Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【初めてのハーフマラソン②】レース当日編 / The first half marathon 2 : Race day

※English follows.














  • 走ったことがある場合・・・おめでとう。直前期の練習次第だが、その時と同じペースで走り切ることができるだろう。
  • 走ったことがない場合・・・最長距離は何kmだろうか?15km?それとも10km?いずれにせよ、その時と同じようなスピードで走ろうとすると終盤で失速する可能性があることを考慮するべきだ。



  • 上述したが、ハーフマラソンの距離を一度に走ったことがある人は、その時のタイムにどれくらい勝てるのかという勝負になる。ただ、こういった人はどちらかというと少数派だと思うので、今回はハーフマラソンの距離を一度に走ったことがない前提で話をしたい。ではどんなペースを刻めばいいか。
  • 結論から言うと、ロング走の練習の時のペースから10秒~20秒/km程度遅いペースが一つの目安となる。具体的には、10kmを5:25/kmで走れるのであれば、5:35~5];45/kmが実力値ということになる。仮に、最長走行距離が10kmで、それを5:25/kmのペースでしか走れない人が5:30/kmのペースで走り始めるとするならば、15kmくらいで歩いてしまっている可能性が高く、5:40/kmが現実的かやや高めの目標というのが個人的な感覚だ。


まずレースを3つのフェーズに分けるのが良いとされている。すなわち、①序盤=3kmまで/②中盤=15kmまで/③終盤=15km以降 である。

  1. 序盤=3kmまで・・・自分のペースを安定させるために、目標になる集団・ランナーを見つける
  2. 中盤=15kmまで・・・集団の中で無心で走る(無駄な消耗を避ける)
  3. 終盤=15km以降・・・フォームと目線を意識する(きついからこそ効率の良い走りを)

練習と本番の違いを一言で言うと、周囲に同じゴールを目指すランナーがたくさんいるということだ(至極当たり前だが)。であるならば、その人たちの力を使わせてもらおう。何度も時計を見ながら、タイムを気にして走るというのは意外に消耗するもので、タイムを気にせずひたすら目の前の人に付いていく という状況を早めに作れると精神衛生上非常に良い(ただし、自分の実力以上のスピードの人に付いていくと確実に撃沈するので注意)。そしてひたすら無心で走る。



せっかくここまで時間をかけて準備してきたんだ。最後の最後で手を抜くか死ぬ気で頑張るかで人生変わるよ!Good luck!

Weekly Report_2020/12/7-2020/12/13


  • 日曜日ペース走。ラストで4:15/kmまでアップ。ようやく怪我する前のスピードが戻ってきたような気がする(実は5月に左肩を骨折してから、2か月間全く走れてなかった)。
  • 平日には走行会で、ランナー仲間に引っ張ってもらってスピード練習を実施。結構刺激入って良い練習になった。ただその後の打ち上げで飲みすぎた。相殺かな。
  • メリハリ意識した結果、ポイント練習以外の強度・距離が弱すぎるような気もするがどうなんだろう。おかげで脚の調子は良いのだが負荷が不足しているような気がする。そんなわけで今週末は山行くかも。


  • これはとても良い動画。私はピッチ走法なので、ストライドを広げるためにどうすればいいのだろうと良く思う。そしてストライドを広げるために自分がやろうとしていたことが完全に間違っていたことを知った。
  • すなわち、脚を前に出してストライドを広げようとすることはブレーキをかけること。ストライドは無理やり「広げる」ものではなく、後ろに蹴り出す力が向上した結果「広がる」もの
  • そのためには、股関節のストレッチとお尻と腿裏のトレーニンが大事。ちょっと真剣にやってみようかな。





Hello, everyone!


The Shonan International Marathon has been cancelled. I had a bad feeling when I heard that the distance would be shortened from the full marathon to 25km. And in light of the recent increase in the number of coronary cases, I guess it was inevitable to come to this conclusion.

Runners who were planning to participate, including myself, must be disappointed. However, it is no use lamenting, much less resenting the management. I'm sure the people running the race have put in more time and effort than we have. Let's thank them for their efforts so far and enjoy the next race to the fullest. And although it's not a replacement for the Shonan International Marathon, I've officially entered the Kasumigaura Marathon in April. This time it's a lottery, and more importantly, with the state of Corona, there's no guarantee that I'll be able to run even if I'm selected, but I'll do my best to train hard.


Today's Contents

  • The first half marathon 2 : Race day
  • Weekly Report_2020/12/7-2020/12/13
  • Youtube_The story that no matter how much you stretch your legs forward, your stride will not extend


The first half marathon 2 - Race day

This time I'm going to write about my first half marathon.

Now, I've done the necessary "training menu" with the "mindset" I explained last time. And you've got all the "items" you need. Now all we have to do is run and get results. I've run several distances at once that are similar to the race, and I know how hard it will be at the end of the race. I was well prepared. Unlike a first full marathon, a first half marathon can be run without much anxiety if you are prepared like this. However, there is a pitfall that tends to occur in such a situation, so please listen to me.

Have you ever run the same distance as a half marathon before? Or not?

How many kilometers is the longest distance you have ever run at one time? And do you remember how your body felt after running that distance? What you can't do in practice, you usually can't do in the race. Just because it's your first half marathon doesn't change that. So I want you to remember. Remember your running ability.

  • If you've run before...congratulations. Depending on your last-minute training, you should be able to run at the same pace you did then.
  • If you've never run before... what's your longest distance, 15km or 10km? Either way, you should take into account that if you try to run at the same speed you did then, you might stall at the end of the race.

That's right, the most important thing to keep in mind when running a half marathon. It is over-pacing. When you participate in a race with a large number of people for the first time, adrenaline is released and you become excited. This is even more so when there are many runners around you who are faster than you. And because you're in a state of excitement, you're able to keep up with those runners. "Hey, my body feels light," "I'm not in pain at all, I can do it! and I can't stop. What would happen as a result? Well, after 10km and into the middle of the race, your legs start to get heavier and heavier, and by the time you pass 15km, you can't move your legs anymore. And finally, I ended up walking. This is what I tend to do when I run my first half marathon, and it's what I myself have done. So what should I do?

Determine your target time by calculating backwards from your running ability.

  • As I mentioned above, if you have run a half-marathon before, it's a game of how much you can beat your time at that time. However, I think these people are rather a minority, so I would like to talk about it on the assumption that you have never run a half marathon distance at one time. So what pace should I set?
  • As it turns out, a good rule of thumb is a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds/km slower than the pace you use when training for a long run. Specifically, if you can run 10km at 5:25/km, then 5:35 to 5];45/km is your ability level. If your longest distance is 10km and you can only run it at 5:25/km, and you start running at 5:30/km, you are likely to walk after about 15km, so my personal feeling is that 5:40/km is a realistic or slightly higher goal.

What exactly do you do in a real race?

First of all, it is said to be good to divide the race into three phases. First of all, it is recommended to divide the race into three phases: (1) early phase = up to 3km, (2) middle phase = up to 15km, and (3) late phase = after 15km.

  1. Early stage = up to 3km: find a group or runner to target in order to stabilize your pace.
  2. Mid stage = Up to 15km: Run mindlessly in the group (to avoid unnecessary exhaustion)
  3. After 15km: Be aware of your form and line of sight (the harder it is, the more efficient your run).

The difference between practice and the race can be summed up in one word: there are a lot of runners around you who are all aiming for the same goal (as a matter of course). If that's the case, let's use their strength. Looking at your watch over and over again and worrying about your time can be surprisingly draining, and it is very good for your mental health if you can create a situation early on where you can just follow the person in front of you without worrying about your time (but be careful, because if you follow someone who is faster than you are, you will surely sink). Then, just keep running mindlessly.

In the end

However, the last part of the run is the hardest part. You get out of breath, your legs are heavy, and you want to walk. So, at the end of the day, it's about whether you can trust yourself. You have to believe in yourself that you can run the rest of the distance, not to mention the preparation you have done up to that point. And for the sake of someone else who believes in you, you aim for the goal. The pain will disappear. But the fact that I gave up will never go away (although this part is the same as the full marathon part).

I've spent a lot of time preparing for this. Good luck!

Weekly Report_2020/12/7-2020/12/13


  • Sunday pace run. Up to 4:15/km at the end. I feel like I'm finally getting back to my pre-injury speed (actually, I haven't been able to run at all for two months since I broke my left shoulder in May).
  • On weekdays, I went to a running event where my fellow runners pulled me along for speed practice. It was quite stimulating and a good practice. But I drank too much at the party afterwards. I guess I killed it.
  • As a result of being conscious of the importance of balance, I felt that the intensity and distance of the exercises were too weak. Thanks to this, my legs are in good shape, but I feel like I'm not getting enough load. That's why I might go to the mountains this weekend.

Youtube_No matter how much you stretch your legs forward, your stride will not increase.

  • This is a very good video. I'm a pitch runner, so I often wonder what I can do to expand my stride. And I found out that what I was trying to do to widen my stride was completely wrong.
  • I knew that what I was trying to do to widen my stride was completely wrong, i.e., trying to widen my stride by moving my legs forward was braking. The stride should not be forced to "widen," but rather it should "widen" as a result of an improved ability to kick backwards.
  • To achieve this, hip stretching and training of the hips and back of the thighs are important. I think I'll give it a serious try.

See you soon.

【初めてのハーフマラソン①】事前準備と練習メニュー編 / The first half marathon 1: Preparation and practice menu

※English follows.



先週久しぶりに大学時代の友人2人と飲みにいった。恵比寿の四八漁場(四十八漁場(よんぱちぎょじょう) - 居酒屋)という居酒屋だ。塚田農場(そのおいしさには理由がある 居酒屋・塚田農場TOP)を運営しているAPカンパニーという会社が運営しているチェーン店で、海鮮が美味い。そして塚田農場運営企業だけに鶏肉も美味い。唐揚げは絶品なので皆さんお試しあれ。ただコロナのせいなのか12月にも関わらず、空席が目立った。何とか踏ん張ってほしい。





  • 【初めてのハーフマラソン①】事前準備と練習メニュー編
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/30-2020/12/6
  • Youtube_同じ時間・距離を走るでも練習効果が上がるよという話













  • 月:休養日
  • 火:ジョグ
  • 水:ポイント練習①
  • 木:ジョグ
  • 金:休養日
  • 土:ジョグ
  • 日:ポイント練習②
  • ジョグ:自分が心地よいと思える速度で20-40分
  • ポイント練習①:ビルドアップ走で5km(徐々にスピードアップしてラスト1kmは息が上がるスピードまで上げる)
  • ポイント練習②:ロング走(レースペースで10~15km)
  • スケジュール上、週5走ることになっているが、最悪ポイント練習を週に2回こなせればOK。
  • ポイント練習とは、自分にとってきついと言える練習のこと。一言で言うと、追い込んで強くなるための練習
  • ポイント練習は身体にダメージが残るので2日連続では行わない。怪我の要因になる。逆に言えば、ダメージが残らない練習はポイント練習とは言わない
  • ロング走でもラスト1~2kmビルドアップできるとなお良い。するとしないとで脚の鍛えられ方がまるで違う。
  • スピード練習はやっても良いが、慣れないうちは怪我の要因にもなるのでほどほどに。なお上り坂ダッシュはスピードが出にくく、怪我しにくいのでおすすめ。
  • 5km走・10km走で再現できるのはレースの「最初の」5km・10kmでしかない。「最後の」5km・10kmの方が遥かにつらいので、それを練習の中でいかに再現するかがポイント。
  • 週2回のポイント練習でしっかり自分を追い込むために、他の5日間が存在していると言っても言い過ぎではないくらいメリハリをつけて練習すると良い。



  • ランニングシューズ:間違ってもバッシュや履かなくなったスニーカー等で走ってはいけない(怪我の元)
  • ランニンググローブ(冬のみ):真冬は寒さに手が耐えられない
  • ランニングポーチ:スマホ・家の鍵・Suicaなどを入れる(ランニングアプリで距離とタイムを測ること)
  • ウィンドブレーカー(冬のみ):走り出してしまえばすぐ温まるけど
  • ランニングタイツ:サポート効果のあるものはロング走の時に重宝するし冬は温かい
  • ランニングウォッチ:これがあればスマホなくても走れる、そして心拍数等も可視化できるので自分の走りをより多面的にチェックできる

金銭を投資すると走り続ける理由が増えるという副次的な効果もある(結構高価なものもあるのでほどほどに)。ただこの投資は健康・体型・達成感になって何倍にもなって返ってくるはずだ。そしてそれはきっとプライスレス。Good luck!

Weekly Report_2020/11/30-2020/12/6


  • 今月からポイント練習以外のジョグの強度を全体的に落としてみた。ただし、練習の最後には200mのウィンドスプリントを必ず3本やるように。
  • 日曜日はロング走。これはポイント練習としてしっかりビルドアップ、ラストは4:20/kmカットまでペースアップできて中々良い練習になった。メリハリつけての練習が良さそうなので、しばらくはこんな感じで継続してみようと思う。あとは年内ラストのハーフマラソンにエントリーしたいな。


上記のWeekly Reportでも触れていることなのだが、ただ走るのではなくて、1度の練習の中でスピードを変化させることで練習効果を改善できるよね という話。

  • スピードの変化が心肺や下半身に負荷を与える
  • 練習の最後でスピード・強度を上げることによってメンタルを鍛える






Hello, everyone!


Last week I went out for a drink with two friends from my university days for the first time in a while. It was at an izakaya called Yonpachi Gyobo ( in Ebisu. It's a chain restaurant run by AP Company, the company that runs Tsukada Farm (, and the seafood is delicious. The chicken is also delicious, as is the Tsukada Farm management company. The fried chicken is excellent, so you should give it a try. However, the restaurant was noticeably empty, perhaps because of the corona, even though it was in December. I hope they can hold out for a while.

By the way, these two friends are full marathon finishers. As we were getting drunk, we decided to enter a full marathon in the spring or so. With all the large scale races being cancelled this season, my options are limited. But having a goal ahead of time will change my approach to training. If things continue as they are, the Kasumigaura Marathon in April is going to be my target race.

I've participated in this event twice before, the first time due to poor preparation and the second time due to a heat wave of 30 degrees Celsius on the day of the event, and both times I was sunk. The number of corona infections is also increasing, so we can't afford to be extravagant. For God's sake, let's get the corona out of the way.


Today's Contents

  • The first half marathon 1: Preparation and practice menu
  • Weekly Report_November 30, 2020-December 6, 2020
  • Youtube_Running the same amount of time and distance will increase the effectiveness of your training

The first half marathon 1: Preparation and practice menu

As I wrote in my last blog, my new colleagues have decided to take up a running challenge and enter a half marathon. My target time is less than 2 hours.

Well. What kind of preparation and practice does a man in his late 20s to mid-30s, who has almost no running experience, need to complete a half marathon in about two months and still run at a better-than-average time? In this blog, I'll write about the preparation required to run a half marathon in two hours or less in terms of "mindset," "practice menu," and "items.


This is something I've written about in previous blogs, but why do I run a marathon? It's about clarity of purpose. If you don't have a clear sense of purpose, you won't be able to continue your training. The world is full of reasons not to run. If you chose a life of running instead of a life of not running, there must have been a good reason for it. If you don't want to run, always remind yourself why you want to run.

Practice Menu

Once you've got the mindset that you're going to pull it off, all you have to do is do what you have to do. And the degree of difficulty of what needs to be done is not that high (as long as the young man only has to complete a half marathon in two hours in two months). I taught my colleagues the following menu

Required speed


Practice Direction

The emphasis is on the acquisition of endurance. On the other hand speed is not so important.

Weekly Schedule
  • Monday: Rest day
  • Tuesday: Jog
  • Wednesday: Point practice 1
  • Thursday: Jog
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Jog
  • Sunday: Point practice 2
Each exercise
  • Jog: 20-40 minutes at a speed that feels comfortable to me
  • Point Practice 1: 5km in a build-up run (gradually speed up to a breathable speed for the last 1km)
  • Point practice 2: Long run (10-15 km at race pace)
Points to keep in mind
  • My schedule requires me to run five times a week, but if I can do the worst point practice twice a week, I'm good to go.
  • Point practices are practices that you can say are tough for you. In a nutshell, it's a practice that pushes you and makes you stronger.
  • Point practice should not be done two days in a row because it leaves damage to the body. It can cause injury. The point practice that does not leave any damage is not called point practice.
  • It is better if you can build up to the last 1 to 2km even on long runs. It's a good idea to train your legs in a different way.
  • Speed practice is fine, but not in moderation as it can be a cause of injury if you are not used to it. Uphill dashing is recommended as it is less likely to generate speed and less likely to cause injuries.
  • The "first" 5km and 10km of the race are the only ones that can be reproduced in the 5km and 10km runs. The "last" 5km/10km is much harder, so the key is how to reproduce it in practice.
  • It is not an exaggeration to say that the other 5 days exist to push yourself hard in the point practice twice a week.

What do you think? If you can run a lot, that's great, but I'm assuming that minimal, twice a week practice is OK. However, you need to practice pushing yourself hard, and if you can run 5km slowly every day, and that's 150km a month, your running ability will not improve that much. As anyone who has run long distances will know, it is more important to practice running long distances at a time than to run short distances at a high frequency. And such practice is not fun by any means.

The item

What you need
  • Running Shoes: Never run with a bash or worn-out sneakers, etc. (cause of injury)
  • Running gloves (winter only): in the middle of winter, your hands can not stand the cold
  • Running Pouch: to hold your phone, house keys, and Suica (to measure distance and time with a running app)
A good thing to have
  • Windbreaker (winter only): although it warms up quickly once you start running
  • Running tights: supportive ones are useful for long runs and warm in winter
  • Running Watch: You don't need a smartphone to run with it, and you can visualize your heart rate and other data to check your running in a more multifaceted way.

Investing money also has the side effect of giving you more reason to keep running (some of them can be quite expensive, so be moderate). But this investment will pay off many times over in terms of health, shape, and accomplishment. And it will be priceless.

Weekly Report_November 30, 2020-December 6, 2020


  • Starting this month, I've reduced the overall intensity of jogs outside of point practice. However, make sure to do three 200m wind sprints at the end of practice.
  • Sunday was a long run. This was a solid build-up as a point practice, and I was able to pace myself to 4:20/km cut at the end, which was a moderately good practice. I'm going to continue like this for a while, since this seems like a good way to practice. I also want to enter my last half marathon of the year.

Youtube_A story about the benefits of running the same amount of time and distance

As mentioned in the Weekly Report above, you can improve the effectiveness of your training by not just running, but also by changing your speed in a single practice session.

  • A change in speed puts a strain on your cardiovascular and lower body.
  • Train your mentality by increasing speed/intensity at the end of practice.

Let's incorporate it into our point-of-practice because it allows us to replicate what happens in a real game in practice. I think build-up running is good, and it's less likely to cause injury.


See you soon.

【フルマラソン】ランナーをタイム別で表現してみた/Full Marathon: How to describe a runner by time

※English follows.




2021年の夏以降(オリンピック前後くらいか?)には、徐々に日常を取り戻せるのではないか という説もあるが、元に戻ることと、元に戻らないことが共存する世界になっていくだろう。ここでは具体的な言及は避けるが(一応ランニングblogなので)、世の中の変化を慎重に観察して、新しい世界をサバイブしよう。



  •  【フルマラソン】ランナーをタイム別で表現してみた
  • Monthly Report_2020/11
  • Youtube_走っても痩せないなあと思ったあなたへ



  • 今週はちょっと緩めの記事を。職場で新しく同僚になったメンバー何人かがランニングを始めることになり、その全員が早速来年1月末のハーフマラソンにエントリーをした。レースに向けて練習をするにあたって、どれくらいの目標を設定すると良いかアドバイスを求められたので、「うーん、2時間切り かなあ・・・」と回答してみた。自分が初めてハーフマラソンを走ったときのタイムが、ネットタイムで2時間2分とギリギリ2時間を切れなくて悔しい思いをしたこともあり、「みんなも2時間目指したら良いよ」となんとなく言っておいた。
  • しかしだ。この機会にランニングが楽しくなって、ハーフマラソンで2時間切れた。そして「さあ次はフルマラソンに挑戦だ!」とすぐになっても良いのだろうか。そんなに簡単なものなんだっけという疑問が湧いてきたので、フルマラソンに挑戦する人達ってどんな人達なんだろうと思い、いろいろ調べてみたのでつらつらと書いてみる。


  • 男性:4時間36分37秒(6:33/Kペース)
  • 女性:5時間5分37秒(7:14/Kペース)




  • 2時間30分切り:上位0.2%
  • 3時間切り:上位3.1%
  • 3時間15分切り:上位6.1%
  • 3時間30分切り:上位12.2%
  • 4時間切り:上位29.1%
  • 4時間30分切り:上位42.2%
  • 5時間切り:上位65.6%
  • 6時間切り:上位93%




  • フルマラソンに必要な準備をあまり理解せずに走ってしまった人~一般人。
  • 多分フルマラソンにチャレンジしてはいけなかった人。
  • フルマラソンに必要な持久力不足。すなわち一度に長い距離を走るロング走不足。走行距離不足。準備に使う時間不足。
  • 平均ペース:6:23/K
  • 初級者~中級者。それなりに日常的にランニングをしている人。月間走行距離で100K程度までいっている人はいっている。
  • スピードはないが、持久力はかなりのもの。レース前にロング走を複数回こなしているはず。
  • 平均ペース:5:41/K
  • サブフォー。中級者。趣味を聞かれたらランニングと答える人が出てくる(私もそう)。
  • スピードはそこそこだが、持久力はかなりのもの。ロング走を定期的にこなしているはず。
  • 平均ペース:4:58/K
  • 中上級者。趣味レベルの上限。きちんと走れる人の目標になりがちなタイム。
  • 一般的には半年~1年スパンの継続的な努力が必要。
  • 平均ペース:4:37/K
  • 準エリートランナー。何かを諦めないと到達できない。
  • ランニングが生活の一部になっているレベル。月間走行距離で200K以上が普通。
  • 平均ペース:4:15/K
  • サブスリー。エリートランナー。市民ランナー界ではヒーロー。
  • ランニングが生活の一部。走行距離で250K以上が普通。
  • 練習では、ロング走だけではなく、インターバル走や坂ダッシュ等のスピード練習も定期的に行う。
  • 平均ペース:4:01/K
  • サブエガ(江頭2:50より)。この辺からアスリート。市民ランナーレベルではほぼ無理。
  • 平均ペース:3:33/K
  • 女子トップクラス。
  • 2016年リオオリンピックの女子優勝タイムで2時間24分。
  • 平均ペース:3:11/K
  • 男子トップクラス。
  • 女子世界記録に近いタイム(世界記録=2時間14分4秒)
  • 平均ペース:2:57/K
  • 日本記録以上。日本人では今のところ無理。→日本人最高レベル。
  • 日本記録2時間5分29秒(2020年大迫傑→2時間4分56秒(2021年鈴木健吾)
  • 平均ペース:2:50/K
  • 世界記録以上。人間では今のところ無理。
  • 世界記録=2時間1分39秒(2018年エリウド・キプチョゲ)

















皆はどこを目指す?!Good luck!


Monthly Report_2020/11



  • 毎週末ロング走、 30Kは隔週で→27Kは2回ほど(ターンパイク含む)
  • ジョグでもラストは全力でビルドアップ→月の前半は実施
  • スピードトレーニングは週一必ず行う→月の前半は実施
  • 5K全力で20分切り今度こそ→未実施


  • 引き続き毎週末ロング走、 30Kは隔週で。
  • ポイント練習は週二回。メリハリつけて行うこと。
  • スピードトレーニングは週一必ず行う。
  • 5K全力で20分切り今度こそ。織田行きたい。




 以前触れたが、ランニングのみで痩せるのは結構難しい。しかしながら、より脂肪を燃やす走り方があるよ という動画。

  • 空腹状態で走る
  • ゆっくり長く走る
  • 早朝に走る(+走る前に無糖のコーヒーを一杯飲む)






Hello, everyone!


I've been talking about the end of 2020 every week for a while now, and this week, I'm still talking about the end of 2020 in just one month. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this has been the year of the most significant changes in the last few years. The pandemic has clearly changed the way of life, and many people are having a hard time. On the other hand, the supply of vaccines seems to be improving at a high speed.

After the summer of 2021 (maybe around the Olympics?) Some people believe that we may be able to gradually get back to our daily lives, but it will be a world where things will go back to normal and things will not. I won't go into specifics here (this is a running blog, after all), but let's observe the changes in the world carefully and survive in this new world.


Today's Contents

  • Full Marathon: How to describe a runner by time
  • Monthly Report_2020/11
  • Youtube_For those of you who wonder if you can't lose weight by running

Full Marathon: How to describe a runner by time

  • A bit of a loose article this week. A couple of new co-workers at work have decided to take up running, and all of them have promptly entered a half-marathon at the end of January next year. They asked me for advice on how long I should set my goal to train for the race, to which I replied, "Hmmm, less than 2 hours...". After the frustration of my first half-marathon, where I ran a net time of 2 hours and 2 minutes, just shy of 2 hours, I somehow told him that everyone should aim for 2 hours, too.
  • However. I took the opportunity to enjoy running, and I broke 2 hours in the half marathon. And "Now let's try the full marathon! Is it OK to be so soon? I wondered what kind of people take up the challenge of running a full marathon, so I did some research, and I'm going to write a little bit about it.

Average Time for a Full Marathon

  • Male: 4 hours 36 minutes 37 seconds (6:33/K pace)
  • Female: 5 hours, 5 minutes, 37 seconds (7:14/K pace)

Hmmm, that's pretty fast. My sense is that a person who can finish a half marathon in 2 hours will have about the average time of a man if he prepares reasonably well. However, it is important to note that being able to run a half marathon with a decently fast time does not necessarily equate to being able to finish a full marathon. The training required for a half marathon is quite different from that for a full marathon (I'll write about this soon).

Ratios by Time

  • 2 hours and 30 minutes cut-off: top 0.2%
  • 3 hour cut-off: top 3.1%
  • 3 hours and 15 minutes cut-off: top 6.1%
  • 3 hours and 30 minutes cut-off: top 12.2%
  • 4 hour cut-off: top 29.1%
  • 4 hours and 30 minutes cut-off: top 42.2% for 4 hours and 30 minutes cut-offs
  • 5 hour cut-off: top 65.6%
  • 6 hour cut-off: top 93%

The sub-four (less than 4 hours) and sub-three (less than 3 hours), which are considered to be a passing grade for runners, are in the top 30% and 3% of full marathon runners, respectively. And in my personal opinion, you should not attempt a full marathon without a level of running ability that would allow you to complete a half marathon in less than two hours.

Expression by time

And. For those of you who don't run, I'm afraid that the above numbers may not give you an idea of how amazing they are (because I don't think they do in fact), so I'll try to express it qualitatively below.

A full marathon over 5 hours
  • People who have run a full marathon without much understanding of the preparation required for a full marathon - ordinary people.
  • People who probably should not have attempted a full marathon.
  • Lack of endurance required for a full marathon. That is, lack of long runs over long distances at a time. Insufficient mileage. Lack of time used for preparation.
A full marathon in 4 hours and 30 minutes
  • Average pace: 6:23/K
  • Beginners to intermediate runners. Those who run reasonably well on a daily basis. People who are running up to about 100K per month.
  • Not fast, but with good endurance. Should have done several long runs before the race.
Full marathon 4 hours
  • Average pace: 5:41/K
  • Sub-four. Intermediate. If you ask me what my hobby is, some people will say running (and I do).
  • My speed is decent, but my endurance is quite good. Should be doing long runs on a regular basis.
Full marathon 3 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Average pace: 4:58/K
  • Intermediate and advanced. Upper limit of the hobby level. A time that tends to be the goal of those who can run properly.
  • Generally requires continuous effort over a span of six months to a year.
Full marathon 3 hours 15 minutes.
  • Average pace: 4:37/K
  • Semi-elite runners. What you have to give up to reach.
  • A level where running is a part of life. 200K or more in monthly mileage is normal.
Full marathon 3 hours.
  • Average pace: 4:15/K
  • Sub-three. Elite runner. Hero in the citizen runner community.
  • Running is a part of life. Usually over 250K in mileage.
  • Practices include not only long runs, but also regular speed exercises such as interval runs and hill dashes.
Full marathon 2 hours and 50 minutes.
  • Average pace: 4:01/K
  • Sabuega (from Egashira 2:50). Athletes from this area. Almost impossible to do at the citizen-runner level.
Full marathon 2 hours and 40 minutes.
  • Average pace: 3:47/K
  • Olympian. time that would put him in 137th place at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
  • By the way, Cambodian Cathiro's time of 2 hours and 45 minutes (actually, Cathiro is insanely awesome).
Full marathon in 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Average pace: 3:33/K
  • Women's top class.
  • Women's winning time at the 2016 Rio Olympics in 2 hours 24 minutes.
Full marathon 2 hours 15 minutes.
  • Average pace: 3:11/K
  • Men's top class.
  • Near world record time for women (world record = 2 hours, 14 minutes, 4 seconds)
Full marathon 2 hours 5 minutes
  • Average pace: 2:57/K
  • More than a Japanese record. Impossible for a Japanese at the moment.
  • Japanese record = 2 hours, 5 minutes, 29 seconds (Osako Suguru 2020)
Full marathon 2 hours
  • Average pace: 2:50/K
  • More than a world record. Impossible for humans at the moment.
  • World record = 2 hours, 1 minute, 39 seconds (Eliud Kipchoge, 2018)


Full Marathon 5 hours or more: beginners (not qualified to attempt the full marathon)

Full Marathon 4 hours and 30 minutes: beginner to intermediate

= = Insurmountable wall = = =.

Full Marathon 4 hours: intermediate (one medal)

Full Marathon 3 hours and 30 minutes: intermediate and advanced (upper limit of the hobby)

Full Marathon 3 hours 15 minutes: semi-elite runners (giving up something in life)

= = Insurmountable wall = = =

Full marathon 3 hours: the star of the citizen-runner world (giving up something important in life)

Full Marathon 2 hours and 50 minutes: athletes

Full Marathon 2 hours and 40 minutes: Olympian

Full Marathon 2 hours and 30 minutes: top female athletes

Full Marathon 2 hours 15 minutes: top male athlete

Full marathon 2 hours 5 minutes: impossible for Japanese

= = Insurmountable wall = = =

Full marathon 2 hours: not humanly possible (inhuman)

Where do you guys go? Good luck!


Monthly Report_2020/11


This month we finish with 243K. Below are my goals vs. achievements.

  • Every weekend long run, 30K every other weekend -> 27K about twice (including turnpike)
  • Even the last one in the jog is built up to the fullest extent -> the first half of the month is carried out
  • Speed training is always done once a week -> the first half of the month
  • 5K all-out effort to cut 20 minutes this time -> not yet done

I don't know. I couldn't do any high-load training in the second half of the month because I felt like I was always hurting somewhere. It's miserable.
This month.

  • Continue long runs every weekend, 30K every other weekend.
  • Point practice twice a week. Be consistent.
  • Speed training must be done once a week.
  • 5K at full strength, this time under 20 minutes. I want to go to Oda.
  • I've been in a slump, but I'm going to do my best.


Youtube_If you think you can't lose weight even if you run

As I mentioned before, it is quite difficult to lose weight by running alone. However, there are ways to run to burn more fat.

  • Running on an empty stomach.
  • Run long and slow
  • Early morning runs (plus a cup of unsweetened coffee before the run)

Sometimes the weight itself is just a number, and what's important is the body shape. To do that, you need to burn fat! (Rengoku-san tone)


See you soon.

【Race Report】激坂最速王決定戦2020/Race Report] Fierce Slope Speed Race 2020

※English follows.



11月も下旬になり、いよいよ朝晩は冷えるようになってきた。来週はもう12月。いよいよ冬がやってくる。走るには悪くない時期だが、今年はいつもの冬とは違う。そう、コロナだ。Go Toトラベルキャンペーンもあるし、今年は個人的にはかなり仕事に打ち込んだ一年でもあったので、今年の年末年始は少し早めに休みをもらって沖縄でのんびりする予定なのだが・・・いけるだろうか。直近では目標レースもないうえに(湘南国際マラソンもフルマラソンではなくなってしまった)休暇もまともに取れないとなると、さすがに楽しみがなさすぎるぞ。くそっ、コロナめ。





  • 【Race Report】激坂最速王決定戦2020
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/17-2020/11/23
  • Youtube_自分の走力を知るということ


【Race Report】激坂最速王決定戦2020



  • 箱根ターンパイクという有料道路を貸し切って開催される全体で距離は27K。
  • 小田原料金所から箱根大観山入口まで13.5Kを駆け上がり、同じコースを下るというシンプルなコース設計。
  • 平均斜度7%、標高差981M。本当に坂道しかない



  • 今回は土曜日レースで前日は金曜日で仕事だった。在宅ワークをしたので身体の疲労はさほどでもなかったが、この日は珍しく完全休息日とした。理由は、直近の一週間の練習の疲労がなかなか抜けず、前々日の疲労抜きジョグで脹脛の痛みを感じたため、大事を取ろうと思ったから。この時点でDNS/DNFすることも正直頭をよぎった。前日全く走らないというのも、最近ではあんまりなかったし。ぶっつけ本番な感じが今回はかなりあった。
  • レース当日。新宿→(小田急線)→小田原→(箱根登山鉄道)→箱根板橋 というルート。全体で約2時間、早朝で電車も空いているので、小田急線の中で朝食を摂ろうと決めていた。最寄り駅前のセブンイレブンで購入したサンドイッチとおにぎりを食べながら箱根方面へ向かう。食べ終わってウトウトしていると小田原駅に到着。さらに箱根登山鉄道で一駅。箱根板橋に着くと、一緒にエントリーをしたS本君他ランナー仲間たちと出会う。そのまま合流して会場の早川小学校まで歩く。
  • 到着するとまだランナーもまばら。入り口で検温をしてゆっくりと準備を始める。まだスタートまで2時間近くあるじゃないか。集合するの早すぎたんじゃないか、S本君。今回はNIKEのヴェイパーフライを持ってきたが、タイムを狙うような大会でもないので、練習用のズームペガサスでも良かったかもしれないなあなんてことを思いながらスタート時間を待つ。トイレを済ませたり、みんなで写真を撮ったりしているうちにスタート時間が近づいてくる。


  • コロナ対策もあってウェーブスタート形式。100人ずつ5分おきにスタートする。スタートの料金所はこんな感じ。写真では分かりにくいかもしれないけど、スタート直後からかなりの勾配である。すでに腰が引ける。


  • そうこうしているうちに、1500番台の選手~とお呼びがかかり、そのままスタート。最初からめっちゃ登り坂だ。うん、きつい。全然スピードなんか出ない。これ歩いたほうが良くね?しばらく何とか走っていくとピピッとガーミンが鳴る。6:50/Kの表示。ペースの遅さよりも、この苦しさをあと10回以上繰り返すのかと思い完全に絶望する。
  • そして。ピピッ。2K通過。ペースは7:25。ペースは下がっているのだが、全然楽になっていない。前々日に痛かった脹脛が悲鳴を上げている。これは無理かもしれん・・・すでに歩くだけでも痛そうじゃないか。
  • さらに。ピピッ。3K通過。ペースは7:55。さらにペースが下がり、今度は逆の脹脛まで痛くなってきた。うん、無理だな、下山だな。頂上まで行けるわけがない。ここで戻ればまだ傷は浅い。そんなことを思いながら脚を動かす。もう1Kだけ行ってみるか・・・


  • そこからは、7:30~8:00/Kのペースで少しずつ進んでいく。本当に登りしかない。平坦な箇所すらない。なんでこんなレースにエントリーしてしまったんだ。上を見ると先が見えず心が滅入ってくるので、自分の足元だけを見て走り続ける
  • 6K通過。おや、この登り坂もそろそろ半分か。辛いのは間違いなく辛いのだが、ここまでくると脚が登り坂に慣れてきたような気がする。慣れるというかこの辛さ・痛みが平常になってきているのか、何とか動かし続けられるようになっている。そしてこれが一番不思議なことなのだが、3Kくらいまで猛烈に痛かった脹脛の痛みがほぼ消えているのだ。どうやら変に力が入ってしまっていたらしい。人間の身体は不思議だ。
  • 10Kを通過すると視界が開けてきた。そう、登り坂が一旦終わり、下り坂が出現したのだ。しかしだ。スピードが全然上がらない。登り坂に身体が慣れ過ぎて今度は下り坂に対応できない。そうこうしているうちに下り坂が終わってしまった。


  • ここから2回の急坂を経てようやく山頂のアネスト岩田スカイラウンジに到達。給水所で水を摂り、しばし景色を堪能する。そう、言い忘れていたが、この日はとっても天気が良く、富士山がよく見えた。あんまり雪はなかったなあ。


  • そして。ここからは下りだ。ここまで苦しめられてきた坂道を今度は楽しめる。ただかなりのダメージを負ってしまっているうえに、本当に急坂だからな・・・すっ転んだら怪我じゃすまないなあなんてことを思いながら走り始める。


  • 山頂から3Kちょっとの間に一回だけある登り坂を走ったらそこからは10K下り続ける。スピード注意の看板(もちろん自動車向けw)を見つつ、スピードを徐々に上げていく。いや、勝手にスピードが上がってしまう疲労もあって重力に逆らえない。傾斜10°の箇所が何か所かあったけど、本当に危ないなと思った。ガーミンを見ると4:00/K切ってる。スピードが出ていることよりも減速できない状況に恐怖を覚える
  • あっという間に下っていく。行きの半分くらいの時間で進んでいく。それでいて息は全然上がらない。それにしてもだ。よくこんなところ走って登ってきたな・・・歩いてる人もたくさんいる。そりゃあそうだよ、人間の走る仕様になってないよこの道は。そんなことを思いながらぐんぐん下っていく。
  • 23K通過。残り4Kか。脚へすさまじく衝撃を感じる。重力を感じる。残り4K、15分ちょい。最後まで持つだろ。このまま走れ。しばらく筋肉痛は残るだろうが、確実に強くなれるはずだ。そもそも何のためにここに来たんだ?適当に走るために朝5時に起きて箱根まで来たんじゃないだろう。ここまで来たら手を抜くんじゃない。そんなことを思いながら走っているうちにゴール。


  • タイムは2.33.41。ペースは5:45。まあ平凡だけど最終盤で最速LAP出してるってことで良しとしよう。
  • 一緒にエントリーしていたランナー仲間はすでに全員ゴールしてる。みんな速えなあ。S本君は2時間切りか。やっぱりトレイルやってる奴は坂道に強いのかな。一方で自分は登り坂に弱すぎる。坂ダッシュ最近やってないし。
  • Finisherタオルとこのご時世なもんで、激坂マスク(なぜかピンク)を受け取りつつ、退散。


  • そのまま箱根登山鉄道に乗って箱根温泉へ。最高に気持ち良かったし、仲間と出ると良いね。何だかんだで楽しめた。来年もこの超マゾレース、出るかな。

Weekly Report_2020/11/17-2020/11/23


  • 激坂最速王決定戦前の練習でもイマイチ走り込めず。VO2MAXも停滞気味。もうちょっとメリハリが必要なのかな。常に脚のどこかが痛いし、スランプです。
  • 今週はゆっくりジョグ中心のメニューにして痛みをしっかり取ろうと思う。その後はポイント練習は週2回にして痛みには敏感に。ただスピード上げるための練習方法は追求する。織田フィールド行きたいな。



  • 先週の動画でも少し紹介したVDOTという考え方に基づいて、自分の走力を知り、有効な練習ペースを分かりやすく教えてくれています。
  • 何かしらのレースに参加してみたい という方から、私のようにサブスリーを目指す という方まで、理論的な練習メニューを組む一助になるんじゃないかと思い、紹介しました。





Hello, everyone!


It's late November and the mornings and evenings are finally starting to get cold. Next week, it will be December. Winter is finally on its way. Not a bad time to run, but this year is not your usual winter. Yes, it's Corona, and with the Go To Travel campaign and a year of hard work, I'm planning on taking some time off early this year to relax in Okinawa... but I don't know if I'll be able to. I don't even have a target race in mind (the Shonan International Marathon isn't even a full marathon anymore), and not having a proper vacation means I'm not looking forward to it. Damn, Corona.

However, there's no point in begrudging the virus, and in fact, the recent increase in the number of cases seems to be pretty bad. And in a roundabout way, the usefulness of masks seems to be proven once again.

America...or rather Trump. It was a complete blunder, once again. So, let's wear masks, everyone!


Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Fierce Slope Speed Race 2020
  • Weekly Report_17/11/2020-11/17-2020-11/23
  • Youtube_knowing one's running ability

Race Report] Fierce Slope Speed Race 2020

This time, I participated in an unusual race. It was quite a hard race, and I hope this report will be useful to anyone who is interested in this race in the future.

A brief description of the race

  • The entire course, which is held on a toll road called Hakone Turnpike, has a distance of 27K.
  • The course design is simple: run up 13.5K from the Odawara tollbooth to the Hakone Taikanzan entrance and down the same course.
  • With an average gradient of 7% and an elevation difference of 981 meters, it really is all about the hills.

As they say, it's a steep slope. It's hard to imagine, but it was hell on the way there and back.

The day before the race to the morning of race day

  • This time it was a Saturday race and the day before was Friday and I was working. As I worked from home, my body was not too fatigued, but this was a rare day of complete rest, because I was tired from the last week of training and I felt a pain in my shins from the previous day's de-fatiguing jog. The reason for this was that I had been struggling to get over the fatigue from the last week of training, and I felt some pain in my shins from the previous day's de-fatiguing jog, so I decided to take it easy. The thought of DNS/DNF was honestly on my mind at this point. It's not often these days that I don't run at all the day before. It felt like I was going to have to do it all out of the box this time.
  • The day of the race. The route was Shinjuku -> (Odakyu Line) -> Odawara -> (Hakone Tozan Railway) -> Hakone Itabashi. The whole route took about two hours, and since it was early in the morning and there were no trains available, I decided to have breakfast on the Odakyu Line. I ate a sandwich and a rice ball that I bought at the 7-Eleven in front of the nearest station and headed toward Hakone. After finishing my meal, I was idle and arrived at Odawara Station. One more stop on the Hakone Tozan Railway. When I arrived at Hakone Itabashi, I met Samoto and his fellow runners who had entered the race with him. We met up with them and walked to the venue, Hayakawa Elementary School.
  • When I arrived, there were still a few runners in the area. I took my temperature at the entrance and began to slowly prepare for the race. There was still nearly two hours until the start of the race. You're too early for the meeting, Smoto. I had brought my NIKE Vapor Fly, but since this was not a timed event, my Zoom Pegasus might as well have been used for practice, I thought as I waited for the start time. While I was finishing up in the restroom and taking pictures with everyone, the start time was approaching.

Start - 3K

  • A wave start format, partly to prevent corona, with 100 people starting every 5 minutes. This is what the toll booth at the start looks like. It may be difficult to see from the photo, but the slope was quite steep right after the start. I was already feeling uncomfortable.


  • In the meantime, the 1500s were called out and we started the race. It's a very uphill slope from the start. Yeah, it's tough. I couldn't get any speed at all. Wouldn't it be better to walk this? After managing to run for a while, the beeping Garmin beeps, 6:50/K. I'm in complete despair, wondering if I'll have to repeat this agony 10 more times. 
  • And then. Beep. 2K passes. The pace was 7:25, and although my pace was slowing down, it wasn't getting any easier. My calf, which had hurt the day before, is screaming. This might not be already looks like it hurts just to walk.
  • More... Beep. Beep, 3K is passed. At 7:55, my pace slowed even more, and my other calf began to hurt. Yeah, I couldn't do it, I'd have to go downhill. There was no way I could make it to the top. If I came back here, the wound would still be fresh. I moved my legs while thinking about it. I'll just go one more kilometer...

3K - 10K

  • From there, it's a bit of a 7:30-8:00/K pace. It's really only a climb. Not even a flat part. Why did I enter a race like this? Looking up is disheartening because I can't see what's ahead, so I just look at my feet and keep running.
  • I passed 6K. Gee, I'm almost halfway up this climb. It's hard, no doubt, but I think my legs are getting used to the uphill climb. I'm not sure if I'm getting used to it, or if this pain is becoming normal, but I've managed to keep moving them. And the strangest thing about this is that the pain in my shin, which had been extremely painful until about 3K, has almost disappeared. It seems that I had been strangely overextended. The human body is a mystery.
  • After passing 10K, I could see more clearly. That's right, the uphill was over and the downhill appeared. However. I couldn't get my speed up at all. My body had become too accustomed to the uphill slope and couldn't handle the downhill slope. In the meantime, the descent was over.

10K - 13.5K (summit)

  • After two steep slopes from here, I finally reached the Anest Iwata Sky Lounge at the top of the mountain. I took a drink of water at the water station and enjoyed the view for a while. Yes, I forgot to mention that it was a beautiful day, and we got a good view of Mount Fuji. Fuji. There wasn't much snow.


  • It was downhill from here. I was able to enjoy the slope that I had been suffering from so far. The only problem was that I was pretty banged up, and the slope was really steep, so I started running, thinking that it would be better if I fell down.

13.5K to the finish line

  • From the top of the mountain, there is only one ascent of a little more than 3K, and from there it's a 10K descent. Watching the speed warning signs (for cars, of course), I gradually increase my speed. No, the speed goes up on its own. I'm tired and can't fight gravity. There were a few places with a 10-degree slope, which I thought was really dangerous. I look at my Garmin and it's under 4:00/K. The inability to slow down is more terrifying than the fact that I'm speeding.
  • I'm going down in a flash. I'm going about halfway down in about half the time it takes to go. And yet I'm not catching my breath at all. And yet, I'm not breathing well at all. I don't know how you can run up a place like this...there are a lot of people walking. That's right, this road is not designed for humans to run on. I was thinking about that as I continued down the road.
  • I passed 23K. 4K to go. I feel a tremendous shock to my legs. I can feel the gravity. 4K to go, a little over 15 minutes. You'll last until the end. Keep running. Your muscles will be sore for a while, but you'll definitely get stronger. What did you come here for in the first place? You didn't get up at five in the morning to come to Hakone for a random run. Don't cut corners if you've come this far. While I was running with that in mind, I reached the goal.

After the goal

  • The time was 2.33.41, and the pace was 5:45, which is pretty mediocre, but let's just say that it's the fastest LAP in the last part of the race.
  • All of my fellow runners who had entered the race with me have already crossed the finish line. Smoto's time was under 2 hours. I guess trail runners are good at hills. On the other hand, I'm too weak for uphill running. I haven't done any hill dashes lately.
  • While receiving a Finisher towel and a fierce slope mask (somehow pink), I left.


  • I took the Hakone Tozan Railway to Hakone Onsen. It felt great and it's nice to be out with friends. I enjoyed it somehow. I'm wondering if I'll be able to get out of this super masochistic race next year as well.

Weekly Report_2020/11/17-2020/11/23


  • I can't even get into the practice before the battle for the Fastest King of the Hardest Slopes, and VO2MAX has been sluggish. I think I need a little more energy. I've been in a slump, with a constant pain somewhere in my leg.
  • This week I'm going to focus on slow jogging to get the pain out of the way. After that, I'll keep my point practice to twice a week and be more sensitive to pain. But I'll pursue practice to increase my speed. I'd like to go to Oda Field.

Youtube_Getting to know your running ability

This is a video explaining the book, The Running Formula by Daniels.

  • Based on the VDOT concept, which I introduced in last week's video, he teaches you to know your running ability and an effective training pace.
  • Whether you want to participate in a race of some kind or aim for a sub-three like I did, I thought this book would help you set up a theoretical practice menu.

See you soon.

【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_後編/[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 2

※English follows.









  • 【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_後編
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/9-2020/11/15
  • Article_走るだけではなかなか痩せないよねと思った時に読む話






  • 自分の走力を知る
  • 自分の走力を踏まえてレースでのペースを決める



初めてのフルマラソンとなると、いったい自分がどれくらいのペースで走れるか分からないことが少なくない。普通練習でフルマラソンの距離を走ることはないので、ハーフマラソンや30K走の結果から自分の実力を推し量る というやり方もあると思う。一つ目安となる数字があるとするならば、



ハーフのベストタイム1.40×2+10分=3.30(サブ3.5) となる。



VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料






  • 早寝早起き(レース当日は朝が早いので特に早起きは重要)
  • 断酒(アルコールは肝臓に負荷をかける、そして糖質は筋肉と肝臓にしか保存できない)
  • カーボローディング(週の前半で糖質制限、木曜夕飯から糖質メインで)
  • レース当日は朝食をスタート3時間前に摂り、以降ジェル等を断続的に摂取(フルマラソンで消費するカロリーは2,000kcalを超える)




  • スタートに立って緊張する人と緊張しない人とに分かれるようだが、私の場合は緊張しないタイプだ。ラソンは一瞬で結果が変わるようなスポーツではないので、そんなに緊張する必要もないと思うのだが、緊張する人は緊張する。走り始めればすぐにほぐれるものなのだが、この緊張が想定ペースを乱すようなことにならなければ良いと思う。
  • レースによっては1万人を超えるような参加者がおり、普段味わうことのない雰囲気で走ることになるため、想定より速いペースで走り出してしまったり、人の群れをかき分けるように走り、無駄に体力を消耗してしまったりするケースが非常に多い。特に後者、人が多くて思うようなペースで走り始められない場合は、「最初はウォーミングアップ」いう気持ちで走り始めると良い。
  • 5Kも走ると集団もばらけ、自分のペースで走ることができるようになっているはず。ここから重要なのは、「想定ペースを守る」ことに集中すること。初めてフルマラソンを走る人は、フルマラソン未満の距離しか経験していない。それは、つまり過去のいずれのレースペースよりも「遅く」走らなければ最後までもたないということだ。
  • 何度でも言うが、ハーフマラソンや10Kのレースと同じようなペースに上げてはならない。目安となる考え方を一つ伝えると、30Kまででフルマラソン全行程で使う体力の半分を、もう半分の体力で残り12Kを走る という考えでこの行程を走ると良い。
  • 30Kの壁。色んな人がこう言う。なぜかと言うと、通常の練習で30Kを超えた距離を走ることはそうそうなくて、身体が距離・時間に慣れておらず、序盤から実力以上のスピードで走ると身体が一気に重くなる状態が30Kを超えたあたりでやってくるからだ。
  • ここまで、我慢してペースを想定内で収めて走ってきた人であれば、まだ脚は動くはずだ。逆に言えば、我慢できずに想定ペース以上で走ってきてしまった人には地獄の時間が訪れる。
  • ラスト5Kを切る。ここからは想定ペース以内で走ってきた人にとっても地獄の時間になる。ここからは、気を抜くと歩きたくなる身体を、集中力と精神力で維持する戦いになる。
  • 集中力を維持する方法としては、周囲にいる自分と同じくらいのペースで走り続ける人の後ろにつかせてもらう、きついときこそフォームを意識する、腕を振ること。
  • 精神力を維持する方法としては、ここまでやってきた練習、支えてくれた人を思い出すこと。ゴールはもうすぐだ。絶対に諦めるな。苦しみはいつか消える。しかし諦めた事実はずっと消えない。

どうだろう。イメージはできただろうか。冒頭でも言ったが、マラソンは準備が8割だ。間違いない。積み重ねた準備なくして完走はできない。しかしだ。走るのはその日、その瞬間だ。フルマラソンという長い旅を、苦しさも含めて是非とも満喫してほしい。無事に走り切れた時。ゴールをした瞬間、それまでの人生で経験したことのない達成感、安堵感を味わえるはずだ。それは私が保証する。皆もフルマラソンに挑戦しよう。Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020/11/9-2020/11/15


  • 日曜日でロング走。湘南国際マラソン距離短縮化のお知らせ見て、全力を出せずにというより無目的なランになってしまった。もったいない。
  • 火曜・水曜で坂ランとペース走。坂ランが効いたのか脹脛にかなりの違和感。まだまだスピード持久力が足りないと感じるとともに、二日連続でポイント練習をやるのはちょっとやりすぎと感じる。
  • 今週は、ポイント練習とつなぎジョグと、もう少しメリハリつけて練習を行うことにする。




【初心者向け】ランニングを続けるための方法は2つだけ/[For beginners] There are only two ways to keep running - Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~



  • 上記blogの通り、ランニングだけで1Kg落とすのに必要な走行距離は100Kmもあるため、痩せるにはかなり時間がかかる。
  • ランニングをするとタンパク質(つまり筋肉)が分解されて基礎代謝が落ちる。






Hello, everyone.


In my last blog, I mentioned that the Nagoya Women's Marathon was going to be held, and now the Shonan International Marathon has been shortened from a full marathon to 25 km, and it has been announced that whether or not it will be held is not yet confirmed.

The Shonan International Marathon is a race that I personally completed last year, and as it will be held again this year, not to be outdone by Corona (while other large-scale races have been cancelled across the board), I've been training for this race (or rather, betting on this race this year), and this is why I feel very disappointed. Regardless of whether I hold it or not, a 25k race is not at all as motivating as a full marathon. It's not easy to keep up with training in such a situation.


Nevertheless. Let's keep running for the day to come. The corona will come to an end. Until then, let's build up our strength (and maintain our system).


Today's content

  • How to finish your first full marathon without walking _ Part 2
  • Weekly Report_November 9, 2020-November 15, 2020
  • Article_When you think it's hard to lose weight just by running, read this story


How to finish your first full marathon without walking _ Part 2

Previous article (My First Full Marathon - Training Edition)

I've been practicing what I need to do so far; I've been running consistently for over three months and I've done some long runs on the weekends. I'm ready to go. I'm going to finish the race. There's no way I'm going to walk. You came into the race feeling like this. Everyone says that in work, preparation is 80% of it. I suppose that's true for marathons, too. But. It's only 80%, not 100%. There's still room for 20%.

There are two things you should do before you run a race

  • Know your running ability.
  • Set the pace in the race based on your running ability.

Let's take it one at a time.

Know your running ability.

When it's your first full marathon, it's not uncommon to be unsure of how fast you can run. Since you don't usually run a full marathon distance in training, you could try to estimate your ability based on your half marathon or 30K results. If I had to give you a number to use as a guide, it would be

Best half time x 2 + 10 minutes = fastest time achievable for a full marathon

This is a thing. This is what I heard from a strong guy from the track and field team, with a personal best of 2.43, and if you substitute a specific time

Best time for the half 1.40 x 2 + 10 minutes = 3.30 (sub-3.5).
We think this is pretty close to the experience. And. Assuming that a person who wants to run a full marathon for the first time has the running ability to be at the level of completing a half marathon in 2 hours.

Best time for the half 2.00 x 2 + 10 minutes = 4.10 (5:55/K pace)

That would be a realistically achievable full marathon time. What do you think? Do you have an idea of what you're going to achieve? If you want to improve your resolution even more, there is a tool called VDOT that can help you clarify your position in the concept of VDOT. This is an application that calculates a reference race time if you put in an arbitrary distance and a time that can run it.


VDOT Running Calculator

VDOT Running Calculator

  • The Run SMART Project, LLC
  • ヘルスケア/フィットネス
  • 無料

(There's going to be a lot to write about in this area, so more on that sometime.)

Set the pace in the race based on your running ability.

As mentioned above, once you know your running ability, make up your mind that you will always stick to that pace. Don't make the mistake of starting out in the same groove as a half or 10K. Ever. Making that pledge is the last thing I do before a race.

From one week before the race to the start of the day.

In a nutshell, lead a regular life.

  • Early to bed and early to rise (early mornings are early on race day, so getting up early is especially important).
  • Abstinence (alcohol puts a strain on the liver, and sugar can only be stored in the muscles and liver)
  • Carbo-loading (sugar restriction in the first half of the week, with the main sugar from Thursday dinner)
  • On race day, eat breakfast 3 hours before the start of the race and intermittently take gels, etc. thereafter (over 2,000 calories consumed in a full marathon)

Rest and nutrition. However, this can be quite difficult for working people. The last thing you want to do is say no to all kinds of things because of your race. The people around you will understand if you tell them (and you should reevaluate your relationship with those who don't understand).

And to race.

If you've made it this far, you're good to go. You've got all the practice you need, you've perfected your last minute routine, goal setting and mindset. Now you just need to do what you need to do. Here's how I'm going to break the race down into several phases and write about how I should spend my time.

Start - 5K
  • There seems to be a split between those who get nervous standing at the start and those who don't get nervous, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't get nervous. A marathon is not a sport where the result can be changed in an instant, so there is no need to be so nervous, but people who are nervous get nervous. It's something that unravels as soon as you start running, but I hope this nervousness doesn't disrupt the expected pace.
  • Depending on the race, there may be more than 10,000 participants, and it is very common to start running at a faster pace than expected, or to run through a crowd of people, wasting your energy needlessly. If you can't start running at the pace you want because there are too many people around, it's a good idea to warm up at first.
5K to 30K
  • After 5Ks, the group should be able to break up and run at their own pace. The key from here on out is to focus on "keeping an expected pace". If you are running a full marathon for the first time, you have only experienced less than a full marathon distance.
  • That means you have to run "slower" than any of your previous race paces or you won't make it to the end. As I'll say again, don't up the pace to the same level as a half marathon or 10K race. One rule of thumb is to think of it as running up to 30K as half the energy you would use for the full marathon and then using the other half for the remaining 12K.
  • 30K walls. A lot of people say this. The reason is that it's not very often that you run over 30K in normal training, and it's around this point that your body is not used to the distance and time, and if you run faster than you are capable of from the beginning, your body will start to get heavy.
  • If you have been running at a slower than expected pace, your legs should still be able to move. If you've been running at a pace higher than expected, it will be a hellish time for you.
38K - The finish line.
  • The last 5K is less than the last 5K. From here on out, it will be a hell of a time even for those who have run within the expected pace. From here, it's a battle to keep your body focused and mentally strong enough to keep your body wanting to walk if you're not careful.
  • Some ways to keep your focus are to get behind people around you who are running at the same pace as you are, to be aware of your form when it's hard, and to wave your arms.
  • A way to keep your mental strength up is to remember all the practice you've done and all the people who have supported you. The goal is almost there. Never give up. The pain will go away one day, but the fact that you've given up doesn't go away forever. But the fact that you've given up doesn't go away forever.

I'm not sure. Did you get the picture? As I said at the beginning of this article, preparation is 80% of the marathon. There's no doubt about it. You can't finish a marathon without a lot of preparation. But. Running is about that day, that moment. I want you to enjoy the long journey of a full marathon, and I want you to enjoy it to the fullest, even if it's painful. The moment you finish the marathon. At the moment you cross the finish line, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and relief that you have never experienced before in your life. That's my guarantee. Good Luck to all of you in your full marathon endeavors.

Weekly Report_November 9, 2020-November 15, 2020


  • Long run on Sunday. When I saw the announcement of the shortening of the distance of the Shonan International Marathon, I couldn't give it my all and it turned out to be a rather aimless run. What a waste.
  • Slope run and pace run on Tuesday and Wednesday. The hill run may have taken its toll, but my shins felt quite uncomfortable. I still feel that my speed and endurance are not up to snuff, and I feel that doing point practice two days in a row is a bit much.
  • This week, I'm going to train more with point practice and connecting jog.

Article_When you think it's hard to lose weight just by running, read this story.

If you follow Tarzan's Facebook page, I recommend it because it has a pretty informative stream of articles (with a high percentage of diet-related articles).

I've written about it before.

It's pretty hard to lose weight by running alone, and with so many other factors, why not do some strength training in parallel? The article is called.

For two main reasons.

  • As mentioned in the blog above, the distance needed to lose 1Kg from running alone is 100Km, so it takes a lot of time to lose weight.
  • When you run, your protein (i.e. muscle) is broken down and your basal metabolism drops.

To counteract this, I recommend strength training. Personally, I do core training like abdominal and back muscles and lower body training like squats. The reason being, I think it's easy to increase your basal metabolism because of the amount of muscle mass as a part of the body, and also because I think it's an important muscle for running.


See you soon.

【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_前編/[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1

※English follows.







  • 【初めてのフルマラソン】歩かずに完走するために_前編
  • Weekly Report_2020/11/3-2020/11/9
  • YouTube_序盤調子が良いからと言ってハイペースで入ると失速するよという話




  • 初めてのフルマラソン。私の場合は、ハーフマラソンを5~6回は走り、タイムで言うと1.50を切るくらいで走り切れるくらいの走力の時であった。2014年11月の富士山マラソン。結果はというと・・・5時間以上かかってもゴールできず、35K過ぎからはほとんど歩いているのと変わらないくらいのスピードに。最後は息も絶え絶えという状況であった。本当にきつかった。
  • ハーフマラソンを1.50で走り切るためには、5:12/K程度で走るスピードが必要。一方で、フルマラソンで5時間を切るために必要なスピードは7:00/K程度。少し走ったことがある人にとって、5時間を切るために必要なスピードで走ること自体は全く難しいことではないことが分かるだろう。ここで何を言いたいかというと、フルマラソンをまともに完走するためにはスピードは全く必要がないということだ。






  • 週に1度は1度に長い距離を走る(20Km以上)
  • 練習のラスト1-2Kmはスピードを上げる(ペースは5:00/K以上)
  • 月間走行距離は100Km以上(できれば120Km以上)
  • 上記をレース直前3か月以上連続で継続する



  • ここまで、フルマラソンを完走するために必要な能力や練習の内容について述べてきた。しかし、本当に重要なことは実はそれらではない。能力を身につける、練習に励むために必要なこと。それは実はフルマラソンを完走するのだという強い意志というか目的意識である。
  • 精神論を語るつもりは全くない。なぜこんなことを言うかというと、フルマラソンハーフマラソン以下のレースと比べてとてつもなく過酷であり、ノリというか勢いが通用しない。要するに、必要な練習を重ねずにレースに参加しても絶対に完走できないばかりか私のように地獄を見ることになるのだ。必要な練習を行える環境を作るためには、「なぜ走るのか」「なんのために走るのか」ということを明確にしておくことだ。

目的は何でも良い。私の場合は走り続けるためにレースにエントリーし続けているが、走り続ける目的は、自分の好きなものを好きなだけ食べることだったりする。走ることをせずに好きなものを好きなだけ食べたらどうなるか。そう、太るだけだ。私は太らないことを選択し、その方法論として食事制限ではなく走ることを選択した。さらに走り続けるために、レースにエントリーし続けるという選択をしているのだ。皆はどうだ?何を選び何を諦める?Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020/11/3-2020/11/9


  • 11月に入り、いよいよ走りやすい気候になってきた。早朝だとグローブがいるくらいに冷えてきた。
  • 会食×2回で今週もまた5回のRunにとどまる結果に。ただ、一度の運動強度を上げられるようなってきたので、VO2MAXが改善傾向。どのRunでもラストはビルドアップを意識する。酸欠になるくらい追い込もう。
  • そして週末ロング走は、調子が今一つな中ラストはペースアップ。疲労を自覚したタイミングで負荷を上げることで鍛えられると信じよう。ただし、無理は禁物。怪我を何よりも恐れると自戒する。


  • 三度この方の動画を皆さんへお届け。もはや私のバーチャルトレーナーだな。最近失敗談を配信してくれるようになった。
  • 次回のブログでも書こうと思っているのだけど、フルマラソン前半飛ばすと必ず終盤で失速して地獄を見るので気を付けましょうというお話。これ例外なくこうなるので、本当に気を付けたほうが良いです(でも皆が通る道でもある)。
  • 目標タイムから逆算してペース配分しましょうね。スタートしてすぐの「お!今日は調子良いかも!」というのは勘違いだと思ったほうが良い。当たり前だけど最初の5Kと最後の5Kでは辛さが全く違うのでね・・・そう、フルマラソンは長い。まるで旅のように。





Hello everyone


During this time, in the LINE group with fellow runners, the topic of the Nagoya Women's Marathon. Apparently, the scale is being reduced, and after taking proper measures against infectious diseases, the event is being held. Don't lose to this corona pandemic.

It's one of the largest competitions in Japan (only for girls), so it should have a big impact on other competitions. So I think it's a very good thing, and I hope that other tournaments will follow suit. I think that there are many people who will be the first full marathon in such a large-scale competition, so I will write down what you should be careful about when you run the full marathon for the first time (let's divide it into practice and race day). ..


Today's content

  • [First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1
  • Weekly Report_2020 / 11 / 3-2020 / 11/9
  • YouTube_ A story that even if you are in good shape at the beginning, you will stall if you enter at a high pace


[First full marathon] To complete the race without walking_Part 1

My first full marathon

  • The first full marathon. In my case, I ran the half marathon 5 to 6 times, and in terms of time, it was a time when I could run in less than 1.50. Mt. Fuji Marathon in November 2014. The result is ... I couldn't finish even if it took more than 5 hours, and after 35K, it was almost the same speed as walking. At the end, I was out of breath. It was really tight.
  • In order to run the half marathon at 1.50, you need to run at about 5: 12 / K. On the other hand, the speed required to cut 5 hours in a full marathon is about 7: 00 / K. For those who have run a little, you will find that running at the speed required to cut five hours is not at all difficult. What I want to say here is that you don't need any speed to complete a full marathon properly.

You don't need speed, but endurance is super important

As I wrote in my previous blog, if the goal is less than a certain time, speed-oriented practice is basically unnecessary. In my sense, you don't need to practice cardiopulmonary up to about 3.45.

Continue running at a constant pace without walking and reach the goal. What is needed for this is not the ability to run fast, but the ability to keep moving for a long time. Marathon is a sport that uses legs, so leg strength is especially important, but the human body is not designed to keep moving for hours. So we need an approach to acquire this ability.

Effective practice

Although it depends on the target time, it is basically the same as the practice required to achieve the sub-four below. I think the most important thing is long-distance running. That is, run a long distance at a time.

  • Run a long distance once a week (20km or more)
  • The last 1-2km of practice increases the speed (pace is 5: 00 / K or more)
  • Monthly mileage is 100km or more (preferably 120km or more)
  • Continue the above for 3 consecutive months or more just before the race

Once a week, every other week, distance is 20K or more, 15K or more, pace is 5:00 / K or more, 5: 30 / K or more, exercise experience including running and own body shape (For fat people, You need to lose weight to some extent first), and while modifying the practice menu, run the distance constantly. This "constant" is very important, and those who cannot put themselves in an environment where they can practice constantly should not try the full marathon.

The most important thing to finish

  • So far, I have described the abilities and training content required to complete a full marathon. But what really matters is not them. What you need to do to acquire abilities and practice. It is actually a strong will or purpose to complete the full marathon.
  • I have no intention of talking about spiritual theory. The reason for saying this is that the full marathon is extremely harsh compared to the races below the half marathon, and the momentum does not work. In short, even if you participate in the race without the necessary practice, you will never finish the race and you will see hell like me. In order to create an environment where you can practice what you need, it is important to clarify "why you run" and "what you run for".

The purpose can be anything. In my case, I keep entering the race to keep running, but the purpose of keeping running is to eat as much as I like. What if you eat as much as you like without running? Yes, I just get fat. I chose not to gain weight and my methodology was to run instead of dietary restrictions. I keep entering the race to keep running. How about everyone? What to choose and what to give up? Good LucK!

Weekly Report_2020 / 11 / 3-2020 / 11/9


  • In November, the climate is finally getting easier to drive. In the early morning, it got cold enough to have gloves.
  • The result is that the dinner x 2 times will only run 5 times again. VO2MAX is improving because it has become possible to increase exercise intensity only once. In any Run, the last is conscious of build-up. Let's drive to the point of running out of oxygen.
  • And on weekend long run, the pace is up at the end while the condition is not good. Believe that you can train by increasing the load when you become aware of fatigue. However, do not overdo it. Be wary of fear of injury above all else.

YouTube_ A story that even if you are in good shape at the beginning, you will stall if you enter at a high pace

  • Deliver this person's video to everyone three times. It's my virtual trainer anymore. Recently, it has begun to deliver failure stories.
  • I'm thinking of writing it in my next blog, but if I skip the first half of the full marathon, it will always stall at the end and I will see hell, so be careful. This happens without exception, so you really should be careful (but it's also the path everyone takes).
  • Let's calculate back from the target time and distribute the pace. It is better to think that it is a misunderstanding that "Oh! Maybe I'm in good shape today!" Right after the start. Obviously, the spiciness of the first 5K and the last 5K is completely different ... Yes, the full marathon is long. It's like a trip.


see you.

【Race Report】鶴見川風の音マラソン/Tsurumi River Wind Sound Marathon_2020.11.1

※English follows.



早いもので、2020年も残り2か月。そしてマラソンシーズン真っただ中。例年であれば、ランナー同士で飲みに行くと、次のレースの話で盛り上がるところ。しかし今年は皆さんご存知の通り、大型のレースは軒並み中止になってる(去年の今頃は富山マラソンを走っていたな)。そんな中、昨日ハーフマラソンを走ってきたので、そのレポートをしたいと思う。やはり、ランナーが成長するのはレースでこそ である。


【Race Report】鶴見川風の音マラソン





  • 前々日の金曜日、元同僚の壮行会のため飲み会であった。久しぶりにお会いする方も多くおり、また翌日休みでもあったために、安定の痛飲。レース前日の土曜日は想定以下ではあるものの、二日酔いを感じながら8:30頃に起床、そしてジョグへ。
  • 久しぶりのハーフマラソン、レースということもあったので、全力で臨むと決めていた。なので前日ジョグはあくまで調整。ということで、ゆっくりといつもの荒川河川敷へ。ラスト1Kだけレースペース、ラスト200Mはウィンドスプリントで心肺に刺激を上げて切り上げる。合計10K。少しだけ左ひざに違和感を覚えるが気にしない。
  • レース当日は7:00に家を出れば間に合うだろうと呑気に考えながら就寝。目覚ましは6:00にセット。ワインを一杯だけ飲んで寝る。今回はそこそこ寝つきが良かったような気がする。起床後速やかに身支度を整えつつ朝食を摂る(玉子かけご飯を一杯)。さて、出発。


  • 家を出てからスマホでレース会場までの経路を調べる。最寄り駅は新横浜駅だ。最後に行ったのはいつだろうなんて思いながら新横浜までの所要時間を調べてみると、予想到着時刻が8:25。スタート時間が9:00だからギリギリじゃないか。上着を脱げばすぐに走り出せる格好とはいえ、「ウォーミングアップやトイレタイムを考慮すると忙しそうだ」なんてことを考える。まだ呑気。
  • 最寄駅から、渋谷まで行き、東横線に乗って菊名駅横浜線に乗り換えるという経路。渋谷駅でうまくトイレに寄ることができ、順調だなあと思っているところで悲劇が起こる。東横線で新聞を読みながら座っていて、気づいたら横浜駅を通過するところ。「ん?・・・新横浜って次だっけ?」慌てて車内の路線図を見ると新横浜駅が存在しない。乗り過ごした。「一体俺は何をやっているんだ」慌てて次のみなとみらい駅で下車&Uターン。もはやスタート時間に間に合うように会場入りするのは絶望的な状況。それでも会場に向かう。
  • 実はこの日のレース、走力別に3つのグループに分かれていて、私は1番早いグループにエントリーしていた。9:00に最速のグループがスタートし、10分ずつ遅れて2番目、3番目のグループがスタートするというウェーブスタート方式。会場への到着時刻がちょうど9時くらい。受付の際に、3番目のグループに変更させてほしいとスタッフに交渉したところOKだったので、ゆっくり身支度とストレッチをしてからスタートすることができることに。
  • そしてウォーミングアップのためにコースを少し走っていたら、スタッフに軽く怒られるという・・・「遅刻しといて何やってんだ俺は」。そうこうしているうちにスタート時間に。3番目のグループのさらに最後方からスタート。さて、序盤はこの初心者たちをごぼう抜きしながら進んでいくことになりそうだ。



  • この日は大会名の通り、鶴見川沿いを走るコース。ほぼ平坦だが、コースエリアが狭いために、非常にUターンが多い。基本的には、平坦なんだけども橋を渡ったり土手を上がったり下ったりで意外に脚への負担が大きいなと感じる。
  • 序盤は前述通り抜きっぱなし。1~2K走る頃には3番目のグループの中ではぶっちぎりで先頭に立っていたと思う。ただ心配していた通り、自分と同等のスピードのランナーが周りに全くいないため、常に自分のペースを意識しながら走ることになる。これが意外に疲れるのである。
  • ただ、身体はそこそこ動く。4:15/Kのスピードでもさほど息も上がらない。想定ペースよりも10sec/K速いがいけるところまでいってみようと思う。だって今日は自分を限界まで追い込むためにわざわざ新横浜まで来たのだから。



  • そう、この日は元同僚でランナー仲間のM-oka sanと一緒にレースにエントリーしていた。彼は2番目のグループで10分前にスタートしていて、早く追いついてくださいね、なんてことを言っていた。いやいや、追いつかれちゃ駄目でしょう。
  • レースの半分を経過するも、何とかペースはキープできている。このまま最後までいけるかなと自問自答。まあ、ペースダウンするつもりはないんだけどね。フルマラソンと違ってハーフマラソンなんてすぐ終わる。ましてや残り10K切ってるのに「ペースダウンしてどうするんだよ」なんてことを考えながら走り続ける。
  • それにしても川沿いのレースは応援もほとんどいないし、景色が全然変わらない。だんだんメンタル面がきつくなってきたなと思っていたらついにM-oka sanに追いつく。「M-oka san、遅いよ!ジョグかよ!もうすぐハーフマラソン終わっちゃうよ!」と檄を飛ばす。自分も辛くなってきたが、さらにスピードを上げながらM-oka sanを追い抜く。



  • M-oka sanを追い抜いたあと、間髪入れずに土手を登ることに。そして少し走ると今度はUターン。脚が悲鳴を上げる。そしてまた1Kくらい走ると今度は下り坂からのUターン。ラスト3K程度なのは分かっているけど、前進する力が急速に衰えているのが分かる。
  • きつい、歩きたい・・・そうそう、これがマラソン。ギリギリまで追い込むからこそ感じるこの感覚。必死に腕を振る。でも進まない。くそう、今日の実力では1.30カットは無理のようだ。それでも必死に走る。ここで諦めたらここまでの全てが無駄になる。死ぬ気で走れ。諦めるな。
  • そうこうしているうちに19Kの表示をパス。さらに少し走ると身につけているGarminから20Kの通知が届いたかと思ったら、少し先にゴールが見える。ん?あそこまであと1Kもあるか?そうこうしているうちにどんどんゴールが近づいてくる。「あ、これ距離足りないやつだ」と戸惑いながらゴール。



  • 道なりに進んでスポーツドリンクをもらい、そのまま記録証を受け取る。「あ、(3番目のグループの)1位ですよ!」とスタッフから声を掛けられる。「あ、そうなんですね」と返すが、「まあ俺ほんとは1番目のグループだからね」と思いながらそれは伝えずに立ち去った。
  • それから5分くらいでM-oka sanもゴール。1.38くらいかな。本当はこの人私よりずっと速く走れるはずなんだけどな。月間走行距離も結構長いし。「今日のレース、距離足りなかったよね」「長い距離習慣的に走れば良いのに」なんて会話をしながら軽く汗を拭いて近くのスーパー銭湯(港北の湯)へ向かう。
  • 毎週末ロング走をしているのにも関わらず(そして隔週くらいでそれらは30K走であるのにも関わらず)、ハーフマラソン(今回は20Kちょっとだが)を全力で走ると相当ダメージを負った気がする。それは裏返すと良いトレーニングになっているということ。2月終わりの湘南国際マラソンまでフルマラソンを走る機会はなさそうだけど、小さめの大会を走る機会は作れるはずなので、コンスタントにエントリーしていこう。レースこそがランナーを鍛える。これは間違いない。皆もレースに出よう!Good LucK!

Monthly Report_2020/10



  • 毎週末ロング走、うち2回は30K→達成。
  • 週一でインターバル走→未達。代わりではないが、ペース走は2度実施。
  • 週一で坂ダッシュ→未達。もうね、スピードトレーニングにビビり過ぎている。
  • つなぎジョグの距離を平均8k以上→△ 平日の朝ランは距離延ばせないな。もうちょい早起きしないとだけどこれからどんどん寒くなるな。
  • 5K全力で20分切り→未実施。でもできる気してない。


  • 引き続き毎週末ロング走、 30kは隔週で。
  • ジョグでもラストは全力でビルドアップ。
  • スピードトレーニングは週一必ず行う。絶対やる。
  • 5K全力で20分切り今度こそ。



  • 先週に引き続きこの方の動画をシェア。鶴見川ラソンの前日に見つけて観ていました(まあ、この動画通りには走れなかったけども)。
  • レース前→目標タイムを設定する。しかも幅を持たせて設定する。ベストパフォーマンスを発揮して達成したい目標と最低限達成したい目標と幅を持たせることが大事。
  • レース中→3Kまで自分のペースを安定させるために、目標になる集団・ランナーを見つける。15Kまでは無心で走る(無駄な消耗を避ける)。15K以降はフォームと目線を意識する(きついからこそ効率の良い走りを)。
  • 練習メニューとしては、ペース走とロング走後のレペティション走がお薦め。





Hello everyone


It's early, and there are only two months left in 2020. And in the middle of the marathon season. In the usual year, when runners go out for a drink, the story of the next race will be exciting. However, as you all know this year, all the big races have been canceled (I was running the Toyama Marathon this time last year). Meanwhile, I ran a half marathon yesterday, so I would like to report on it. After all, it is only in the race that runners grow.

Today's Contents

  • [Race Report] Tsurumi River Wind Sound Marathon
  • Monthly Report_2020 / 10
  • Youtube_Break down the half marathon into early, middle and late stages to capture

[Race Report] Tsurumi River Wind Sound Marathon

In November, the first run became a race. As I will explain later, in October I was able to run for a reasonable distance, so I thought that my body was finished as it was. So, even if I couldn't do the half marathon best 1.29 (= 4: 14 / K), I thought it would be good if I could run at around 1.33 (= 4: 25 / K), so I went to the race. And this is the result.


Hmm? Not enough distance ...?

The day before the race-the morning of the race

  • It was a drinking party on Friday the day before, for a send-off party for a former colleague. Many people met after a long time, and because it was a holiday the next day, it was a stable drink. Although it was less than expected on Saturday the day before the race, I got up around 8:30 and went to jog while feeling a hangover.
  • It was a half marathon and a race for the first time in a long time, so I decided to do my best. So I adjusted the jog the day before. So, slowly head to the usual Arakawa riverbed. Only the last 1K race pace, the last 200M is a wind sprint that stimulates the heart and lungs and rounds up. 10K in total. I feel a little uncomfortable with my left knee, but I don't mind.
  • On the day of the race, I went to bed thinking that I would be in time if I left home at 7:00. The alarm clock is set at 6:00. Drink only a glass of wine and go to bed. I feel like I had a good night's sleep this time. After waking up, get ready and have breakfast (a cup of rice with eggs). Well, departure.

From home to start

  • After leaving the house, check the route to the race venue on my smartphone. The nearest station is Shin-Yokohama Station. When I checked the time required to reach Shin-Yokohama, wondering when I last went, the expected arrival time was 8:25. The start time is 9:00, so it's just barely there. Even though I look like I can start running as soon as I takes off my jacket, I think that I seem to be busy considering warming up and toilet time. Still sick.
  • From the nearest station, go to Shibuya, take the Toyoko Line and change to the Yokohama Line at Kikuna Station. I was able to get to the toilet well at Shibuya station, and a tragedy occurred when I thought it was going well. I was sitting while reading the newspaper on the Toyoko Line, and when I noticed, I was passing Yokohama Station. "Hmm? ... Is Shin-Yokohama next?" When I hurriedly looked at the route map inside the train, Shin-Yokohama Station did not exist. I got over it. "What the hell am I doing?" In a hurry, get off at the next Minatomirai station and make a U-turn. It is a desperate situation to enter the venue in time for the start time. Still heading to the venue.
  • Actually, I was divided into three groups according to the race and running ability of the day, and I entered the earliest group. A wave start method in which the fastest group starts at 9:00 and the second and third groups start 10 minutes later. The arrival time at the venue is just around 9 o'clock. At the reception, I negotiated with the staff to change to the third group, and it was OK, so I decided to start after slowly getting dressed and stretching.
  • And when I was running a little on the course to warm up, the staff said that I was lightly angry ... "What am I doing when I'm late?" While doing so, at the start time. Start from the very end of the third group. By the way, it seems that the early stages will proceed while burdocking these beginners.

From start to 10K

Pace = 4: 06-4: 15-4: 13-4: 16-4: 13-4: 21-4: 11-4: 16-4: 18-4: 13

  • As the name of the tournament suggests, this day is a course that runs along the Tsurumi River. It is almost flat, but there are many U-turns due to the narrow course area. Basically, it's flat, but I feel that the burden on my legs is unexpectedly heavy when I cross the bridge and go up and down the bank.
  • The beginning is left as mentioned above. By the time I ran 1-2K, I think I was at the forefront of the third group. However, as I was worried, there are no runners around me who are as fast as I am, so I always keep my pace in mind. This is surprisingly tiring.
  • However, the body moves moderately. Even at a speed of 4: 15 / K, I can't breathe much. I'm going to go to the point where I can go 10sec / K faster than the expected pace. Because today I came all the way to Shin-Yokohama to push myself to the limit.

From 10K to 15K

Pace = 4: 16-4: 19-4: 15-4: 12-4: 12

  • Yes, I was entering the race with my former colleague and fellow runner M-oka san on that day. He started in the second group 10 minutes ago and was telling me to catch up early. No, you can't catch up.
  • Half of the race has passed, but I managed to keep the pace. I asked myself if I could go to the end as it is. Well, I'm not going to slow down. Unlike a full marathon, a half marathon ends soon. Even though I have less than 10K left, I keep running while thinking "What should I do if I slow down?"
  • Even so, there is almost no support for the race along the river, and the scenery does not change at all. When I thought that the mental aspect was getting tighter, I finally caught up with M-oka san. "M-oka san, it's late! Jog! The half marathon is about to end!" I'm getting harder, but I overtake M-oka san while speeding up.

15K ~ goal

Pace = 4: 14-4: 18-4: 21-4: 29-4: 29-4: 28

  • After overtaking M-oka san, I decided to climb the bank without a break. And after running a little, this time it is a U-turn. The legs scream. And after running about 1K again, this time it is a U-turn from the downhill. I know it's about the last 3K, but I can see that the power to move forward is rapidly declining.
  • I want to walk tight ... Oh yeah, this is a marathon. This feeling that I feel because I drive to the last minute. Desperately shake his arm. But it doesn't go on. Oh yeah, it seems that 1.30 cut is impossible with today's ability. Still running desperately. If you give up here, everything up to this point will be wasted. Run with the feeling of dying. Do not give up.
  • While doing so, I passed the 19K display. If I run a little further and I think I've received a 20K notification from my Garmin, I see the goal a little further. Hmm? Is there 1K left over there? While doing so, the goal is getting closer and closer. "Oh, this is the one who doesn't have enough distance," I said while being puzzled.

After the goal


  • Follow the road to get a sports drink and receive the record certificate as it is. The staff said"Oh, you're number one (in the third group)!"  "Oh, that's right," I replied, but I left without telling him, thinking "Well, I'm really the first group."
  • About 5 minutes after that, M-oka san also scored a goal. I think it's about 1.38. Actually, this person should be able to run much faster than I am. The monthly mileage is also quite long. While talking, "Today's race wasn't enough distance," "I wish you could run a long distance habitually," I wiped my sweat lightly and headed to the nearby super public bath (Kohoku no Yu).
  • Despite running long every weekend (and even though they run 30K every other week), running the half marathon (a little over 20K this time) caused considerable damage. I feel like it. It's a good workout when turned inside out. I don't think I will have the opportunity to run a full marathon until the Shonan International Marathon at the end of February, but I should be able to create an opportunity to run a smaller competition, so let's enter constantly. It is the race that trains the runners. There's no mistake. Let's all race! Good LucK!

Monthly Report_2020 / 10

Finished at 251K this month. Below are the goals and achievements.

  • Long run every weekend, 2 times 30K → achieved.
  • Interval running once a week → Not reached. It is not a substitute, but the pace run is carried out twice.
  • Slope dash once a week → Not reached. Already, I'm too scared of speed training.
  • The average distance of the connecting jog is 8k or more → △ Weekday morning runs cannot be extended. I get up early, if it won't get colder and colder.
  • Cut into 20 minutes with full power of 5K → Not implemented. But I don't feel like I can do it.

This month is,

  • Continue to run long every weekend, 30k every other week.
  • Even with a jog, the last build up with full power.
  • Speed ​​training is always done once a week. I will definitely do it.
  • Cut 20 minutes with full power of 5K This time.

And I tried to enter such an interesting race. The naming sense is amazing. I will report when I run.

Youtube_Break down the half marathon into early, middle and late stages to capture

  • Continuing from last week, share this person's video. I found it the day before the Tsurumi River Marathon and watched it (well, I couldn't run according to this video).
  • Before the race → Set the target time. Moreover, it is set with a width. It is important to have a range of goals that you want to achieve with the best performance and goals that you want to achieve at the minimum.
  • During the race → Find a target group / runner to stabilize your pace from 3K to 3K. Run innocently up to 15K (avoid unnecessary wear). After 15K, be aware of the form and line of sight (because it is tight, you can drive efficiently).
  • As a practice menu, he recommends pace running and repetition running after a long run.


see you.