Sakuma's Running Diary~Road to Sub 3~


【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29

※English follows.














  • 【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29
  • シーズン後半に向けて


【Race Report】Beyond_2022.12.29
























  • レース直前10日間のアルコール抜き生活。つくばマラソンの時は14日間。10日間で十分だと感じた。
  • レース直前1週間の早寝早起きとカフェイン抜き生活。当日の早起きに順応するため。睡眠の質も上げたいのでカフェイン抜きはセット。
  • レース直前3日間のカーボローディング。その直前の3日間は糖質抜きでリバウンド効果を狙う。当日の食事も良かったのか最後までガス欠にならずに走り切ることができた。
  • レース直前8日前が最後のポイント練習。その直前の2日前が足立フレンドリーハーフマラソンだったこともあり、最後のポイント練習の後は疲労回復を最優先。ジョグのみの調整にした。


  • 当日は5時起床。スタートが11時なので、自宅と会場入りするまでの間とで食事は分けて取る(撃沈したかすみがうらマラソンの時は食事のタイミングが早すぎてガス欠になった)。
  • 道中は、JRで上野駅→特急で水戸駅→バスで会場入り。3時間ほどで到着。終始座っての移動。特急はグリーン車がお勧め。
  • 会場には9時過ぎに到着。一緒に走るラン仲間と合流して、写真を撮ったりストレッチしたりして過ごす。ちなみに大会の規模は1000人超くらい。会場のサイズが絶妙にちょうど良く、心地よくスタートを待つことができた。






































  • それなりの運動強度でのビルドアップ走やセット練習。疲労した状態で身体を動かすことに慣れること。
  • 筋トレ。腹筋・大殿筋・腸腰筋などの体幹を中心。終盤でも効率的な走りができるようになった気がする。
  • レース10日前のハーフマラソンと8日前のポイント練習。ぎりぎり疲労が抜けるタイミングで身体にしっかり刺激を入れる。
  • 1週間かけてカーボローディングと朝型生活への移行。アルコールとカフェイン抜きはセット。
  • 当日の食事。糖質をたっぷりと。レース直前1時間前まで分けて取る。最初は納豆ご飯+うどん→大福→ジェルのように徐々に軽くしていく。スタート直前のカフェイン摂取も有効だったと思う(トイレ近い人はやらなくて良いかも)。
  • 時計を極力見ない。ペースランナーの背中に集中して、ペースメイクで消耗しない。
  • 集団から離れない。とにかく固まる。特に向かい風の局面では重要と感じる。単独走と集団走の違いをこの日は本当に実感した。
  • ジェルを摂る摂らないで迷わないように、どのタイミングで摂るのかを事前に決めておく。あとカフェイン入りのジェルにして良かった。最後まで集中力が途切れなかった。











Hello everyone!


A new year has begun in 2023.

Let's make this year another great one.


Well, in my last blog I looked back on 2022 and at the end of the year I had more memories.


Yes, I ran the culminating full marathon of 2022. This time I would like to summarize the race. To sum up, I achieved my goal of running a full marathon in under 3 hours.


I don't think I did it on my own because it was not an Athletics Federation sanctioned event and I had a pace runner with me throughout the race. Still, I consider it very valuable that I was able to achieve my target time for this season in my target race. So I will look back on this race for the next one.


Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Beyond_2022.12.29
  • Toward the Second Half of the Season


Race Report] Beyond_2022.12.29

Before going into the summary, the best times for the full marathon as of 12/29 are as follows.


3 hours 8 minutes 26 seconds (Tsukuba Marathon_2022.11.13)


So, in just one and a half months, I reduced my time by more than 9 minutes. It does not mean that my running ability has increased significantly in this period of time. However, I focused on the following two points as training, and I feel they were effective.


(1) Focused on training to increase speed while fatigue was accumulating

I increased the number of exercises to increase the intensity of exercise after lactic acid had accumulated in the legs, such as 5000m→3000m→1000 on the track and 30 km run in the build-up. Looking back now, until about November, speed practice and long jogs were completely separated, and I had not practiced running at some high speed for a long time. In other words, the practices ended up as dots and were not connected as a line. As a result, I think I did not have the endurance to maintain my speed at the time of last month's Tsukuba Marathon.


(2) I focused on muscle training, mainly on my core.

I trained my abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, and iliopsoas muscles, focusing on planks.

↑This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.

This is very simple, but I could really feel the effects in the latter half of the race when it was getting tougher. When the torso does not shake, running becomes more stable. As a result, I think I was able to stick with the race without losing momentum in the final stages of the race.


Incidentally, the features of the Beyond event I ran this time were as follows

Super flat lap course

A flat course with a maximum slope of 1% using an automobile test course

The lack of hills makes a big difference to the physical stress on the body. It is not a race to enjoy the scenery, as there is nothing around the course. It is not the kind of event where you can enjoy the scenery. You are expected to run only for the record.


Plenty of pace runners

There are approximately 150 pace runners for every 1,000 participants. Each group is divided into smaller groups according to the set pace, and about 10 pace runners are assigned to each group of about 50 participants. This is also reassuring. The most important thing is that you do not have to make up your own pace. It is as if the pace runners will take you to the target point on their own (if you are strong enough).


Good things to do before the day before the race

  • No alcohol for 10 days before the race. I felt 10 days was enough.
  • Slept early and woke up early and cut out caffeine for a week before the race. I wanted to get acclimated to waking up early on the day of the race. I also wanted to improve the quality of my sleep, so I decided to skip caffeine.
  • Carbo-loading for 3 days just before the race. The three days immediately prior to the race were carbohydrate-free, aiming for a rebound effect. I was able to finish the race without running out of gas, probably because I ate well on the day of the race.
  • Eight days before the race was the last point practice. The Adachi Friendly Half Marathon was held two days prior to the last point practice, so after the last point practice, the top priority was to recover from fatigue. After the last point practice, I made it a priority to recover from fatigue, so I adjusted only to jogging.

Race day - From the day of the race to the start

On the day of the race, I woke up at 5:00 am. Since the start time was 11:00 a.m., I took separate meals at home and before entering the venue (I ran out of gas at the time of the Kasumigaura Marathon, where I was shot down, because I ate too early).
The journey took about 3 hours. We arrived at the venue in about 3 hours, sitting on the train from start to finish. The green car is recommended for the limited express.
I arrived at the venue a little after 9:00. I met up with my fellow runners and spent some time taking pictures and stretching. By the way, the size of the event was about 1,000+ people. The size of the venue was just right, and I was able to comfortably wait for the start.


Start - 10km (time=41'57)

Wave start for each set time. With only a few stiffs and plenty of pace runners, there were never too many people to run at a set pace. Very smooth start.

The course was super flat as mentioned above. After about 3 km, my heart rate started to increase to some extent, and my set pace of 4'15/km started to feel like a jog. I took a painkiller before the start, but my left knee was a little sore. I was wondering if I should take another pill towards the end of the run.

I tried my best not to look at the clock, but only at the pacer's back. I make the most of this environment where I don't have to worry about the pace. The pacer who accompanies me is very capable, and when there is a headwind, he or she will say, "Let's stick together more," or when there is a tailwind, "Let's relax. We were grateful that the runners were always trying to make us feel at ease.

At the third water stop, I take a gel. This time, I decided to take a gel at 10km, 20km, 30km, and 35km. Anyway, I spent my time mechanically and without thinking about anything else.


10km-20km (time=42'14)

My body warmed up, and the cruising pace felt like a jog. It was not hard at all. I am running faster than the Tsukuba Marathon I ran the month before. I begin to think that I may be in great shape today.

I might really be able to break 3 hours. No, I'm sure I'll beat it. I run without hesitation with such thoughts in mind. But somewhere along the way, I kept wondering if I would make it to the end.


20km-30km (time=42'27)

Passing the half-mile mark. At this stage, I still feel no damage. I just follow the pacer's back. Looking back, I think I was really concentrating on running that day. Perhaps it was because I took plenty of caffeine before and during the race.

On the way to the finish line, I receive a shout-out from another runner who is running at a set pace. I respond by raising my arms. I become convinced that I'm really in good shape. I run on, feeling focused, spirited, and calm all at the same time.


30km - Goal (time=43'04 (9'28))

After passing the 30km mark, there are only two laps left on this circular course. As expected, my legs are getting heavy, and I am not sure if I can really stick it out until the end. So I asked the pace runner I was running with how much time I had saved to break the 3-hour mark.

Even if I drop to 4'20/km, I can still run sub-three.

I get pumped up, feeling that achieving my goal is finally becoming a reality. As time goes by, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, but I am more excited than ever.

I'm definitely going for sub-three.

I am determined to seize this opportunity. Even if I can't increase my pace, I can maintain it. I scolded myself, saying, "I've been practicing that for a long time. Anyway, I continue to run behind the pace runner without thinking.

35km passed. The last lap. Only 30 minutes to go.

I can do it!

Just as I was thinking that, the headwind finally got stronger. I was about to pick up the pace and get in front of the pace runners, but I was still patient.

The headwind will end in the last 2km, so if you can hold out until that point, you've almost made it to sub-three!

said the pace runner. Well, you're a mental supporter, aren't you? I followed him, thanking him from the bottom of my heart. But the wind was strong. The headwind section never ends. I thought to myself, "That's not what I'm talking about," as I continued to run patiently. But then the wind died down a little.

"I'll take it here."

I put my last bit of strength into pushing forward. At this point, I looked at my watch for the first time this day and realized that if I could run under 5'00/km, I could make it to the sub-three milestone.

Go! Go!

It wasn't a voice from my mind anymore, but a normal voice coming out of my mouth. The last home straight was long, long, long. I don't remember this straight being this long. After running patiently for what seemed like an eternity, the goal finally came into sight. It's crazy tough, but as soon as I feel a huge release of adrenaline, I go into the last spurt. The pace picks up, but your body still moves.

The goal.

I look at my watch.

2 hours, 59 minutes, and 11 seconds.

I've really broken 3 hours. With a sense of relief, I start to cry (in fact, I'm crying a little as I write this blog now, remembering those days). I thank the pace runner who ran with me and the other runners in the same group, and shake their hands firmly.

The past training sessions come back to me like a running light. I ran in the rain, in the wind, and in the middle of the night. I thought I was going to starve to death from hunger knock, and I was depressed because I couldn't complete my point practice. But I still managed to achieve a sub-three finish. All the practice up to this point had not been in vain.


(Once again) Good things I did to achieve sub-three

Practice menu
  • Build-up runs and set exercises at a reasonable intensity. Getting used to moving my body in a fatigued state.
  • Strength training. Focus on core muscles such as abdominals, glutes, and iliopsoas. I feel like I can now run more efficiently even in the final stages of the race.
  • Half marathon 10 days before the race and point practice 8 days before the race. I will be able to stimulate my body at the last possible moment when I am not fatigued.
Diet and other personal life
  • Carbo-loading and transitioning to a morning routine over the course of a week. Alcohol and caffeine free are a must.
  • Meals on the day of the race. Plenty of carbohydrates. Separate meals until 1 hour before the race. Start with natto rice + udon noodles, then Daifuku, then gels, and gradually go lighter and lighter. I think it was also effective to take caffeine just before the start (if you are close to the toilet, you may not have to do it).
During the race
  • Do not look at your watch as much as possible. Concentrate on the back of the pace runner and don't wear yourself out making up the pace.
  • Do not leave the pack. Just stick together. I feel this is especially important when there is a headwind. I really felt the difference between running alone and running in a group this day.
  • I decided in advance when I would take the gel so that I wouldn't get lost if I did or didn't. I also decided to use a gel with caffeine. I was also glad that I chose a gel with caffeine. I didn't lose my concentration until the end.


Looking ahead to the second half of the season

I have four full marathons coming up from here until April.

In any of these marathons, I would like to achieve sub-three again. I decided that I would be a true sub-three runner only if I do it in a situation where there are no pace runners.

However, running a full marathon seriously every month is indeed too much, so I think I can only time attack twice, in January and March. Also, since the period between races is too closely packed, I should not be able to push myself that hard in terms of the training menu. So we will have to regard the races as practice and focus on rest and concentrate on the points to practice. As long as I don't get injured, I should be able to do it.


See you soon.


Follow us on Twitter (we'd love it if you followed us on Twitter)


2022年振り返りと足立フレンドリーハーフマラソン / 2022 Year in Review and Adachi Friendly Half Marathon

※English follows.







とはいえ。この笑顔に会えたのが今年一番のGood Newsだ。


  • 2022年振り返り
  • シーズン後半に向けて
  • Race Report_足立フレンドリーハーフマラソン





月間走行距離:262km - 227km - 272km






月間走行距離:215km - 328km - 327km






月間走行距離:332km - 316km - 287km

月間走行距離300キロが当たり前になる。暑さも相まって体重が減り、よりランナーらしいBody Shapeになってきた。





月間走行距離:323km - 257km - 236km※12/26時点











Race Report_足立フレンドリーハーフマラソン













Hello everyone!


It's the season of the end-of-year.

As I get older, time flies by at an accelerated rate. It is only natural that the proportion of one year in one's life becomes smaller and smaller. Let's take a look back at the past year as we did last year.

The annual mileage is as follows (as of December 26). I ran 300 kilometers almost every month after the Kasumigaura Marathon in April, and I went to the track at Shaheen Park almost every week.

My disposable time has drastically decreased since I had a child, but I forced myself to find the time to run. I think I did a good job.

However. However, the most good news of this year is that I got to see this smile on my face.

Today's Contents

  • 2022 Year in Review
  • Toward the second half of the season
  • Race Report_Adachi Friendly Half Marathon

2022 Year in Review

By the way, this is what 2021 looks like.

Reading it again, it was a year in which I was unable to run as much as I would have liked due to injuries, colds, and coronas.


Monthly mileage: 262 km - 227 km - 272 km

After the fracture in October 2021, he started rehabilitation and race-oriented training for the Tokyo Marathon in March.

Looking back, it was really a trial-and-error process right after I returned to training.

February was race-centered. I was working on my body at a rapid pace to prepare for the Tokyo Marathon. I should probably take my time to train and get in shape, but I think I'll regain my fitness more quickly if I do more races.

Then came the Tokyo Marathon, where I set a new PB. Now I realize that the reason I won the race was because I was able to run at a race pace with enough time to spare.


Monthly mileage: 215km - 328km - 327km

After running the Tokyo Marathon, I felt a bit burnt out. I decided to run the Kasumigaura Marathon while I had not been able to get much practice.

And I sank hard. The worst record in the last few years. I decided to change my mind and run more distance.

My life of running 300 kilometers per month begins. Then I have My first child and go on maternity leave. Life changes drastically.

Summer came very early this year. I enjoy my maternity leave while stepping into the distance through trial and error.


Monthly mileage: 332km - 316km - 287km

Monthly mileage of 300km becomes the norm. The heat of the summer has helped me to lose weight and to develop a body shape more like that of a runner.

Another year older. I'm taking advantage of my maternity leave to think about running, but my running ability itself is stagnant due to the heat.

I'm on maternity leave and now I have to work in addition to raising kids and running (what kind of NEET is that?). And I'm busy as hell. But the temperature is getting cooler, I can feel myself growing, and I am mentally fulfilled.

This is where my life of consistently participating in races begins. In short, the season is in. Looking at it now, I probably could have started longer pace runs a little earlier.


Monthly mileage: 323km - 257km - 236km *as of 12/26

The race season is in full swing. First of all, I will target the Tsukuba Marathon to get my body ready for the actual race.

Second race of the season. I'm feeling pretty good and overconfident. However, I should remember how I was spending my time at the time of this race because the race result can change dramatically depending on the condition I make.

This race was a bit of a conditioning disaster. I felt like I ran with a lot of fatigue. I've been running with a bomb in my left leg since then and post-race ramen has become a routine w

And then Tsukuba Marathon.

This was my first full marathon of the season, and although I beat my PB by 5 minutes, I finished in 3 hours and 8 minutes, compared to my goal of 3 hours and 5 minutes. Anyway, I struggled to make up the pace. I felt that sub-three is an incredibly high hurdle, and the race left me very tired and damaged. I will run a full marathon on December 29, three days after I am writing this blog, and the year 2022 will be over.

Toward the second half of the season

Races will continue for a while into 2023, as follows

As expected, I feel like I'm putting in too much, but I can't help what I've entered.


The challenge will be how I can keep this cycle going without getting injured. At the moment, I can only drink half a month for a while... Come to think of it, I drank less alcohol in 2022 than I have ever done in recent years. Like the marathon, I've been sober for two months since the birth of my child, and I may have spent half of the year without alcohol. On the one hand, I think that people can do it if they try, but on the other hand, if I were still single and had not been running marathons, I would be terrified to think what kind of unhealthy person I would have become. I have been through a lot this past year, but the most important thing next to having a child may have been realizing that I can live without alcohol.

Race Report_Adachi Friendly Half Marathon

I ran a half marathon on December 18, 10 days before Beyond.

It's been a while since I ran with company members.

Here is the result.

I was 7 seconds short of my goal of under 85 minutes. I have some excuses, such as strong wind and fatigue, but it was a halfway time that I just didn't have the guts. However, compared to the Teganuma Eco Marathon, where I completely stalled at the end of the race, I was able to pick up the pace at the end, and I thought I had made some progress in a little over a month and a half. In fact, it was my best time for the half marathon.

The course itself was on the Arakawa riverbed where I usually run. It is flat, but as mentioned above, it is really windy in winter. And no matter how many times I make a turn, it is always a headwind... I really wonder what is going on here.


Let's do our best again in 2023. Before that, let's work hard on Beyond.

See you soon. Have a happy New Year.


Follow me on Twitter (I'd appreciate it if you would follow me on Twitter)


【Race Report】つくばマラソン_2022.11.13 / Race Report] Tsukuba Marathon_2022.11.13

※English follows.










  • 9/25 情熱ハーフマラソン(目標1時間26分=4’05/kmペース→結果1時間29分=4'14/kmペース)
  • 10/8 東京30K秋(目標2時間12分=4'25/kmペース→結果2時間8分=4'16/kmペース
  • 10/30 手賀沼エコマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)→結果1時間25分30秒=4'01ペース
  • 11/13 つくばマラソン※フル(目標3時間5分=4’23/kmペース)←今回のレース
  • 12/8 足立フレンドリーマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)
  • 12/29 Beyond2022※フル(目標3時間0分=4'15kmペース)



【Race Report】つくばマラソン_2022.11.13




  • アルコールとカフェインを抜き、朝型の生活スタイルに変更。レース当日は5時には起きなければならず、前日に急に早く寝ようと思っても無理なので1週間かけて生活リズムを整える。
  • この1週間は6時起床→白湯を飲む→ラン という流れ。レース直前の調整期間なので練習時間はさほど取らなくて済むからルーティンが成り立つ。練習は基本ジョグで、水曜だけ刺激入れのためにペース走を行う(4'10/km設定で6000m)。
  • 食事は水曜日まではローカーボ。木曜日からハイカーボでがっつりカーボローディングを行う。水分もしっかり摂るようにする。この辺は比較的うまくいったような気がする。


  • 前日は6時起き→白湯→ランのルーティン。ランは5キロに留めて1キロだけレースペースで走って最後の刺激入れ。以降は散歩をしてのんびり過ごす。コメダ珈琲のカツパンを皮切りに合間合間で糖質を摂取、とどめにモルテンを飲んで21時半に就寝。
  • 当日は4時半起き。寝起きでいつもの玉子かけ納豆ご飯とカップうどんを食べる。で、さっさと着替えて出発(バタバタしないように前日に着替えと荷物は整理しておく)。
  • 会場までのルートは、(埼京線)→武蔵浦和→(武蔵野線)→南流山→(つくばエクスプレス)→研究学園 の順。ほぼ座りっぱなしで最寄り駅までたどり着くことができてラッキーだった(秋葉原周りだとこうはいかなかったかもしれない)。この道中で豆大福を追加で食べる。飲み物はモルテン500ml。これをレース直前まで時間をかけて飲む。
  • 研究学園駅からはシャトルバス。で、バス自体はバンバンくるのだが、乗るまで長蛇の列。うまくタイミングを見計らって座れるように立ち回ると良い。20分くらいで会場に到着。この時点でスタート1時間前。仲間と写真を撮り、荷物を預けてトイレへ。大は相当並ぶので諦めて小の方に並ぶ。こっちもそこそこの行列だが10分程度で用を足してスタートエリアへ向かう。
  • ストレッチを済ませた時点でスタート20分前。せっかく時間があるので、軽くジョグをして身体をほぐしてからスタート地点へ。つくばマラソンはウェーブスタート方式をとっているのだが、今回はDブロックで第2ウェーブからのスタート。Dブロックなんてここ最近では記憶にないほどに後方からのスタートである。「さすがつくば、速い奴が多いなあ」なんてことを考えながら待機する。
  • 9時になり、第1ウェーブのランナーがスタートする。そこから前へ詰めようと試みる。大混雑の中1歩でも前へ。この密集状態では最初から飛ばすことは望めない。とりあえず転倒だけは避けなければと思いながらいよいよスタート。


  • 筑波大学のキャンパスを走る。いちょう並木がきれいだ。いちょうの葉を踏みしめながら走る。しかしだ。案の定ペースが全く上がらない。それにしても明らかにおかしい。周りのランナーのペースが遅すぎる。「さてはこいつら、申告タイム盛りやがったな」だんだん腹が立ってくる。しかしここで歩道に乗り上げたり、ジグザグに抜きながら走ったりすると無駄に脚を使う羽目になるので、何とか我慢する。
  • 3キロ地点くらいからようやく想定ペースで走れるようになる。4'20-4'25/kmで安定してくるが、最初の2キロで1分半程度タイムロスしていることを考慮すると少しペースを上げた方が良いかもしれない。そんなことを考えながら走る。すでに結構焦っている。


  • それにしても今日はペースが安定しない。というのも想定ペースを刻み続ける集団が見つからない。この集団は良いかもと思って付いても、しばらくするとペースダウンしているのに気付いて前の集団を追う。この繰り返し。一人で勝手に変化走をしているような状態になって、脚を消耗しての繰り返し。やべえなこれは。


  • ハーフマラソンの距離を過ぎて1時間33分くらい。このペースで最後まで行くと3時間6分。スタート直後のタイムロスのせいで目標の3時間5分に対して少し足りないと理解する。
  • 天気予報は暴風予報だったがまだ風はさほどでもない。さてどうしよう。そんなに余裕があるわけではないが、年末にサブスリーをしようとしている身としては、ここでペースを上げないわけにはいかないだろう。ということで、後半ハーフを1時間半で走ろうと決心する。


  • しかし。体感的には4'15/kmの出力なのだが、今一つペースが上がらないまま30キロを過ぎる。35キロ地点の上り坂を気合で上る。「うん、きついな」この辺から地獄の時間が訪れる。それでもあとたったの7キロだ。30分もあればフルマラソンも終わってしまうと考えると不思議と身体が前に進む。
  • そして、筑波大学のキャンパスに帰ってくる。残り5キロを切った。めちゃくちゃきついがこのペースを維持できればギリギリ3時間5分は切れそうだ。最後の力を振り絞ろうとした瞬間、右腿が攣り始める。ラスト4キロのタイミングで大失速。なんということだ。
  • 鬼の形相でなんとか歩かずに走る。が、さすがにペースを維持できない。無理にペースを戻そうとすると多分歩いてしまう。ここで目標達成は無理だと悟り、心が折れかかる。ただこのままいけばベストは更新できるはずだし、せめて3時間10分は切ろうと自分を叱咤して走り続ける。
  • そしてヘロヘロになりながらゴール。しばらく歩くことすらできない。「くそう、弱いな俺は」と呟いてシーズン初戦のフルマラソンは幕を閉じた。


  • 今の実力ではフルマラソン3時間切りは難しいと実感。前述しているが、ペースメイクに相当苦労したので、一定ペースで走る訓練が必要かも。ただ年末のBeyondにはペースランナーがつくので、そこまで気にしなくても良いかもしれない。
  • あと。この日までの練習の疲労がしっかり抜けていなかったような気もする。いつも痛くなる左脹脛に不安を抱えた状態だったし。日々の練習後のケアの大切さを改めて実感している(レースから1週間経ってもまだ完全にはダメージが抜けていない)。
  • どこまでいっても35キロ過ぎはきつい。ただそのきつい状態で走り続ける能力をもう少し伸ばしたい。そのために、ロング走をビルドアップでやる、レペティション→ペース走のようなセット練習を増やそうと思う。シーズン序盤なので、まだ伸びしろがあると前向きに考えよう。
  • 直前の早寝早起きとローカーボ→ハイカーボの食事はなかなかうまくいったと思う。高いけど前日・当日に摂ったモルテンもうまくワークしたと思われ、ガス欠にはならなかった。次回以降も踏襲しようと思う。
  • つくばマラソン特有の話でいうと、秋葉原回りよりも埼玉回りのルートの方が良さそう。ほぼ全工程で座れるので、体力を温存できた。ただ研究学園前駅からのバスの行列が凄まじいので、余裕をもって家を出るのが正解。東京駅からの直行バスもあったので、そっちを使っても良いかも(チケットが売り切れるので早めに判断しよう)。
  • 研究学園の近くにうまいラーメン屋があるのでお勧め。





Hello everyone!


I have competed in the Tsukuba Marathon as my first full marathon of the season. Starting with Tsukuba, I will run a full marathon every month from here on. This is an important first race that will determine the course of this fall/winter season.

The course is flat and popular with intermediate and advanced runners who are looking for a good time. This is the third time in four years that I have personally participated in this race. I have a positive image of this event, as I have run well in the past races for my ability at the time. However, this was my first race of the season and my first full marathon since the Tokyo Marathon in March, so I was quite anxious and nervous going into the race. I would like to somehow achieve my goal and gain momentum for the year-end "Beyond" race.

By the way, the course looks like this

Except for the start and finish at the University of Tsukuba, and a slight hill on the way to the main street (downhill on the way there and uphill on the way back), the course was mostly flat and easy to run. The weather forecast was cloudy, but the wind seemed to pick up as it got closer to noon, and I was praying that I would not suffer from a headwind in the last part of the race. Let's see what will happen.


Here are my plans and goals for future races

Year 2022

  • 9/25 Passion Half Marathon (goal 1hr 26min = 4'05/km pace → result 1hr 29min = 4'14/km pace)
  • 10/8 Tokyo 30K Autumn (Target 2hr 12min = 4'25/km pace → Result 2hr 8min = 4'16/km pace)
  • 10/30 Teganuma Eco Marathon* Half (Target 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace) → Result 1hr 25min 30sec = 4'01 pace)
  • 11/13 Tsukuba Marathon*Full (target 3hr 5min = 4'23/km pace) ← this race
  • 12/8 Adachi Friendly Marathon*Half (Goal 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace)
  • 12/29 Beyond2022*Full (target 3hr 0min = 4'15/km pace)

Year 2023

Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Tsukuba Marathon_2022.11.13

Race Report] Tsukuba Marathon_2022.11.13

My target time this time is 3 hours and 5 minutes. My best time is 3 hours and 13 minutes in Tokyo Marathon in March, so I have to improve by 8 minutes. This is a rather aggressive goal setting in normal terms, but I want to make sure that I meet this goal because of the quality and quantity of my training over the past six months and also because I am aiming to achieve a sub-three time at Beyond in December.

I went into the race determined to achieve this goal with plenty of time to spare, as it was not a reckless goal based on the results of the half marathon two weeks earlier.

One week before the race to the day before the race

  • I cut out alcohol and caffeine and changed to a morning lifestyle. On the day of the race, I had to wake up at 5:00 a.m., and since it was impossible to suddenly try to go to bed early the day before the race, I spent a week adjusting my lifestyle rhythm.
  • During the week, I woke up at 6:00 a.m., drank a glass of white water, and then went for a run. Since this is an adjustment period just before the race, I don't have to spend much time practicing, so the routine works. Practice is basically jogging, with a pace run on Wednesday (4'10/km for 6,000m) for extra motivation.
  • The diet is low-carb until Wednesday. From Thursday, I will start carbo-loading with high carbohydrate. I will also make sure to drink plenty of water. I think I did relatively well in this area.

From the day before the race to the start

  • The day before the race, I woke up at 6:00 a.m., drank white water, and ran. I limited my run to 5 km, and ran 1 km at race pace to give myself a final boost. After that, I took a walk and relaxed. I took in carbohydrates in between, starting with a breaded pork cutlet from Komeda Coffee, and finally went to bed at 9:30 p.m. after drinking a Molten.
  • On the day of the event, I woke up at 4:30am. I ate my usual egg and natto over rice and a cup of udon noodles. Then, I quickly changed my clothes and left (I had changed clothes and organized my luggage the day before so as not to be in a rush).
  • The route to the venue was (Saikyo Line) → Musashiurawa → (Musashino Line) → Minami Nagareyama → (Tsukuba Express) → Kenkyugakuen. I was lucky to be able to reach the nearest station almost without sitting down (this might not have been possible if I had taken the Akihabara area). On the way, I ate some more Mame-Daifuku (bean-stuffed rice cake). I drank a 500 ml Molten drink, which I took the time to drink until just before the race.
  • From Kenkyugakuen Station, I took a shuttle bus. The shuttle bus itself came in a steady stream, but there was a long line to get on the bus. It took about 20 minutes to arrive at the venue. At this point, it was one hour before the start of the race. I took pictures with my friends, checked my luggage, and went to the restroom. There was a long line for the large restroom, so I gave up and went to the small one. There was a line for the small one, too, but it took about 10 minutes to use the toilet, and I headed for the start area.
  • By the time I finished stretching, it was 20 minutes before the start. Since I had time, I went for a light jog to loosen up before heading to the start area. The Tsukuba Marathon uses a wave start system, and this time I started from the second wave in Block D. I had never started from the back of Block D in recent memory. I waited for the start, thinking to myself, "As expected of Tsukuba, there are a lot of fast runners.
  • At 9:00, the first wave of runners started. From there, I tried to get to the front of the pack. I tried to move forward even one step in the huge crowd. In this crowded condition, we could not hope to go fast from the beginning. I was determined not to fall over, so I finally started the race.

Start - 10km (5'04-4'43-4'22-4'20-4'23-4'19-4'22-4'23-4'26-4'27)

  • Running through the campus of the University of Tsukuba. The rows of ginkgo trees are beautiful. I ran while stepping on the leaves of the ginkgo trees. However, it's a little bit too late. As expected, my pace didn't pick up at all. But something was clearly wrong. The pace of the runners around me was too slow. I was getting more and more angry.
  • However, I knew that I would have to use my legs unnecessarily if I ran onto the sidewalk or passed them in a zigzag pattern, so I managed to hold my nerve.
  • Around the 3-kilometer mark, I finally begin to run at my expected pace, which stabilizes at 4'20-4'25/km, but considering that I lost about a minute and a half in the first two kilometers, I think it might be better to pick up the pace a little. I think about this as I run. I am already feeling quite impatient.

10km-20km (4'17-4'21-4'24-4'15-4'33-4'17-4'30-4'12-4'24-4'25)

  • Nevertheless, my pace was not stable today. I couldn't find a group that could keep up the expected pace. I thought this group might be good and followed them, but after a while I noticed that the pace was slowing down and chased the group in front of me. This is a repetition. It was as if I was running alone, and my legs were getting worn out. Oh man, this is bad.

20km-30km (4'16-4'17-4'20-4'15-4'20-4'19-4'21-4'23-4'17-4'19)

  • After the half marathon distance, it's about 1 hour 33 minutes. At this pace to the end, 3 hours 6 minutes. I realize that I am a little short of my goal of 3 hours and 5 minutes due to the time loss right after the start.
  • The weather forecast was calling for a storm, but the wind was still not too strong. What should I do now? I don't have that much time to spare, but as someone who is trying to do a sub-three at the end of the year, I can't afford not to pick up the pace here. So, I decided to run the second half in 1.5 hours.

30km - Goal (4'21-4'16-4'22-4'22-4'22-4'31-4'22-4'30-4'40-4'32-5'26-5'16-5'04-4'31)

  • However. I pass the 30 km mark without any improvement in pace, though I feel my output is 4'15/km. 35 km mark, I go up the hill with all my might. The hellish time starts to set in around here. Still, there are only 7 kilometers to go, and the thought that the full marathon will be over in 30 minutes is enough to propel my body forward.
  • And then I am back on the campus of the University of Tsukuba. I have less than five kilometers to go. It was tough as hell, but if I could maintain this pace, I could just barely break 3 hours and 5 minutes. Just as I was about to push myself to the limit, my right thigh began to cramp up. I hit a major stall in the last 4 kilometers. What a disaster.
  • I managed to run without walking, but could not keep up the pace. But, as expected, I could not keep up the pace. If I tried to force myself to pick up the pace, I would probably end up walking. I realized that it was impossible to achieve my goal and my heart was about to break. However, if I keep going at this pace, I should be able to beat my best time, and I scold myself to at least try to break 3 hours and 10 minutes, so I keep running.
  • I finish the race, exhausted. I couldn't even walk for a while. The first full marathon of the season ended with me muttering, "Damn, I'm weak.

Race Recap and Memorandum

  • I realized that with my current ability, it would be difficult to break 3 hours for a full marathon. As mentioned above, I had a lot of trouble making up the pace, so I may need to train myself to run at a steady pace. However, I will have a pace runner for Beyond at the end of the year, so I may not have to worry so much.
  • Also. I felt as if I had not been exhausted from the training until this day. I was worried about my left tibia, which always hurts. I am once again realizing the importance of taking care of myself after daily practice (the damage is still not completely gone even a week after the race).
  • No matter how far I go, it is always tough after 35 kilometers. I just want to improve my ability to keep running in that tough condition. To that end, I'm going to increase the number of set practices, such as long runs with buildups, and repetitions, then pace runs. Since it is early in the season, I should be positive that there is still room for growth.
  • I think I did pretty well on the low-carb to high-carb diet and going to bed early and waking up early just before the race. The Molten I took the day before and the day of the race, though expensive, seemed to have worked well, and I did not run out of gas. I think I will follow the same diet next time and onward.
  • In terms of the Tsukuba Marathon, I think the route around Saitama is better than around Akihabara. I was able to save my energy because I could sit down almost the whole way. However, the line for the bus from Kenkyugakuen-mae Station is very long, so it is a good idea to leave home well in advance. There was also a direct bus from Tokyo Station, so you may be able to use that (but be sure to make your decision early, as tickets are sold out).
  • There is a good ramen restaurant near Kenkyugakuen.

See you soon.


Follow me on Twitter (I'd appreciate it if you would follow me on Twitter)


【Race Report】手賀沼エコマラソン_2022.10.30 / Race Report] Teganuma Eco Marathon_2022.10.30

※English follows.










  • 9/25 情熱ハーフマラソン(目標1時間26分=4’05/kmペース→結果1時間29分=4'14/kmペース)
  • 10/8 東京30K秋(目標2時間12分=4'25/kmペース→結果2時間8分=4'16/kmペース
  • 10/30 手賀沼エコマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)←今回のレース
  • 11/13 つくばマラソン※フル(目標3時間5分=4’23/kmペース)
  • 12/8 足立フレンドリーマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)
  • 12/29 Beyond2022※フル(目標3時間0分=4'15kmペース)




  • 【Race Report】手賀沼エコマラソン_2022.10.30
  • 【Monthly Report】2022年10月実績


【Race Report】手賀沼エコマラソン_2022.10.30




























  • スタート時間が遅いので、朝の時間には余裕がある。ただ会場が広くて到着してからが長いので、余裕をもった行動が大事。1時間15分前に会場入りできるとちょうど良さそう。
  • 今回も健康チェックシートの提出がいる。会場でも書けるが、事前に書いて持参したほうが良い。レース直前でバタつくと焦る。
  • トイレは少なくはないのだが、会場が広いので一つスルーすると次のトイレが見つかりにくい。トイレは見かけたらとりあえず入っておけ。
  • 珍しく音楽を聴きながら走ってみたが、やっぱりレースには音楽は不要。

【Monthly Report】2022年10月実績









Hello everyone!


I ran a half marathon following the Tokyo 30K Autumn on Oct 8.


Click here to see the previous race.

Following the last race, I went into the race with a lot of enthusiasm, thinking it was time to show the results of my training this summer.

Below are my plans and goals for future races

Year 2022

  • 9/25 Passion Half Marathon (Goal 1hr 26min = 4'05/km pace → Result 1hr 29min = 4'14/km pace)
  • 10/8 Tokyo 30K Autumn (Target 2hr 12min = 4'25/km pace → Result 2hr 8min = 4'16/km pace)
  • 10/30 Teganuma Eco Marathon* Half (Target 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace) ←This race
  • 11/13 Tsukuba Marathon*Full (target 3hr 5min = 4'23/km pace)
  • 12/8 Adachi Friendly Marathon*Half (target 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace)
  • 12/29 Beyond 2022*Full (target 3hr 0min = 4'15km pace)

Year 2023

My goal is to run the race at 4'00/km. This is a very high hurdle, but if I can achieve it, the 3-hour cutoff for the full marathon will become more realistic. I went into the race with such a mindset, wondering how far I could go.

Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Teganuma Eco Marathon_2022.10.30
  • Monthly Report] October 2022 Results

Race Report] Teganuma Eco Marathon_2022.10.30

Click here for the race results first.

Net time: 1 hour 25 minutes 30 seconds (4'01/km pace)

30 seconds short of my goal. It was a tough race, but I think I was able to show my current ability in my own way.

From the day before the race to the start

The start time on the day of the race was 10:00 a.m. The race was held in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture, which is not too far away. I was ready to go at 6:30 a.m., which was earlier than usual, but I was relaxed because I usually wake up at 5:00 a.m. for marathon races. I packed my luggage the day before and went to bed at 23:00. I was able to fall asleep, but I woke up around 5:00 a.m. when I noticed my son sleeping next to me flapping his legs. I try to go back to sleep, but I can't get back to sleep. I reluctantly get out of bed around 6:00 a.m., thinking to myself, "It's so hard to be woken up like this every time there's a race.

Breakfast was rice with egg. Unlike the full marathon, the half marathon is a short race (of course). I thought this would be enough, but then I noticed the cream puffs I bought yesterday in the refrigerator. I eat it after all, wondering if I might have eaten too much. I told myself, "Well, I have time to digest it before the race starts," and got dressed and set off.

The nearest station to the venue is JR Kitakashiwa Station. Akabane→Nishinippori→Kitakashiwa, two transfers, but the ride was surprisingly long. I was able to sit from the beginning to the end of the long Nishi-Nippori→Kitakashiwa ride, but it took a full hour and a half. It was 8:45 a.m. when I arrived at the station, assuming I could walk to the venue by 9:00 a.m. I walked to the venue with many other runners. Walking to the venue with many other runners, we found temperature check areas at key locations, where we submitted our temperature and physical condition management sheets before proceeding. This was quite a long queue, and we lost some time. The park was also quite large, and when I finally arrived at the baggage deposit after changing my clothes, there was a huge line again. By the time I had finished checking in my luggage, it was already 20 minutes before the start of the race. I thought I had arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare. I headed in the direction of the starting point, but somehow I felt like going to the restroom. But I also need to get up. Well, I can manage for about an hour and a half. With these thoughts in my mind, I headed toward the start area of Block A. Then I saw a sign for a restroom between blocks A and B. Lucky for me, I went straight to the restroom. I was lucky and went straight to the restroom. There was no one there at all, so I finished my business at super speed and went to the start area. As expected, there was little time to get up, but there seemed to be enough time to do some careful stretching. I wait for the start time, thinking that today might be my lucky day.

Start - 5km (4'04-3'59-4'03-4'03-4'00-3'52)

In the meantime, the starting gun went off. I forgot to mention that this was a large event with quite a lot of participants for a half marathon. I was a little worried that there would be a big crowd right after the start, but the start was surprisingly smooth, probably due to the appropriate time estimates of the participants.

Today's pace was set at 4'00/km, which is quite a brave setting since the average pace of my best half times in the past has been 4'08. Also, combined with the fact that this was the race debut of Alpha Fly 2, which I had unloaded the week before, I had no idea how far I could go. So, instead of setting my own pace, I decided to find a group with a set pace early and just follow them like a band shark. The key was to find a good group in the first 5 km.

5km-10km (3'58-3'59-4'01-3'57-3'57)

From this point on, the group of runners around me started to become more established. The pace also stabilizes around kilometer 4. It does not feel like a jog, but I am able to maintain my pace in rhythm without increasing my power output. In other words, I feel good. All that remains now is to see if I can keep this up until the end. All I can think about is running at a steady pace.

10km-15km (3'58-4'00-3'57-4'09-4'01)

The second half of the race has passed the halfway point. Halfway to go, about two laps of the Imperial Palace.

That's still quite a bit."

As I was thinking this, I reached an uphill after 13 kilometers. There were some ups and downs up to this point, including a bridge connecting the shores of Teganuma Marsh, but the mostly flat road made it feel quite tough. Despite running at a higher output, my pace dropped to 4'09/km. I had used up a lot of my legs. This is where the race begins.

15km - Goal (4'00-4'06-4'06-4'10-4'06-4'06-4'09-3'53)

Once I slowed down, I got my pace back up to kilometer 4 again and continued running, but the runner I had been running with all this time started to pull ahead of me. And then they are slowly pulling away from me, as if they are increasing their pace. Yes, no. My pace is slowing down. My watch reads 4'10/km. Up to this point, I have been running in rhythm, but from this point on, I have no choice but to increase my power output to match the set speed. To get more rebound from the ground, I swing my arms even wider while being aware of my landing.

However, this is a bridge at this difficult time. In other words, the ups and downs continued.

"This is impossible."

I had run this far at a pace with no buffer against my 85-minute goal. In other words, I had no time saved up. However, it would be impossible to increase the pace to 3'50 from here (in fact, the pace is slowing down). With two or three kilometers to go, I realized that it would be difficult to achieve my goal. But that doesn't mean I can't do my best. But that doesn't mean I don't have to do my best. I can still squeeze it out. My form is already in tatters. It doesn't matter how shabby it is, I just have to give it my all. I scold myrself and run without cutting corners until the very end. And then the goal.

After the goal

The time on hand was 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 30 seconds (the official time was the same).

It was a tough race, but I didn't reach my goal. However, I was able to shave about 3 minutes off my best half marathon time from last season. I was injured last year, but even if I had not been injured, I can believe that I would be stronger this year. I was pretty banged up today, but I am determined to taper well in the two weeks leading up to the Tsukuba Marathon and get into the race in the best possible condition. I headed home determined to achieve my goal for the next race.

On a side note, I stopped by Kashiwa Station and ate a bowl of Iekei Ramen, which I have recently become addicted to.

I'll never be able to run a marathon if I keep eating like this. I'm sure I'll gain weight.


  • The start time is late, so I have plenty of time in the morning. It would be better if you can arrive at the venue 1 hour and 15 minutes before the start time.
  • A health check sheet is required again this year. You can fill it out at the venue, but it is better to fill it out in advance and bring it with you. It is better to fill it out in advance and bring it with you.
  • There are not a few restrooms, but the venue is large, so if you go through one, it will be difficult to find the next one. If you see a restroom, go in anyway.
  • I unusually tried running while listening to music, but music is not necessary for a race.

Monthly Report] October 2022 Results

October mileage finished at 323km.

I think I was able to train well with weekly 30 km runs and pre-runs, while running two races and going all out.

One week later is finally the Tsukuba Marathon. It is positioned as a step toward "beyond" at the end of the year, but I want to be well prepared.

See you soon.


Follow me on Twitter (I'd appreciate it if you would follow me on Twitter)


【Race Report】東京30K秋_2022.10.8 / Race Report] Tokyo 30K Autumn_2022.10.8

※English follows.








  • 9/25 情熱ハーフマラソン(目標1時間26分=4’05/kmペース→結果1時間29分=4'14/kmペース)
  • 10/8 東京30K秋(目標2時間12分=4'25/kmペース)←今回のレース
  • 10/30 手賀沼エコマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)
  • 11/13 つくばマラソン※フル(目標3時間5分=4’23/kmペース)
  • 12/8 足立フレンドリーマラソン※ハーフ(目標1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)
  • 12/29 Beyond2022※フル(目標3時間0分=4'15kmペース)





  • 【Race Report】東京30K秋_2022.10.8


【Race Report】東京30K秋_2022.10.8





















  1. 来月のつくばマラソンの想定ペースで走った時に、どの程度の余裕度かを確認すること
  2. 一度にハーフマラソンの距離までしか走ったことがないアルファフライで30km走ったらどうなるかを確認すること













※LTとはLactate Threshold(乳酸性作業閾値)の略語。




  • スタート時間が早いので、都内なのに超早起きが必要。いつも以上に、寝る前に着るものと荷物は入念にチェックしておいた方がよい。
  • 7時に駅に到着ではなく、会場に到着するようにした方が良い(アップの時間確保のため)。
  • 当日は、健康チェックシートの提出(Web版の場合は提示)が必要。ホームページをよく確認しておくこと(これをさぼると当日スタート前の時間のロスに繋がる)。
  • トイレの場所がちょっと分かりにくい(更衣室や荷物置き場から離れている)。
  • 雨上がりの河川敷は地面がぬかるんでいる。サンダルはやめた方が良い(走る前から足が汚れてテンションが下がる)。







Hello everyone.


For the third time in two years. I ran Tokyo 30K.

From here, I will be participating intermittently in races, starting with the Passion Half the week before last.


Below are plans and goals for future races

Year 2022

  • 9/25 Passion Half Marathon (Target 1hr 26min = 4'05/km pace -> Result 1hr 29min = 4'14/km pace)
  • 10/8 Tokyo 30K Autumn (Target 2hr 12min = 4'25/km pace) ←This race
  • 10/30 Teganuma Eco Marathon* Half (Target 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace)
  • 11/13 Tsukuba Marathon*Full (Target 3hr 5min = 4'23/km pace)
  • 12/8 Adachi Friendly Marathon*Half (Target 1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace)
    12/29 Beyond 2022*Full (target 3hr 0min = 4'15km pace)

Year 2023

All the races for the beginning of the year have been decided. I hope to have a fulfilling season.

Today's Contents

  • Race Report] Tokyo 30K Autumn_2022.10.8

Race Report] Tokyo 30K Autumn_2022.10.8

Let's start with the race results first.

Thanks to the cooler weather and good conditions, we were able to achieve our goal to a large extent. Here is a summary of the day's activities as a reminder.

From the day before the race to the start

The day of the race started at 8:00 am. Even though the race venue was close to Tokyo, it was still necessary to wake up early. In other words, you have to get up at 5:00 a.m. at the latest. The race is on Saturday, so I finished work on Friday, the day before the race (of course), finished dinner, bathed my child, and went to bed as soon as possible. However, my son, who is sleeping beside me, starts to cry, and it takes me a little while to put him back to sleep. It is 10:30 p.m. at this point. I go to bed thinking that I can sleep for 6.5 hours.

In the morning. Again, I wake up to feel the impact of my son's legs flapping next to me on my back. I look at the curtains and it is clearly still dark. I look at the clock and see that it is only 4:00 a.m. Obviously I haven't slept enough, but I try to get some more sleep. I clearly haven't slept enough, but I can't sleep anymore. While I am struggling to get as much sleep as possible, the alarm rings at 5:00 am. I reluctantly get out of bed, thinking, "I don't feel like I've slept much.

I open the freezer to have breakfast. I realized that we were out of rice, so I changed the menu to kamatama udon noodles. Since it seems to be a little short, he decides to go to a convenience store to get an extra breakfast before boarding the train. Then, while drinking a cup of coffee, I start getting dressed. Looking outside, the rain from the previous day seems to have stopped. The weather forecast is cloudy and sunny. The high temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, but it won't get up to 20 degrees Celsius during the ride. It looks like a comfortable climate for running.

I departed from my house. The nearest station is Horikiri-Shobuen Station on the Keisei Line. I have never gotten off at this station except for marathon runs. I bought some bean curd and Widerin Jelly at a convenience store, and then headed for the Saikyo Line. The route from here took me to Akabane Station, where I took the Keihin Tohoku Line to Nippori. I then change to the Keisei Line for a short 10-minute ride. I thought I would be able to sit in a comfortable seat since it was early in the morning, but the Keihin-Tohoku line did not seat me at all, and I miscalculated that it took more than 15 minutes to change trains due to a bad connection at Nippori (I was a little tired just from the transfer). We arrived at the station at exactly 7:00. It took another 15 minutes to walk to the venue.

↑Sky Tree is close by.

I had received my number and chip by mail, but everyone was standing in line for something. I wondered what it was, but it seemed that I had to submit a physical condition sheet. I received the sheet on the spot, filled it out, submitted it, and received a paper tape and amino vital in exchange for proof of submission. Due to the rain the day before, the grass was muddy, and my bare feet and Birkenstocks were covered in mud. I was very excited even before the run. It was difficult to change quickly on the grass, so we decided to change in the changing room (and as expected, it was very crowded).

After changing, I left my luggage and looked for a restroom, but couldn't find one right away. I wandered around and headed toward the starting point and found a restroom. 5 minutes in line and 15 minutes before the start, I decided to give up warming up and just stretch after getting in line, since I wanted to be in line 10 minutes before the start. Today's setting was 4'25/km, which is not very fast, so I didn't need to raise my heart rate that much. In the meantime, the race starts.

Start - 5km (4'25-4'26-4'26-4'25-4'25-4'18)

The concept of this race is to use it as a step toward a full marathon in the fall and winter, so the pace runners are very detailed. The pace runners are set in increments of 15 seconds per kilometer, so with today's set time, there is no pace runner who can match it perfectly. So, in the early stages of the race, I concentrated on scavenging for runners who might be able to run at about the same pace. But then I thought, "This person might be good. Even if I think "this person might be good" and try to follow him, he may still be too slow, and it is difficult to find a runner whose pace matches my own.

5km-10km (4'23-4'23-4'29-4'19-4'21)

I was forced to run alone for a while, which was not hard on my body at all, but my pace was not stable at all, as it took me 4'29/km when I was not careful. Perhaps it was because I was so used to running in a group in my regular point practice, but I was so preoccupied with setting a steady pace that I began to feel stressed. As I was thinking that this was a bad idea, I spotted a group of three people a few meters ahead of me who seemed to be running at a steady pace. I picked up the pace a little and caught up with them, which was in the 4'20-4'25/km range, exactly the pace I had set for today. I decide to take it easy with this group for a while.

10km-15km (4'15-4'22-4'25-4'22-4'23)

The pace is too steady in this section. There is almost nothing to write about.

Come to think of it, I have run this course several times. I have run this course several times, but it is a 5km course with no change in scenery, running along the banks of the Arakawa River three times. The course, however, is not completely flat, as it climbs up the banks and dives under bridges at various points. Moreover, since we had to make three laps around the same course, we had to run uphill many times, so I do not think it is that easy of a course. Because of the fine undulations, I tried not to work too hard on the uphills, but rather to rotate my legs in a pitch running style, and on the downhills, I tried to use my whole body in a relaxed manner, letting gravity do the work for me. As I kept this in mind, the half of the race had already passed. I still have plenty of energy left in me. It seems that I am in good shape today.

↑upThere is plenty of time to spare like this.

15km-20km (4'22-4'18-4'16-4'13-4'10)

What I wanted to do today was

  1. To see how much room I can spare when I run at the expected pace for next month's Tsukuba Marathon.
  2. To see what would happen if I ran 30km at Alpha Fly, which I have only run up to the half marathon distance at a time.

Two points.

Although I have only run half of the race, I am certain that I can run 30km at this pace with plenty of time to spare, and the Alpha Fly feels quite comfortable and I am finding it very easy to run. So, the goal was almost accomplished. So what to do now? Well, we must give it our all and move on to the next race. Once we decide to do that, we will graduate from this group. For now, let's try to get up to 4'10/km. We pass the runners in front of us one by one.

20km-25km (4'04-4'03-4'09-4'03-4'04)

Entering the final lap. I passed a group of sub-three runners (4'15/km pace) a little while ago. From here on, I decided to push at 4'00/km pace and try to catch up with this group. If I can push 10 seconds per kilometer, I can catch them by 1'40" in total by the finish line. I could probably catch up to them. He is in high spirits as he picks up the pace. I pass them again before the 25km mark, but I don't feel like I'm closing the gap.

I scolded myself, "If you push at kilometer 4, you can definitely catch them, so run like you're dying.

I'll catch them if I push at kilometer 4," he chided himself. Then it was time for the final turnaround.

25km to the goal (4'07-4'09-4'08-4'02-4'05)

But. As expected, I begin to realize that my pace cannot go any higher. Realizing that my form is off, I straighten my back again and look straight ahead. He swings his arms. Only 20 minutes left to suffer. I move my body frantically, thinking that the weekly point practice would be tougher. Two kilometers to go. I see a fellow runner ahead of me. He gives me a push from behind and says, "You're not too far behind!

"You can still do it!

I call out to him, and with my last bit of strength, I pick up the pace (this call is obviously directed at myself). I set the fastest lap of the race, but is unable to catch up with the sub-three group and jumps across the finish line.

After reaching the goal

There is a pace runner in the sub-three group in front of me. I look at his time: 2 hours and 8 minutes. His average pace was 4'16/km. I guess I just barely couldn't catch up to him. I looked closely and saw that he had told me to push at 4'4" per kilometer, but he hadn't broken 4'4" even once in 30 kilometers. Half of the last lap also took more than 4'05/km. Maybe this is the LT value. Lactic acid seems to have accumulated. It might be better to use pace running or long interval running as the main point training until Tsukuba. But when I think about it, it would have been easier if I had done a proper up before the start and followed a sub-three pace runner from the beginning. Many things are going through my mind.

LT stands for Lactate Threshold.

However, I could see myself achieving 3 hours and 5 minutes in Tsukuba, and I felt like I was able to wear the Alpha Fly better than I thought, so I'll just say that it was a productive race. After changing, I greeted my fellow runners as they crossed the finish line, ate at a tsukemen restaurant with the highest score on the food log near Horikiri-Shobuen Station, and headed home.

↑UpTsukemen (pork bone and seafood based tsukemen)


  • Because of the early start time, I had to wake up very early even though I was in Tokyo. You should check your clothes and luggage more carefully than usual before going to bed.
  • You should try to arrive at the venue instead of arriving at the station at 7:00 (to ensure time for upkeep).
  • On the day of the event, a health check sheet must be submitted (or presented if a web version is available). Check the website carefully (skipping this will lead to loss of time before the start on the day of the race).
  • The location of the restrooms is a bit confusing (they are far from the changing rooms and luggage storage area).
  • The ground is muddy on the riverbed after it rains. It is better not to wear sandals (your feet will get dirty before you start running, which will lower your spirits).


See you soon.


Twitter (I'd be happy if you follow me on Twitter)

【シーズンスタート】情熱ハーフマラソンを走ってきた / [Season Start] I ran the Jounetsu Half Marathon.

※English follows.






Race Report_情熱ハーフマラソン2022




































  • 10/8 東京30K秋(2時間12分=4'25/kmペース)
  • 10/30 手賀沼エコマラソン※ハーフ(1時間25分=4’00/kmペース)








Hello everyone!


With the end of September, marathon season is finally upon us. I have run my first race of the season and would like to summarize the results and my outlook for the future.


Today's Contents

  • Race Report_Jounetsu Half Marathon 2022
  • September Training Results and Outlook for the Season

Race Report_Jounetsu Half Marathon 2022


The course is a circuit of the Arakawa riverbed, which I participated in last year.



In fact, my personal best in the half marathon was this event last year.

The time was 1 hour, 27 minutes and 52 seconds. And this year's goal is 1 hour and 26 minutes, which should translate to 4'05/km per kilometer. I was 4 seconds faster than my best time, but I was scolding myself that I should be able to do it because I have been running better than last year.


From the morning of the race day to the start

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. After waking up from bed, I had my usual race day meal of rice with eggs and a cup of soba noodles, and slowly got dressed over a cup of coffee. The race starts at 10:00 a.m., which is late, and the venue is near my house, so it is easy for me to get ready for the race. I had entered the race with my company's club members, so we gathered at Ukima Funawatari station, walked through Ukima Park, and slowly walked along the Arakawa riverbed to the venue. While walking, I ate a sweet bun and did some more carbo-loading.

After walking for about 20 minutes, we arrived at the venue. By the way, the weather was (uselessly) perfect, and it was already quite hot. I often run along the Arakawa riverbed in my daily training, but it seems so far away when I walk. It was already less than an hour before the start of the race, so I quickly changed my clothes and started warming up. I decided to pass on going to the restroom since it looked like I wouldn't need to, so I took a quick picture with a member of my company.

It's nice to go to a race with people you know!

Meanwhile, the race started.

Lap 1 - 2

At the start of the race, I get out to the front of the pack and start running. It is hot, but not too humid, so the temperature is not so bad. 5 laps of 4 km or so is a bit of a mental test, but the course is mostly flat, so there should be little stress on the legs. I decided to push at 4'00/km for now. The cardiopulmonary workout was not too hard, but since it had been raining the day before, there were puddles of water in some places, so I had to run while avoiding them. I finished the first lap thinking, "If I do this every time, I'm going to lose my legs.

The second lap was started. I continued to run at 4'00/km while avoiding the puddles, but the sun came out and the temperature rose quickly. Come to think of it, I think the highest temperature was 29 degrees Celsius.

It's hot.

Realizing that I would surely be crushed at this pace, I gradually slowed down. Also, the pastries I had eaten while walking to the venue seemed to have been unnecessary, and my stomach began to ache a little. So I slowed down to sub-three pace, but it was still a little tough. At least I didn't want to walk or abandon the race.I set my own rule,

"It's OK to slow down to 4'30"

and revised my goal downward to 90 minutes. And then the third lap.

Lap 3 - Goal

From this point on, it was all about endurance. As time went by, the temperature rose higher and higher. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the other runners, I could see that they were also feeling the heat. Naturally, it was tough for me, too. I felt like walking home, taking advantage of the fact that it was a circular course. I knew that if I couldn't stick it out in such a tough situation, I would never make it through a full marathon, and I knew that if I couldn't run at a pace of about 4'30/km, what was I going to do?

Lap 5. The last lap. I'm feeling revived by this point, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep up the pace.

"You're too weak, you know," I scolded myself, "you've come this far and you can't pick up the pace.

I scolded myself and got my body moving. But I can't move as fast as I want to. As I struggle, a fellow runner accompanies me.

"Sakuma! Last!"

Yes, I know, I's a strange thing, but being called out to makes me feel a little more energetic, and my legs move. And so my pace for the last kilometer is back up to 4'09/km. That's how I jumped into the goal. The time is 1 hour, 29 minutes, 16 seconds. Just barely under 90 minutes. I think I did the minimum I could do.

After the goal

It hurts.

What hurts is that my head hurts. It was almost like a severe headache. I missed two water stops towards the end of the race, so I must be suffering from heat stroke. I drank a Red Bull and a Spodril that I got after the finish line to recover, and waited for my company members to return home.

Two shots with the guest runner.

He was a guest runner last year, too, and he is really fast. I think he ran in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. It was like he was running with his whole body.


September Practice Results and Outlook for the Season

Here are the results of this month's practice.

For the first time in a long time, I failed to reach 300 km/month. Well, I guess it's not bad, because I think the quality of my practice is getting better, even though there are not many weekends in the calendar, two typhoons have come, and the lingering summer heat is still very severe. I ran well this month.

In October, I have one 30 km, one half, and two races in the works, but I want to make sure I tread a good distance even on the weekends in between. As expected, the temperature will be dropping, so I will be focusing on times in the races. Here are my goals

  • 10/8 Tokyo 30K Autumn (2hr 12min = 4'25/km pace)
  • 10/30 Teganuma Eco Marathon* Half (1hr 25min = 4'00/km pace)


If I can run through the half marathon at the end of the month at 4'00/km pace, I think I will be able to compete well in the Tsukuba Marathon in mid-November. So, I will take care of each and every point training and build them up.


See you soon.


Twitter (I would be happy if you would follow me on Twitter)

育休を終えて1か月の動静。シーズンインに向けてまたやべえシューズを買ってしまった。/ One month of movement after maternity leave. I bought another pair of badass shoes for the start of the season.

※English follows.






  • 育休を終えて1か月の動静
  • シーズンインに向けてまたやべえシューズを買ってしまった























adidas JapanBoostシリーズ



NIKE ヴェイパーフライシリーズ


NIKE アルファフライシリーズ











まるおTノースリーブトレーニングシャツ【まるお製作所RC公式ウェア】 | まるお製作所 購買部




30%割引ホワイト系人気ブランド USA-Sサイズ ナイキ エアロスイフトハーフタイツ 大迫傑選手着用カラー 陸上競技  その他スポーツホワイト系-WWW.TSRPLC.COM


ナイキ Dri-FIT ADV エアロスイフト タイツ



CW-X スポーツタイツ ジェネレーターモデル (ロング丈) 

CW-X スポーツタイツ ロング丈 骨盤前傾サポート スピードモデル

CW-X スポーツタイツ スピードモデル (ショート 3分丈) 







Hello everyone.


Summer is coming to an end, and the hard season is coming to an end. It is definitely becoming a season where only those who were able to run in the summer can experience the feeling that "I might be growing up", as some days are cooler and easier to run on.

I can't believe that I can feel happy just because it's cool, dumplings and beer are tasty, and my son is cute... [] I think runners are very lucky. I wish those who live a boring life should just buy a pair of running shoes and start running.

Today's Contents

  • One month after maternity leave
  • I bought another pair of terrible shoes for the start of the season

One month after maternity leave

I had my first child at the end of May, and took childcare leave for two months in June and July. During this time, I spent a lot of time with my family, and I also went on a lot of runs.

Then, in August, I started back to work.

In August, I finally returned to work. I had basically taken over the duties that I had originally had, so I was able to say to myself...

Now, what should I do?

I was thinking of doing a job search for a new position within the company. But then, I realized. But when I opened the door, it turned out that I was busy as hell. I couldn't imagine having to work on weekends because of too many weekday meetings, or having to go back to work after coming back from a point practice at Shainin. But still. Time is something you can make if you have a sense of purpose. Somehow, I managed to keep my mileage over 300km in August. This is the fourth month in a row.

Due to the heat and overwork, my performance has been slow to improve, but tomorrow is September. The distance I have traveled should not lie.

Even if my mentality is drained by the busyness and fatigue, this smile gives me strength.

I bought another pair of awful shoes for the start of the season.

September. The marathon season is about to begin. From the end of the season, I will finally start running in races. So, I was looking for what shoes to wear this season, and I saw that NIKE has released these shoes.

Alpha Fly 2

I bought them again... wow.

Didn't you say Alpha Fly might not fit me?

If running gear like this can change your time, I would like to take this opportunity to summarize what I am using now and what I would like to use in the future.


I wear about four different types of shoes for practice and for races.

For practice

NIKE Zoom Pegasus series

Shoes for jogging. Cushioning is important because I tread the longest distance. Cost performance is even more important. They are not so inexpensive, but the durability is excellent, so I think they will be cheaper in the end.

NIKE Zoom Fly series

For point practice. Mainly used for track practice at Shaheen Park. I often wear Vaporfly in races, so I use it for practice to get used to thick-soled shoes. The carbon plates in these shoes give them a good amount of resilience. However, they are not light, so when you switch to Vaporfly shoes, you will think "I can run really well. However, they are not very durable, and the cushioning becomes questionable after running about 600 km.

adidas JapanBoost series

For point practice. Thin-soled shoes for intervals and pace running. They are light and allow you to run while feeling the rebound of the ground. I wear thin-soled shoes about once or twice a week because I read an article that said that in the era of thick-soled shoes, wearing thin-soled shoes regularly allows you to use muscles you normally don't use, which in turn helps prevent injury. I have been wearing the JapanBoost series since I started running, and I think they are good shoes that are both light and durable. But the latest series is no longer thin-soled, this one.

For racing

NIKE Vaporfly series

Personally, the strongest shoes at the moment. This is the one that gave me the best times in both full and half marathons (as of August 2022). It has both resilience and cushioning, and most importantly, it is lightweight. The lightness is outstanding among thick-soled shoes. Since it does not choose the runner, we recommend this first to those who are not sure what to use in thick-soled race shoes.

NIKE Alpha Fly Series

NIKE's latest race shoe that combines overwhelming resilience. The first generation Alpha Fly was difficult to wear because of its narrow sweet spot. If you are a heel-striker, it is best to avoid them. However, mid-foot or forefooters will get considerable propulsion. Still, the resilience is too strong, so it will be difficult to bring out the potential of this shoe without some wear. As mentioned above, the Alpha Fly 2 seems to have improved in versatility, so it may be evolving into a shoe for everyone (to be reported in the future).


These days, I prefer to wear something that is lightweight and that I don't mind wearing.

Run shirts

Overall, I prefer sleeveless

UGR run shirt

It doesn't chafe even if worn for long periods of time. The skin-friendly fabric is suitable for full marathons and other long-distance races. I wear the kitten design. It's cute and good to stand out.

Maruo Run Shirt

Light and cool with large open sides. It dries quickly and is great for summer. However, for me, whose skin is not strong, it is a bit irritating and my nipples hurt a lot if I keep wearing it for a long time. So I think it is the best wear for running short to medium distances in hot weather.

Maruo T Sleeveless Training Shirt [Official RC Wear of Maruo Manufacturing Co.

Racing Tights

Compression tights, especially those from Wacoal, give me a sense of security as I can feel they support me quite well.

NIKE Aero Swift

Half tights worn by Suguru Osako. There is no compression effect, and they are the type that can be worn lightly. There is a large pocket at the waist that can hold multiple gels, so I think it's good to wear them for races. Above all, it's cool.

Nike Dri-FIT ADV Aero Swift Tights

Wacoal Running Tights

Unlike NIKE, these tights are quite compressive. There are some with a really strong hold, and some speedy types that are light and comfortable with just a touch of hold. We also have a selection of half tights. I recommend wearing them in winter or when running long distances for practice. Personally, I have been using them for quite a long period of time from fall to spring.

CW-X Sports Tights Generator Model (Long Length) 

CW-X Sports Tights Long Length Pelvic Forward Tilt Support Speed Model

CW-X Sports Tights Speed Model (Short 3/4 length) 

Well, I really wanted to put together a list of accessories and gels, but there are so many things I would like to recommend that it would be even longer than I thought. So I'll try to get it all sorted out again before the race.


See you soon.


Twitter (I'd be happy if you follow me on Twitter)