Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【中級者向け】サブフォーをするために必要なものは持久力だけ/[For intermediate users] All you need to do a sub-four is endurance

※English follows.





  • 毎週定期的に走るようになってから?
  • 大会に出るようになった頃から?

私の場合は、フルマラソンサブフォー(4時間切り)を達成して以降だったように思える。そう、この「フルマラソンサブフォー」というのはランナーにとって、一つの大事な通過点のように思える。ゴルフでいう100切り のような(私はゴルフやらなないが)。






  • 【中級者向け】サブフォーをするために必要なものは持久力だけ
  • Weekly Report_2020/10/19-2020/10/25
  • Youtube_スピードアップするには腕振りが大事だよねという話






  • 長い距離をスピードを落とさずに走り続ける持久力
  • ベースのスピード




  • 週に1度は1度に長い距離を走る(20Km以上)
  • 練習のラスト1-2Kmはスピードを上げる(ペースは5:00/K以上)
  • 月間走行距離は100Km以上(できれば120Km以上)
  • 上記をレース直前3か月以上連続で継続する


  • 長い時間動き続けられる総合的な持久力を身につけ
  • 疲労の溜まった終盤でスピードアップすることで、終盤で粘れる脚力を手に入れる



想定しなければならないことは、最初の10Kmと最後の10Kmではきつさがまるで違うということだ。普通に気持ちよく10Kmを走るだけでは、フルマラソンにおける最初の10Kmしか練習で再現できない。終盤の10Km、さらにはラスト5Kmを練習の中で再現しなければならないのだ。こうした考えもなく、なんとなく月間走行距離だけは毎月100Km超えている といった練習の中身では、サブフォーは絶対に達成できないと断言できる。下手すると30Km以降歩いてしまったという結果になる可能性すら大いにある。

繰り返すが、身につけるべきはは「長時間動き続けられる」能力だ。そしてそれは、ある一定以上の負荷を、ある一定以上の時間、ある一定上の頻度でかける必要があり、それはある一定上の苦しさを伴うということだ。サブフォーという勲章は簡単には得られない。しかし達成できたときの喜びは格別だ(個人的にはサブ3.5を達成した時よりも嬉しかった)。読者の皆さんにもそれを味わっていただきたい。Good LucK!!

Weekly Report_2020/10/19-2020/10/25


  • ここのところ毎週7日中5日の練習実績。飲みが2回入るとなかなか練習時間の確保が難しい。週6日走らないと300Kmまでいかないな・・・火曜日は赤羽のサークル練習にて追い込む。やっぱり仲間と走れた日は良い練習になる。
  • 日曜日に30K走。なぜか序盤からハンガーノック気味で慌ててコンビニで給食をすることに。長い距離を走る前はきちんと糖質とっておかなければならないなと反省。20Kmくらいまでは気持ちよく走れていたのだが、25Kmくらいでペースダウン。まだまだ持久力が戻っていない。


  • この方の解説とても分かりやすくてお薦めです。実践的なストレッチ等も教えてくれる有能なトレーナーさん。先週も書いた気がするけど、早く走りたければしっかり腕を振ろう。
  • サブスリー目標に練習していると、どうすればスピード上げられるかという動画ばかり観るようになる。結果、Youtubeのお薦め動画も「こうすればもっと速く走れる!」という動画ばかりになるという・・・最近ランニングと投資の動画しか観てないので、私のYoutube最近ちょっと気持ち悪いですw




Hello everyone


What are your hobbies? What are you doing on your days off?

When did you come to answer "running" without hesitation when you were asked such a question?

  • Since you started running regularly every week?
  • Ever since you started playing in competitions?

In my case, it seems that it was after I achieved the sub-four (4 hours cut) in the full marathon. Yes, this "full marathon sub-four" seems to be an important passing point for runners. It's like 100 cuts in golf (although I don't play golf).

* About 30% of all golfers can cut 100 golfers (according to GDO survey)

 That's why I would like to write something important to achieve the sub-four, which is one medal for runners.


Today's content

  • [For intermediate users] All you need to do a sub-four is endurance
  • Weekly Report_2020 / 10 / 19-2020 / 10/25
  • Youtube_ A story that arm swing is important to speed up

[For intermediate users] All you need to do a sub-four is endurance

Continue to run for 4 hours at a pace of 5: 40 / K

For those who run regularly and continuously, running 10km at a 5: 40 / K pace is not too difficult. You won't be able to breathe too much. But what about running 20km at this pace? No, how about 30km? At this distance, it becomes a considerable load even for those who have a certain running history. However, this load does not mean that the cardiopulmonary pain. That is, this pain is caused by fatigue of muscles and joints caused by continuous movement for a long time.

You don't need speed

I wrote earlier that two types of practice are required for the practice required when trying to complete a marathon with a certain goal.

  • Endurance to keep running long distances without slowing down
  • Bass speed

There are two types. To be clear, there is no need for interval training or hill dashing exercises that drive the cardiopulmonary system to achieve the subfour. For those who have no exercise experience, are fat, etc. and cannot even run at 5: 40 / K even for a short distance, the goal of sub-four is too high in the first place. These people should first aim to complete the full marathon (or half marathon in some cases) "without walking". It's important to set the right goals. Otherwise, it will cause great misery in production.

How to practice to improve endurance

So what kind of training content and amount do you need? If you put together various books and experiences (including my personal experiences), it looks like this.

  • Run a long distance once a week (20km or more)
  • The last 1-2km of practice increases speed (pace is 5: 00 / K or more)
  • Monthly mileage is 100km or more (preferably 120km or more)
  • Continue the above for 3 consecutive months or more just before the race

If you can achieve these, you should be able to sub-four with a fairly high probability (pacing on race day is also very important, but this is another opportunity). The point is

  • Acquire comprehensive endurance that allows you to keep moving for a long time
  • By speeding up at the end of the tired period, you will gain tenacious leg strength at the end of the period.

That is.

The full marathon is long, like a trip

What you have to assume is that the tightness is totally different between the first 10km and the last 10km. Only the first 10km of a full marathon can be reproduced by practicing just by running 10km comfortably. The final 10km and even the last 5km must be reproduced in practice. Without such an idea, it can be asserted that the sub-four cannot be achieved at all with the contents of the practice that the monthly mileage exceeds 100 km every month. If you are not good at it, there is a great possibility that you will end up walking after 30km.

Again, what you need to acquire is the ability to "keep moving for a long time." And it means that it is necessary to apply a certain amount of load for a certain amount of time and a certain amount of frequency, which is accompanied by a certain amount of pain. The medal of sub-four is not easy to obtain. However, the joy of achieving it was exceptional (I was more happy than when I achieved sub-3.5). I would like all readers to enjoy it. Good LucK! !!

Weekly Report_2020 / 10 / 19-2020 / 10/25


  • Recently, I have practiced 5 days out of 7 days every week. It is difficult to secure practice time if you drink twice. If I don't run 6 days a week, I can't reach 300km ... On Tuesday, I'll drive in Akabane's circle practice. After all, the day when I can run with my friends is a good practice.
  • Run 30K on Sunday. For some reason, I decided to have lunch at a convenience store in a hurry with a hitting the wall from the beginning. I regret that I have to keep sugar properly before running a long distance. I was able to run comfortably up to about 20km, but the pace slowed down at about 25km. Endurance hasn't returned yet.

Youtube_ A story that arm swing is important to speed up

  • This person's commentary is very easy to understand and recommended. A talented trainer who also teaches practical stretching. I think I wrote it last week, but if you want to run faster, shake your arms firmly.
  • If I practice with a sub-three goal, I only watch videos of how to speed up. As a result, the recommended videos on Youtube are all videos that say "This way you can run faster!" ... I've only watched videos of running and investment recently, so my Youtube is a bit unpleasant these days.

see you.