet for the first time in a long time (sorry for the dirty talk).
  • However, for the first time in a long time, I was able to do a long run at a pace of 5:00/km (and I was able to pick up the pace at the end with a good amount of energy left), and I'm not so out of breath anymore even at 4:30/km pace. I'm not going to push myself too hard, but I'm determined to finish up my body with a 30K run this weekend and a half-marathon next weekend before I run the full marathon on April 3.

YouTube_To those of you who think you can't lose weight by running (2)

In the past, I've shown you another video on how to run to lose weight. To recap

  • Run on an empty stomach
  • Run slow and long
  • Run early in the morning (plus drink a cup of sugar-free coffee before running)

It's important to run early in the morning (plus a cup of unsweetened coffee before running).

On the other hand, this video is a little different.

  • In order to lose weight, you need to increase the number of calories you burn.
  • In order to do that, you need to move more muscles.
  • We have a lot of muscles in the back of our body, so we need to use the muscles in our back to lose weight.

This article introduces stretches to make it easier to use the muscles in your back. I think this is a good idea not only for runners but also for all modern people who work at desks a lot.


See you soon.


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